Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by LightningShock

  1. Very interesting, looks really promising. But how you managed mods like advanced rocketry to work? From what I know food in other dimensions doesn't decay, you managed to overcome this?

    I also recommend Hardcore Darkness and Dynamic Lights duo as it pumps up the level. They are client-side mods that makes darkness actual darkness and hand-held torches lit. They require little configuration.

    Btw, where's TFCTech? I see it in the screenshots but I don't see it in the mod list.


  2. 3 minutes ago, lJuanGB said:

    I always spawn the books I need (unless they have an actual use other than info). I can look for the information on the books on the net, so it is just a matter of commodity.

    I would recommend following the "Living on the Edge" post by ciekma: 

     As the creator of the modpack he knows the best way to advance and ways to obtain resources that may not seem evident from the NEI GUI. For example, for the grease for pistons you can use the bronze tub with lard and limewater, which is an easy recipe to over look because it seems more difficult than it really is.

    To be honest that also looks like spoilers.


  3. 22 hours ago, TonyLiberatto said:

    I have played this modpack for the last 2 months and finally got to steel age in TFC.

    I have never played IndustrialCraft and have encountered some troubles, probably because of my lack of experience with those mods.

    Right now I am stuck not knowing exactly how to proceed.

    I looked for the ingame books and manuals, but their recipe requires paper.

    Paper can only be made using a paper machine.

    The paper machine needs several components that need other machines to produce. In the end, I get stuck because the paper machine needs components made in a rolling machine, that one needs pistons, they in turn need pistons. Pistons need a piston base that one needs Grease Lump that can only be made from a slimeball or an Oil cell.

    Do slimes spawn in this modpack? If so in what kind of biome?

    To get an Oil Cell I need an Industrial Squeezer that in turn needs pistons to be made.

    I appreciate any help.

    I really would like to get the machines in a legit way and not just spawn components. Once I start getting thins in creative it just ruins the experience for me.

    Before I forget. Thank you very much for this modpack.


    see Ancient method of paper making.

    OP said you are supposed to get a book when spawning, see 2 posts above yours.


  4. On 15.11.2017 at 3:09 AM, ciekma said:

    So you have first opportunity to see it :)

    Go to .minecraft/config/ic2/shaped_recipes.ini, find recipe with lumberWood (there is one with rotor), remove or comment out, restart, voila: every plank have 19 or 20 recipes instead of 2.

    God of Randomness know, what else is messed up, I reported this problem on IC2 forum, hope that they can fix it.

    Oh, so that custom recipe was on IC2's config... now makes sense. I used windows search to quickly look. Stupid search.


  5. 8 hours ago, ciekma said:

    Thanks IjuanGB, you spotted seriously bug, I'm now trying what is responsible for, IC2 is suspected because problem is solved without this mod (however I removed two other IC2 dependants).

    Personally I don't believe IC2 can be the actual cause, I just never saw this mod breaking other mods' recipes. You could maybe try manually adding that recipe on MineTweaker, but this is like fixing with duct tape.


  6. On 31.10.2017 at 0:53 AM, ciekma said:

    Thanks, no problems with recipe makings, rather with some items graphics (sometimes I need to add new item) and with coding - there is special mod for this modpack, to fill some gaps. For example, I want to make something like TFC sluice, but using sulphuric acid instead of water, to leach uranium ore or spodumene. Keeping these ores in wooden barrels filled with sulphuric acid looks weird.

    I don't think I can help with coding yet, I barely scratched Java, let alone Forge. But I think I can help with graphics. Not an artist, but I think I can handle a 32x32 canvas with ease. Just tell me the concept, and I will fork your project.


  7. On 30.10.2017 at 11:29 AM, ciekma said:

    Of course, OpenComputers and Modular Turrets are next to include, I already made some preparations, your thoughts about these silicon wafers are accurate :)

    Great, but note that if you look for addons and find OC-Minecarts(adds computer locomotives) it has some minor issues. First, if you spawn or even take a built cart from creative tab and NEI it crashes the game and keeps doing that until you externally remove that item, however building one legitimately from assembler works just fine(so 0 problems for survival mode), also using self-destruct cards on them creates a funky continuous explosion and doesn't work, nothing too bad. That card is from Computronics(a must-have addon IMO, adds radar, ability to play custom sound, enhances railcraft, and much more). I had no other issues while I was experiencing with those mods.


