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Posts posted by T3HL33TB34T

  1. Just gonna debunk all the "LOLTELEPORTATION AND BOATS" bullshit right fucking here.

    >make compatibility patch for Archimedes' Ships

    The dude who made it stopped making it and pretty much left it to another guy, I say that the idea fits best with something like TFC; Hyper hardcore survival.

    You build your boat out of real blocks, then this mod makes them into an entity and replaces the blocks it is over (if over water at x level) with water, EG it's like auto/movecraft but it creates entities rather than direct block translation.

    Go find the dude on the MC forums or whatever, talk to him about some sort of convergence or integration, he's actually pretty fucking sharp considering the amount of work he can put in. I personally think that it's a perfect solution that keeps realism real. Of course, helm blocks should instead come in some new flavor, limiting the size of the craft, or the survivability of the boat/raft over time, I'm thinking the system could be nice if rivers were expanded upon as well.

    >Raft: Wood/Planks
    >Galley: Wood/Wool/Planks
    >Galleas: Wood/Small amounts of bronze or iron/ Planks and wool for sails
    >Caravel: Wood/Iron/Magnetite (Compass)/ Cinnabar and wool for sails

    Think about that, you've got four different tiers of ships relatively well thought out with good tier progression. In theory, you could stay with a raft, but oceans would be treacherous, a galley might make it simpler, but it wouldn't have the speed you really want, and a galleas could solve all of your issues at once, while the caravel would be the pinnacle craft for people who've got a good location.

    Said mod also works great in multiplayer, and I can confirm its balance and playability. It sounds script heavy and laggy as fuck, but I swear on my life that it is actually really legit, and really clean unless you intentionally fuck it up. It wont fit all blocks, but that's fine. It handles chests, and entities that are locked to a block just fine, so naval cannons when?



  2. See, you all get what I'm saying and you've all put up some really strong points, I ain't here to be like; "THIS IS LAW THIS IS X".

    I still fucking love TFC like nobody's business. But with the way things are, man, it's a game that benefits so heavily from being able to have a community, imagine if you actually felt the need to trade resources with x group for whatever reason, or imagine if you also had something foreign and strange to explore like ancient ruins, or an NPC village a-la Millenaire. I think that there just needs to be something to help fill the gaps between metal tiers and such. Essentially, once you get to copper you could pretty much live off of it if you have enough, there's not much real reason other than; "Steel lasts longer", which is valid, but again, ultimately just a cosmetic change. Methinks that there is something missing that the game is really close to, in one sense it needs something to populate the world, in another it needs something to lengthen the tier ascension.


    As for TFC being a metal wank. You're just wrong. If you are one of those players that just has to progress through the tech tree to have fun, then that's fine. There's nothing wrong with playing that way. However TFC is more than just about getting the shiny red metal tools, just like regular Minecraft is about more than just getting diamond armor and tools. You should travel across the roads on our server and visit the towns see what people have build and the fun they've had doing that.

    Not metal wank, mental. Games in general are just a mental jerkoff, it's a big feelgood schtick, I just see it much easier with this because of the probability of success. I also wouldn't want to go to a bloated server like yours, no offense. It's not interesting to me. I'm actually in the process of starting up my own, and I'm already planning on working on the problems that I've named out in my post. Again, you're entitled to your opinion, and it's a decent one, but you misread me.

    Even still, yeah, there is more to the game than metal ascension, but it's a huge part of it. Having stronger tools to do x job faster and for longer is a big part of that, it's an incentive, and it's pretty much become the big mission; "Get good or be trash!"

    Here's something I wish I could do; I wish that I could round up a group of three or four guys, get on horses and do a lightning raid on some small hamlet. Think of the cultural impact that could have on the server, they'd gain a wartime mentality, they'd have an enemy and a clear reason to seek them out, and they'd spread that with the people they meet. Spin it around, it provides a possible gameplay perspective for me and my boys, we're mongols, we like pillaging!

    Things like that can't really happen in any fair way because the servers won't be populated enough in the right places, or because the person you're raiding is into his black steel while you just made some bows and arrows. The alternative is the highly unfun; "I steal while you're gone" shit. That shit sucks both to perpetrate, and to be the victim of.

