Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by turtletechy

  1. [b75] Collection of all current bugs and glitches

    Actually, I checked, and I am. But as a side note, another bug I've found. Some ores aren't forming properly in the world. As in, they show as a different kind of rock. Like that. In addition, it doesn't work too well with REI's Minimap. I'm not sure what side the fault is on there though.
  2. Improved Stone Knapping Interface

    I know, its just my little concern, think nothing of it. However, on a side note, it might be nice to have stone chisels. Only for three or four uses, but able to chisel sedimentary rock, and the chisel should be made of some form of igneous rock. Just an idea.
  3. Method for cooling metal components?

    I know that much, its just a PITA to have to wait for your metal to cool down for a while before tossing it in again.
  4. More Clay!

    IKR. I've got over 128 molds now. So I'm good for quite a while. Too bad there isn't another purpose for clay. I think it could be used to make bricks, not the usual minecraft bricks, but something similar. But as another thing, I made a mistake I don't think I'll want to make again. I tried smelting copper ore over a campfire. It doesn't really work. I really don't know how I'm going to get it hot enough. I'd make a bloomery, but I can't make the chisel needed to make the stone bricks. Stone chisels would be a nice thing to have, maybe do something to limit their use to only a few types of rock, such as only the sedimentary rock, and have the chisel needing to be made from something harder, and only for three or four uses, so they aren't inexpensive enough to replace a normal chisel.
  5. More Clay!

    Isn't it funny, I went looking around after this, and I just started digging a pit to get some dirt to fill a hole I had made while trying to pan for minerals, seeing that I broke my last pick, and I found clay finally, and not just a little bit, but a whole mess of it. Time to smelt up the half an inventory of copper I found in my mine I suppose now. BTW, that mine is wonderful now. I found a good deposit of copper, as well as galena (for silver).
  6. [b75] Collection of all current bugs and glitches

    Additional: Some people are having errors while trying to create a new world. I would be one, but there was another person with the same issue. This is with the most recent build. When generating a new world, the minecraft client needs to be forced off in the Task Manager, then started again to get the world to load. Minor bug, really.
  7. Method for cooling metal components?

    I suppose so, but all I need is a way to cool the thing down for when I am trying to make an ingot. It gets harder when you're using fourteen small nuggets or pieces of ore to try to make a single ingot. Its especially hard when you can't get the ore hot enough to melt before the ingot is too hot. I've ran into that issue. The ore seems to heat up more slowly, which is a bit of a PITA.
  8. Improved Stone Knapping Interface

    Thanks for the tip. However, it'd be better if it wasn't needed. One other suggestion, what about just clicking a button to do that after you've knapped one design? I find myself making tons of stone shovels at the point I am at, and it'd be nice if I could just mass produce thirty shovel heads.
  9. TFCraft-Craftguide compatibility?

    Craftguide seems to not like this mod. It just crashes completely, but without even going as far as actually giving a crash error screen. It just freezes. Is there any other thing I could use? I really do like in game crafting help, instead of having to go to the wiki every few minutes.
  10. I have encountered this issue every single time I try to make a new world in TFCraft. Is this a common issue?
  11. Improved Stone Knapping Interface

    If it hasn't been mentioned, maybe improve it so you aren't picking up a dummy piece while knapping. Its kind of annoying, and it looks really stupid, in my opinion.
  12. I don't think it's meant to do this but...

    This is the same issue I'm having. Shut the game down, and go in and load it up again. It should work. On initial generation it seems to mess up.
  13. No crash log, it didn't crash, it just doesn't work. Kind of odd. Anyway, I've got Optifine, updated forge version for 1.4.6, and the most updates 1.4.6 version for PlayerAPI. But I think its just world gen that gets in the way, for some odd reason. As for other mods, not much that would cause an issue. I've got a few more now, but I had this issue even when it was just TFCraft and Optifine.
  14. TFCraft-Craftguide compatibility?

    Relating to that, REI's Minimap seems to function oddly. Everything appears as gray in the world. Everything but the trees and grass, and flowers, of course. How the hell do the trees render properly in the map, but terrain doesn't, is my question. The issue is usually the other way around. And I'll take a look at NEI. I've never used it before though, and I don't really know what it does. I just don't want something that allows me to cheat easily, as I know I will. I looked it up, but it doesn't have a version available for 1.4.6. Kind of odd.