Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by dunkleosteus

  1. Nah, it's possible. The command itself is protected or public, so we'd be able to override all of the methods. You can get a Player entity from their username within a command, and from that, their NBT as is done in SetPlayerStats with hunger and thirst. All we really have to do is register a command with the same code as scoreboard and the vanilla one will be overwritten, as we did with /time


  2. As far as I remember, (and yes, knives are weapons) general smithing is increased by any smithing that you do. The idea is that if all you do is make weapons, you're not going to be absolute shit at making armor (you certainly know your way around an anvil) but you're still inexperienced with armor making itself. The general smithing skill represents the skills transferable between different types of blacksmithing.


  3. Sounds like I'll have a lot of work to do :)

    thats an understatement. If this mod proves to function reasonably, Bioxx and I might have to talk with each other and this mod developer about permanent integration into TFC as a single mod. cubic chunks is something we've talked about for quite a while.


    Although, M3L is a bit of a turn off.


  4. aww, thanks for the donation Burger. I haven't moved to patreon because as a developer, I want to maintain TFC as a not-for-profit hobby. I don't want to take money in return for TFC development, but I'm more than happy that people want to support me anyway :). TFC has been and always will be a labor of love for me.


  5. There are plans for TFC to have it's own weather system, as the vanilla one isn't adequate. The tornadoes and weather-specific items are a bit much though- I don't think those provide a useful challenge to TFC and would feel out of place in the theme of the mod. I'm all for the "mercy-of-the-elements" feel, but only so far as that means thunderstorms, blizzards or droughts. We don't need random "your entire house is gone now, too bad" events.


  6. Hey, so the desire to do a meet-up was expressed to me for in and around the greater Toronto area. It doesn't sound like a terrible idea, but I don't think I want to do it if only one or two people show up. If you'd be interested, live in the area and would be available with in the next few weeks or months, say so here. If there's enough interest, we'll see if we can work out more details.

    Looks like it's happening on Sunday, November 2.


  7. It might be possible to adjust the relative lengths of each day by season- we'd only have to change the angle of the sun and the light level calculated from it, but changing the actual length of 24 hours in-game would be a bad idea.


  8. I didn't realize you had things set up to model a tilt. Well done. Does the relative tilt change during the year so that the north pole is 25 degrees toward the sun in June and 25 degrees away in January?  

    thats how temperatures in different seasons are calculated


  9. So Microsoft thinks it will make around $2.5 billion from this by the end of 2nd quarter 2015. Ways they could do this


    1.) They bought Mojang for the Minecraft brand name and they are going to release Minecraft 2.


    2.) They want to sell expansion packs/DLC


    3.) They want to tap into University funding by charging licence fees. Minecraft is a educational tool used in Universities. They could theoretically make lots of money this way. This would of course alienate the gamer crowd, which they wouldn't care about if they only wanted license fees. Somehow I'm doubting they would be able to pull this off with Minecraft 1


    Somehow I'm thinking the 1st one is by far the smarter move, and the one that Microsoft is most likely to make. #1 and #3 do not bode well for the future of Minecraft 1, which they wouldn't want to support. #2 would basically mean business as usual, possibly with useful features from expansion packs


    If #1 or #3 is the plan, then the TFC devs need to figure out whether they want to adapt TFC to a open source Minecraft clone that some mod developers are thinking about making if things go bad (notably Cuchaz), or they want to try to make thier own commercial game


    Just don't go standalone if you don't want to make a sellable product. You aren't the only ones thinking about separating from the Minecraft brand if things go bad. Join a team that will inevitably be created if things go that way

    I don't know if either of use actually want to sell TFC. It's always been non-profit with donations accepted and I think it should stay that way.


  10. TFC development plows forward as scheduled. We'll continue to update tfc to the most recent version of minecraft available to us. Absolute worst case scenario: microsoft bans people from deobfuscating the source or distributing mods. What happens then? Maybe Bioxx and I have a talk about a standalone. Whether Bioxx and I stop making minecraft mods is separate from whether we stop making terrafirmacraft.


  11. ^is correct. the only way to get a multiple of 100 is when a multiple of 15 can add up to a multiple of 25, and the lowest quantity at which this happens is 5, resulting in 75 units of bis. at a req ratio of 10-20%, the only viable resulting quantity of metal is one that uses 15% bis given the other ores you have.


  12. notch was the majority share holder, and he hated being such a symbol. People would complain to him directly when something went wrong with the game just because of who he was, even though he hasn't worked on minecraft in years. Microsoft was the out he'd been looking for, the $2.5 B wasn't the reason, but it's still not something to turn your nose up at.


  13. worst case scenario: microsoft destroys everything that made minecraft worthwhile, make back their money in a year but squeeze the life out of it until it withers into nothingness when players get bored of the dead community


    best case scenario: they devote resources (people) to helping mojang do what they do better- maybe a mod API or larger conventions or more conventions. Stuff like that.


    Seeing as one of those involves the absolute death of the game, I'm not sure I'm totally happy with this development, but it could still prove positive for the game.


  14. Can you please make a broken version of this that can be found - empty - in generated structures? It could be the same block with a metadata value that makes it render differently. It would just be a really nice aesthetic addition.

    You are making some interesting assumptions there


  15. I don't think this will add any fun to the mod. It needs more interesting mechanics like the smithing, not tedium like cutting out rot from cabbage and relighting torches.

    The point isn't to increase tedium, but to change the way you play. Working harder to play the same way is the wrong idea


  16. Oh, I guess I could post the images of the model I made for kitty earlier. Obviously vessels are the easiest model to create, and the tool i made can't really handle asymmetric shapes.


    Posted Image




    how old are those pictures, dunk?

    The one up there is from yesterday. I dug up the old code and designed the vessel. It's really simple, the whole thing is just a few lines:

    Object[] dataArray = new Object[10];dataArray[0] = new float[] {0,0,0,8,0,8,8};dataArray[9] = new float[] {0,0,0,8,1,8,5};dataArray[1] = new float[] {0,0,0,8,4,8,13};dataArray[8] = new float[] {0,0,0,8,4,8,9};dataArray[2] = new float[] {0,0,0,8,11,8,12};dataArray[7] = new float[] {0,0,0,8,11,8,9};dataArray[3] = new float[] {0,0,0,8,13,8,8};dataArray[6] = new float[] {0,0,0,8,13,8,5};dataArray[4] = new float[] {0,0,0,8,15,8,8};dataArray[5] = new float[] {0,0,0,8,15,8,5};

    Obviously the code that builds the model is separate, but that's all that defines the shape.


    The format is (float originX, float originY, float originZ, float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ, float width)

    The first 3 floats define where the model is located, the next 3 define where the "centre" of the layer is and the last defines the diameter of a circle around that centre. The length of the array is irrelevant. Adjacent Objects are assumed to be attached together, and so squares are built between them. The first ring is assumed to be the bottom, so it is closed off. Optionally, you can seal the top so that that the interior is fully contained. I do that here. The reason I have started at index 0 and index 9 and count up and down is because the first 5 indexes represent the outside of the vessel, and the last 5 represent the interior, corresponding to the exterior but counting down.


  17. I'm not going to write the long list of reasons why this isn't going to happen, but it includes the goal of the game, the atmosphere we want to create, balance, and gameplay.


    This isn't going to happen.
