Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Lvxferre

  1. -snip-

    Gadanha vs. foice: fair point. I've reverted the changes in this regard.


    I mentioned the verbosity for more practical reasons, as interface cluttering, long names looking sometimes ugly and maybe "bleeding" outside their intended space. This gets especially obvious with "Prospector's Pick" vs. "Picareta de Prospecção".

    (By the way, I changed it to Prospectora, see if you like it - IMHO it's still a descriptive name, since "Pica de Prospecção" would have unintended consequences... :D )


    While MC is quite common among kids, I guess the target audience of TFC is older - by this line of thought, I guess we should aim first for accuracy than being educative.


    Language varieties: well, I suggest we continue improving this one as "generic". In the event it gets weird for Euro+African PT speakers, forking our translation will be easier than starting from scratch anyway, what do you think?


  2. So, I did some changes for Portuguese, specially:

    • Capitalization changes - in games, naming items "Like This" looks better than naming them "Like this". Long texts' "normal" capitalization was kept.
    • Changed "gadanha" to "foice";
    • Fixed swapped/wrong rock names (specially Shale/Folhelho and Schist/Xisto. And guys, "chalk" is just plain "giz", both for the rock and the thing used in writing boards, okay? :D );
    • Changed Black Steel's translation from "Aço Preto" to "Aço Negro", it sounds better that way;
    • Changed some descriptions to use parenthesis [ex: "Botas de Aço inacabadas estágio" 2 became "Botas de Aço (Inacabadas II)".

    Due to Portuguese's verbosity, some items got really long names. I'm tempted to change "Picareta de Prospecção" [Prospector's Pick] to simply "Prospectora", what do you guys think?


    Also, European and African Portuguese speakers: we need someone to check if the translation is good enough for you too, if changes/compromises need to be made, or if we're going to fork into two translations.

    [i'd rather see an unified translation, but this is just, like, my opinion.]


    Spanish and French translators: I can give a hand if you guys want, but seems like it isn't necessary. I've checked both translations and they're quite good IMHO.


  3. Regarding OP's suggestion: I personally think that this would further reduce and simplify [in the bad, BAAAAD sense of the word] the early game, that IMHO is one of the most pleasant and fun parts of TFC - up to iron, making a new anvil for tools and such is still "COOL!".

    In the event this idea gets implemented, and bronze is the new T1, I would like to see the complexity going somewhere else, not simply "lost".


    Once Dunk fixes the mechanic, you'll be able to melt your copper anvil back down in a crucible to recycle that metal once you've upgraded to a bronze anvil.

    These are good news, since maybe we'll be allowed to recycle other things, as tools, even with a loss [15%, maybe?].


  4. If your blood alcohol level was high when you went to sleep, when you wake up you'll be sober but hung-over. Hangover effects include video brightness randomly flashing to max, and sound volume randomly spiking to max. And render distance to tiny, and view bobbing on. Sleeping another night clears a hang-over.

    Maybe have some caffeine drinks to speed up the hangover clearing? Coffee, yerba mate, this kind of thing? (These would be nice)

  5. This isn't true. Here you have a guide on how to do it as well as some examples of beers on the market that are open-air fermented. I've also done so myself, by mistake, when I was young and wanted cheap alcohol and thought "hey, if I just throw this cheap-ass fruit squash (very common in sweden) in a plastic barrel with some baking yeast, that'll at least work!". It was open-air, it became alcohol, and it sure as hell wasn't drinkable.

    Thanks for the link, it's really interesting - as far as I was aware, an open system would make the yeast stop the fermentation, but looks like a carbon dioxide itself layer around the top makes a "lid". I need to try that someday.

    On the evolution: two or three variables to keep track would be the ideal - not enough so one's overwhelmed and lost track of them, but already capable of a fairy complex system justifying a professional "brewer" in servers. Yeast type, speed and quality would already be enough, I think.

    And why didn't I think in ceramic lids? :)


  6. What about signs with weird text in random locations? From animes, popular culture, Minecraft-related, this kind of thing. Some people will try to find them all. Here are some ideas:

    • "Gary was here, Ash is a loser!" (first Pokemon series - the antagonist Gary writes this in a sign just to piss the protagonist Ash. Any Pokemon fan will recognize this.)
    • "DESU DESU DESU" [4x] (Suiseiseki, a Rozen Maiden character uses to "spam" the word "desu" at the end of all sentences. 4channers used this for quite some time to derail and spam threads. Lots of 4channers play Minecraft and will be pleased with the reference.)
    • "100% Testificate Free!" (do I need to explain that?)
    • "Who cares about nickel? You found a weird sign!" (ditto)
    • et cetera.

