Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by dunkleosteus

  1. I actually see this as being a problem, because raw meat decays even faster than fruit it seems.


    Cannot be pickled, brined, smoked, or dried.


    Which means you have no way to store it and feed your wolves, further made worse by it only being domestic animal meat.

    well, unless you intend on having a puppy mill, you'll probably only be breeding them once a year or so, so it shouldn't be terribly hard to find an animal to kill.


  2. Yeah, the idea is that someone can't come through and rename all of your animals as a form of griefing. I might be able to store the name of the player that first names the animal, and give them the ability to rename animals, but there are currently no ways to change or remove the name of an animal.


  3. anyone mind if I ask Vintage Beef to come? (he is a mindcracker, does not play TFC but we might be able to convince him to try of he comes). He does live in Toronto.

    fat chance but sure i guess


  4. ah yes, wild wolves. If you're really concerned, you could put a fence post in the centre of the pen and tie all the animals to it. That requires a lot of rope, but it should keep them from the edges of the enclosure.


    It looks like sheep should already try to avoid wolves, but we'll see what happens.


  5. I believe flax is planned because linen is such a prolific material, used in everything from clothing to canvas. Because clothes will affect how well you survive in different climates, linen will contrast wool. Wool will help you survive in the cold and linen will help you survive in the heat.


    I'm using linen this way because linen is what clothes were made of in Ancient Egypt


  6. Obsidian doesn't have any special chemical properties compared to other types of stone: it's chemically similar to granite and rhyolite, the primary difference being that granite cools slowly underground, rhyolite cools quickly nearer the surface and obsidian is instantly cooled when exposed to something cold with a high heat capacity, like water. The rapid cooling forms very tiny crystals (smaller than the crystals in rhyolite which are in turn much smaller than the relatively large crystals in granite). Obsidian is actually closer to a glass than a stone, which is one of the reasons it's so hard.


    Obsidian fractures in radial patterns and has very sharp edges down to the atomic level, making them highly prized by surgeons as scalpels because they minimize scarring or pain. (For reference, if a stainless steel scalpel costs 10 cents, an obsidian scalpel would cost $20)


    Obsidian isn't a wonder material though. It only has special properties as a hardened solid. If you were to melt obsidian, it would return to it's original state as felsic (low-iron, high-silica) lava, which could just as easily cool into granite or rhyolite, depending on the process.


    Basically, obsidian is a lot like quenched steel: the strength comes from the quenching, and if you were to melt that quenched steel, it would return to it's original state as regular liquid steel.


  7. cats in vanilla scare creepers. Maybe bats in TFC can repel something too. If I gave players some sort of bat box to attract them, it's possible that having them fly around your home might help repel certain types of monsters from approaching you.


    Just a thought, because being a dev doesn't mean I can't have those too :P


    Another thing that bats might be useful for (probably in vanilla, because I believe this is currently impossible in TFC) is as invisibility detectors, because echolocation should be immune to invisibility.


    Bats mostly eat insects, fruits or nectar, and because insects aren't a problem and pollination is assumed to be automatic, they aren't very useful for this. Some bats may eat small rodents, and rodents are certainly a problem for farmers but the volume is probably too low to count for anything.


    Apparently, it's possible to use guano in place of saltpeter in gunpowder, so maybe you could grind guano into saltpeter? Not sure


  8. I believe we plan to adjust maces and swords to use 200 units, but only because those items require a double ingot on the anvil. Using less than a full ingot for casting would be hard to balance for anvils.


  9. If you tie a wolf to a fence post, it will sit down and won't attack anything. My suggestion is to keep the darn thing on a leash when you're walking around at home, the same way you keep an untrained dog on a leash IRL


  10. in 79.10, check if the familiarity indicator has a white border when you look at your horses. If the border isn't white, it's possible for it to decay. If it is white, it should not decay.


  11. Hm, yeah, I was hoping for something like that, something that tells you that you already fed one particular animal for familiarity. But what Kitty said may be true: if you can feed them only once, how do you breed them?

    this "feeding" I'm talking about is specific to familiarity. Giving them grain for breeding is a completely separate action. The familiarity check can only occur if an animal hasn't been familiarized yet that day. If it has, everything works as it would in b78, aside from not being able to breed animals that aren't familiar.