    This modpack is so cool, TerraFirmaPunk has mods that don't particularly match with TerraFirmaCraft's style but your modpack is just on point! Keep up the good work :lol:! Do you need any help, like, with recipe making?


  8. You should add silicon age mods like opencomputers and add-ons, or maybe even advanced rocketry(if you can find a way to "compatibilize" the mod, as I have seen so far you were are able to overcome some incompatibilities) to further expand the tech tree and add some advanced automation possibilities.


  9. 5 hours ago, MonyClair said:


    Sorry, but its logic in reallity, you absolutely cant drink sea water ... Its salty. An you can only find fresh water in specific places like stream and pound or big lakes ... Its obvious for me and many people.

    If you want to correct the fresh water blocs on shore of some sea and ocean okay ... But changing the gameplay mecanics, no way.

    Salt water is another story. It's a separate block and not directly linked to fresh water. As you have salt water in oceans and fresh water in lakes, we could have salt water in oceans and vanilla water in lakes(just retextured, still the same block in code)


  10. 1 hour ago, TonyLiberatto said:

    Don't get us wrong, I would love to be proven wrong. If we had an updated version of TFC the community would renew like in a renascence. There is just so many possibilities, features, and mods that would be made available to the player.

    Is just that, when I look at the github, the first thing that calls my attention is the fact that there are no new posts since September 18.

    Piece and love.

    I agree. But tbh I think it's more feasible to start a new mod from scratch instead of porting this one. I think TerraFirmaCraft has way more compatibility issues that it should have. Like, why we need freshwater as a separate fluid from vanilla water? How biomes o' plenty generation managed to be friendly with other mods while TFC didn't? I am not trying to throw tomatoes at the devs as the mod is still great but I think TFC could have been implemented in a better fashion.

    54 minutes ago, AnodeCathode said:

    Ah. Sorry. In some environments, it's a shorthand for end sarcasm, based on tags like /html. When I originally read your post I assumed you were joking when I looked at the repo. Forked Sept18, 3 unimportant commits and then nothing. I thought you were having a laugh.

    Actually yes I did check that code long ago but as I am no expert in both Java and Github so I've tough I was missing something but now that you brough it up as well I can safely say that I didn't. I was not trying to troll. Trolling on forums is not fun, trolling in-game and irl is.


  11. 5 minutes ago, AnodeCathode said:

    3 commits made on the day that the repo was forked from Bioxx's. All 3 are just fiddling faffing about. Nothing in that repo, or in any of the repositories gives me the warm fuzzy feeling that this person has any concept of the amount of work required to port TFC to 1.8+. I suspect that he may not have been entirely telling the truth about his progress. I think he was describing his dream.


    I got that part. I can at least "smell" what a java code does(C++/C# guy) and now that I see it, yeah, I do agree with you. I was asking about the '/s' part.

    Sorry for off-topic.


  12. Yeah tbh portals are wayy too fictional. I understand that this mod isn't supposed to be realistic, however I think portals would ruin the fun of exploring. I remember sailing on an Archimedes's ship with my friends and getting stranded on an ecuatorian island because  we forgot a food barrel and we realized that when we arrived, so we had to gather food from that island. Good times... Too bad my SSD kicked the bucket without any warning in one day and I had no backup(I wasn't on my TFC modpack at that moment). Anyway, sorry, what I was trying to say that exploring by sailing is an important aspect as well and should not be neglected.

    There are a lot of fans of this mod because of it's realism, including me, and perhaps we shouldn't get too fictional with this mod.

    A NPC way of inter-island travelling is a good idea. I think a good way of implementing this would be something like having to build something that signals your presence on that island, like a smoky fireplace, so the NPCs can "see" you and arrive on some sort of ship(that players cannot ride) then give you the opportunity to travel to some islands at a cost.