    And since most people want a reference to Dwarf Fortress, maybe an underground "dungeon" in x=0,z=0 with some dwarf statues would be a sensible nod to the game...


  7. OP has some really good ideas, and being able to brew booze ingame is wonderful. But mind if I throw some ideas of mine here?

    Starting off-topic:

    Heh. Not much. I wonder if there's some way to alcoholize fat or proteins. It'd be interesting to have meatbeer. In real life, I mean.

    By a natural process? I wouldn't bet my stakes in this.

    Proteins have huge loads of nitrogen as amino radicals - these need to be either oxidized to nitrogen or transformed in ammonia to leave just carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in the molecule. Amino -> ammonia reaction requires energy, so this leaves only oxidization as possibility.

    Fats are easier in theory, it's just about oxidizing them at the right spots and you're golden. But if you're a yeast, how can you oxidize substances? With oxygen. And if you have oxygen at hand, why bother making alcohol, since you can "burn" everything for all that tasty energy?

    Brewing only works with sugars because of their huge oxygen amount: oxygen atoms in the molecule decide to bully specific carbons, these leave the school solution as carbon dioxide, and the leftover is alcohol. But if there's air's oxygen disponible, the yeast will simply "burn" all sugar to carbon dioxide and produce no alcohol. That's why we put some funny "lids" in the top of bottles when homebrewing:

    Posted Image

    Now, on-topic. In a believable system, with or without yeast added, there's no booze if you got air. And being required to craft a lid is convenient for gameplay reasons - it ties brewing to a minimum tech tier. Trying to be consistent with ingame elements, I can think at least two ways to do so:

    • The lid is crafted with glass and/or glass panes in a siphon format. It can be used only once; or
    • The lid is made in the same way as metal tools (ore to ingot, plan, smithing = tool). Metal used and the blacksmith's ability interfere in the odds of air breaching and its consequences (spoiling and wasting juice, work and yeast).
    Both have advantages and disadvantages. The first one can be accessed earlier in the game, but requires maintenance (crafting a new lid each time you're brewing). The second one is accessed later in the game, but if you're a really good blacksmith and use a good metal, you just need to craft it once.

    Now, about the yeast... this can be made as complex or as simple as Bioxx and Dunk want it to be.

    • Simple way: using a wooden bowl in already made wine/beer yields yeast. Putting yeast in the fruit juice gives some bonus - quicker fermentation, smaller odds of spoiling, better effects, etc.
    • Complex way: some kind of evolution! Yeast has different "strains", obtained by mutations of older ones. They brew different wines/beers, aswell give different bonuses to your beverage. Going by this strain of yeast thought can give the beverage variety people want.
    Ah, and for both beer and ale, we'll need hops - as a side-effect, eating a hop could be used to cure poison (much like milk), since it's medicinal.

    Aaaand... that's it.


  8. Why not something as simple as

    Heavier metal = more mace damage

    Sharper metal = more sword damage ?

    Using gold as example, it's a really heavy metal, but too malleable to be made sharp. So, gold maces would be amazing, but the swords would be horrible. Steel is lighter, but really sharp, so the relation inverts.

    That way, a player would be inclined to make one or other depending on the disponible metals.


  9. My method is quite similar to mayaknife's, so I'll just accentuate the differences.

    Before travelling, I make sure I have 6 stacks of ladders, 2 stacks of torches, 2 pickaxes, a propick, a chisel, at least eight chests and some food. That way, I don't need to go back to the base after each probing to get more materials.

    I search for new rock "biomes" in a spiral way, with turns separated by roughly 500m; so I can be sure I found the nearest foo_ore (nickel, gold, etc.) deposit, since bringing ore back to base is another chore.

    When I find any surface rock change: put chest in the ground, put everything in chest besides the strictly needed (pickaxe, ladders, etc.), dig a 2x1 mineshaft until third layer. I probe each ~20 levels for ores and write the probing coords if I find any.

    If I didn't find the rock layer I want: put ladders, go back to surface, close mineshaft with some stone bricks.

    If I found the layer where foo_ore lives: at the middle of said rock layer, I do a long corridor, and branch mine every 3 torches or so (I'm used to put a torch each 10 blocks). Ore deposits are larger than 5 blocks, so I'm quite sure I'm finding what I want if I branch each 30m; and I don't see a good reason to make a "real" grid.

    The biggest problem I found is finding underground caves, they mess a lot with that design.