    I'm also aware of TFC2, I'm hyped, but I'm also highly disinterested in waiting for the game to get it's polish, you know? I'm already waiting on a lot of things in my life. I'll be there when it's done, but hopefully what we're going to see is something with a bit more life to it.

    I think that hostile mobs should be redone entirely, maybe allow more love towards animal husbandry, or some new concept enemy that isn't too hard to dispatch, but comes in varying flavors that will wreck your shit.

    Anyways, I'll be posting a coop thread soon, and I'll be looking for a handful of people who are interested in something a smidgeon off the beaten path.

    >inb5 bioxx is reading my thread



  3. Hiya, I'm a long time player of TFC, played it since one of the builds that still had the vanilla tools, and back when cows would just drop 45 leather per kill. I don't post, I don't lurk forums, I just play, it's what I do. In general, I play, a lot more than just TFC, of course you can already assume such.

    Call that a basis for my position as a professional consumer.

    Now, onto my point; I don't care if this is in the wrong section, but this needs to be read by anyone who plays TFC multiplayer, or anyone who hosts a server.

    The basis of the game you're playing is flawed. The ability for new players to join in and have the same amount of fun as veterans in the community is hampered by the fact that TFC is a very single-player or close-knit type of overhaul. Regardless of how you feel about this, you have to be smart enough to understand that bronze alloys require that metal to be obtainable to new players, while still being equally available to those set up. Bronze is a requirement to reach steel, steel ends up being a pseudo requirement to reach end game gear. While it's nothing to talk light over, this is quite an achievement, the costs are high, and it's rewarding to get somewhere that you can have all that going on for you, but here's the big deal.

    Only a few people or groups can realistically achieve this tier per server, unless new players are forced to spread farther and farther from the center where the old folks would have likely set up. To put it super clearly; all the metal that is reachable from the surface would be gone in about two IRL days on a big server like Outlast, if not shorter. The large biome size seems to be both immersive to traverse, and effective at making sure that X stone type and X ore is present aplenty, which is nice and dandy, only 50% of that ore is hidden under the second layer of rock below, and being a particularly educated player, I can safely say that without some measure of luck, nobody would really be able to detect a lot of the ore deposits that they may even be living ontop of, simply because it's just not an easy thing to do, nor is it easy to get to. It's fun as fuck, no doubt, but it aint achievable to players who are going to have a shit time casting their first tool in the first place. A simple solution would be to bring back the shitty tool metals like Zinc and Tin, sure they're absolutely garbage, but they're something that a player could use to get at heavier duty stuff. Gold panning could be changed to be player specific rather than relevent to the chunk, this way players could of course pan in areas that someone else depleted for their first metals.

    This is just one issue that is quite a big deal wrong with TFC as a largeish scale multiplayer game. We're already somewhat hampered by a small, closed community (Possibly good servers are whitelisted, additional plugins, etc) and little hurdles for the little bambi players make the possibility of a popular server staying in favor long very very unlikely, as the game can pretty much "be completed" in roughly two days of gameplay if you're somewhat lucky and proficient, or have some friends and such. But that amount of gameplay is going to deplete a lot of resources on the map, and possibly encourage players to hoard what they have because they recognize the scarcity and troublesome nature of acquiring any substantial amount of metal.

    But wait, there's more. Even handling animals is pretty much "more time = more animals", sheep are as rare as they come, and cows are a necessary way to not end up with 700 health, pigs are great starting food, so they're slaughtered early because they don't have much more use. The mob spawning rate is as well, very very low. Which, in one case; is pretty good to give players urgency towards a resource, but in another sense, it is very harsh to new players looking for their stake (and steak) because they simply aren't going to be able to handle as much as the next guy.

    To put it plainly, first person in, last people out. If you're the first guy to a server and you decide you're gonna get swole there, it's all yours, nobody is generally able to stop you because the community is too small, and nobody is likely to get at you.

    Don't even get me started on map generation, I understand it is supposed to be random, but in my experience, it is always unfavorable in the most ridiculous ways. I've had maps so abundantly rich with metals that I was pretty much ready to start handing it out, when otherwise the trees are practically nonexistant and the only mobs I'm seeing throw spears at my noggin, flip it full circle and I have the same issue. Stupid little problems like a lack of flux, or the inability to get your hands on a starter metal always seem to arise. A simple solution to a lot of problems that I've seen would be to allow players to make lumber with some stone age implement, this would allow water manipulation and storage solutions (Give the player the ability to settle down and get the bench) without causing too much trouble. If that isn't quite fair, then change some recipes to require the saw so that it keeps it's importance.

    The last major issue I can think of is a pretty shitty one; devotion.

    Who wants to devote all their time into something big like a nice statue, or a rad home design, etc when it's entirely possible that it will be taken away from you, or reset and lost to the ages? It's fun while it lasted, sure, but it is something I can't blame someone for getting upset about.

    This game is a really fucking fun experience. I will never forget the seriously fucking cool adventures I had, but unless there was some way to fix or alleviate the stress of scarcity and relative cost for metals, or some sort of reason to need to even do all this cool shit, I don't know if this mod will last very long in general. Here's a thought for you if this hasn't quite clicked in already; There's no point to playing TFC other than the possible creative aspect. There's no big bad guy to fight, and there likely isn't going to be any fun combat to be had, even if they tried pretty hard to give the combat better depth, it'll still just be "I saw you first, I get to kill you." and generally cheap nonsense. It'll always be feast or famine, and there will always be that desire to start over in the back of your head eating away at those precious, precious metals you spent stupid amounts of time mining without supports for.

    Next time you go to play a server, think about this for a moment; Either someone's been there first and has depleted a good amount of the area you can access within two days walk, or you're the first person there, regardless, you're forced into a very fun, but ultimately hollow experience that serves to be nothing more than a mental wank. Sure, that wrought iron is really fucking good, but it just means the next guy aint gonna get any, or that you'll just lose it, or it'll never get put to use on anything non-creative.

    Now before you post and get mad, you gotta know, I love this shit dearly. I wish more people would play it, I wish there was a heavier team behind it to see it to it's full potential, I also wish there was something to do other than labor monotonously for a cause that will ultimately disappear.

    tl/dr: metal is expensive


  4. History will repeat itself if the common people is not armed. Luckily in america, the entire military here is sworn to uphold the constitution OVER their CO... so even without our guns guess what wouldn't happen.

    It's not something that is to be decided by the government, as a matter of fact, the government entirely is broken, replace it with what it once was; a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. I can't stand America anymore, but it's the safest. While we have gun deaths out the ass here, it's still hundred times safer then most other places.

    No matter where you look in the past, whenever the common people lose the right to bear arms, Genocide, Slavery, and War Crimes are ALWAYS comitted. You cannot disprove this, and if you could it is such a rare event that it is to be ignored altogether. An armed society is a polite society.


    IF you dont want an assault rifle, don't fucking get one, but don't ruin the next guys day by making him unable to own one.

    AS well of the other side, if you want an assault rifle, don't force the next guy to own one.

    Example of why firearms are important.

    Let's take a game for example. DayZ, because it just seems to help my analogy here.

    I remember having a a person with an AS50 (which he stole from a clan car) attack constantly, never stopped and it was always against people less armed then him, I watched him not engage jeeps with clan guys in them. but as soon as he lost his ammo/gun itself, he instantly held his hand out asking for help. This is a game, but games are only an alternate reality. I Disarmed him, and he stopped, because there was nothing he could do. This is the same for REAL people, if someone has a gun, they have power... now if everyone has a gun, Everyone is near equal.

    Nothing can account for the sickos though, they are variables that cannot be accounted for/stopped. That's just how stuff works. That's what law enforcement is for.


  5. So, after lurking the forums for at LEAST seven months, I've decided to publicize my LOVE for Terra Firma, Regardless of whether or not I can play it.

    I've always liked the mod, because it simply made things much more complicated to endure!

    Sorry if I sound like I'm five, I've exhausted all possible grammatical prowess in writing something the other day.

    I'd also like to ask on a rather personal note, what do all of the fine fellows of this forum, believe about relative to gun control in first world countries?

    No flame, simple controversy here.
