Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Devlin

  1. Ok so i was looking things up online and i discovered that some of the ores that are in TFcraft are actualy completely useless even in real life and others bioxx may not know have so many uses

    starting off is petrified wood, it is not wood it is just weak stone and minerals that are shapped like old dead and decayed trees, only feisable use is as jewlery and decoration, other then that it is used for studying and museum artifacts, if bioxx wants to add a use, medicine men and women used petrified wood in healing paralyzed limbs, not sure how but that is what they did.

    Serpentine is up next, not only is it useless as anything but decoration, it is also a type of bedrock, or an ore that spawns in bedrock, it is not clear which, but it is also toxic for plants, and the only other real life use for it is as a sheild from neutrons in nuclear reactors, so unless you are going to facilitate us to the point of the nuclear age yeah thats a dead end, you could make it harvestable or craftable as a block for decoration, also says that the swiss use it as an ovenstone, so it might not be as useless as i have been saying but still pointless as far as i see.

    not useless is kaolinite, but i thought i should say it is used for ceramics, porcelain, and clay, used as a food additive and in toothpaste, lightbulbs and even insectisides as well as medicine, quite a versitile ore

    Gypum is actulay used as drywall or plaster, fertilizer or soil conditioner especialy for wheat, a replacement for wood in ancient construction, used in tofu as coagulant, cement component, used for homebrewing (the creation of making home made beers, wines, ext.) common ingredient in mead, medicine

    as it turns out satinspar and selentite are actualy variations of gypsum, 2 of the 4 most common types

    graphite is used in pencils, brake lines, steel making, bateries, and has a material/substance in it that is not only one of the strongest substances ever, but also so difficult to seperate from grahpite that it is impossible for comercial use even with todays realife technology

    kimberlite is actualy a type of ingeous volcanic rock, most common source of diamonds in the world, so besides changing it from an ore to a stone you have given it its true purpose

    jet is actualy a gemstone found in or, from what little i can tell from this wiki page, it is the other name for lignite, black or extremely dark brown gemstone, usualy has veins ofpyrite in it, pyrite is a brassy metalic color, but is actualy in the gems themselves not like native platnum being found as a vein inside a vein of another or, the gems themselves have small veins, so lignite actualy has 2 diffrent types or ores that can be found in it

    microcline is basicly just a rock that has a fair amount of sodium and has multiple colors, a actualy an igneous crystal, it is found inside granite, used in industries to as a component to glass and ceramics, green version is called amozonite, type of gemstone, was used by amazonians as jewlery or something, it is the most well know type.

    i like that you decided to keep redstone for now, and im fine with you using cinnabar but cinnabar is actualy the most common mercury ore, usualy appears as huge red crystal formations, looks similar to quartz

    Cryolite is an aluminum ore, also used as a flux to help seperate oxide from aluminum ores, melts at 1012 degrees celcius, once melted it needs an electrical current to seperate the oxide from the aluminum, appears as a colorless crystal, suprisingly energy effeficient compared to heating and melting oxcide itself (pointless i know but it is a fun tibit)

    sylvite is multicolored, colorless, white, yellow and red, it apears even a dark brownish copper tone color as well, yeah appears to be another gem type

    borax is used in a variety of cleaning supplies, used in Buffers, chemicals of weak acids and bases, used to keep other chemicals stable while being used, mixed or while waiting for a reaction to take place that requires a constant ph level, borate is extracted from it to be used in the creation of complex ions

    olivine, when in gem state it is called peridot, yeah another gem but wait there's more, contains iron and trace amounts of nickle, not used for this reason but could be used this way as another source of iron and nickle, found only in igneous rocks, apparently olivine and high pressure structural varients make up 50% of the earths upper mantle, olivine sand (finely ground olivine) is used to cast items in aluminum

    lapis lazulie is only used in art, wether that art be jewlery, decration, painitns, or ornate itmes such as chests or boxes, it is only used and has only ever been used in art it is an artisan stone. could be the precourser to an artist profession


  2. i have an idea for how this can work with finite water, simply make it so that there is a block that is like the vanilla source block in that it never runns out and you can't pick it up, but it has not flow limit, if falls if there is nothing beneath itbut it will continuosly flow down a mountain, then it could flow into a river and the river ccould be made entirely out of finite source blocks. it would have to have a directed path, like it could be programmed to seek out the nearest river and form a 1 block deep path to it. this way it does not end up flooding your whole world when it spawns. or just make it so that the new buckets do not pick up vanilla water and use vanilla water as the source of fresh water springs that lead to rivers made of finite water blocks,and make it so that water that pours off of water source blocks can be collected in buckets as a source of fresh renwable water, so water source blocks can not be picked up with a bucked but finite source blocks and vanilla flowing non sorce water blocks can be collected, or atleast clicking on the vanilla water should fill up a water bucket without removing it, or ( and yes i am using "or" alot) you could use the same idea you did with gold panning and dirt/sand/gravel, click on it enough times and it disappears


  3. you can still find gravel in the game, or atleast you used to be able too, my first multiplayer tfcraft world had gravel, it was rarer but still there. oh and i think we should have ocean, beach and river beach biomes, maybe a few variations, they simply add in sandy aread next to oceans and some rivers and lakes. Also, if canyons are added, they would have to be larger then ravines and have rivers at the bottom. not all canyons are made of red rock like the grand canyon (been there and thought it was boring, looked like a giant hole in the ground) so any rock it spawns in should be fine, but rocks should be closer to the surface and often poking out above the dirt at the edge of canyons. back to my idea about multiple types of each beach. Some should be large but not so large you can not see where the beach ends from the ther side if and average sized river, use that measurement for oceans, lakes, and rivers. others should be very close to the edge, about the same as the beaches from 1.7.3. and then there should be beaches that have varying sizes but alos have clifs that meet the waters edge that are either rocky or grassy (grassy cliffs could have trees ocasionaly. cliff size should be variable, sometimes small 2 or 3 blocks out of the water, other time large, 10-15 blocks out of the water, and any other size that bioxx sees fit to add, assuming he even uses my idea. Also, i would like to see diffrent types of sand, mostly darker richer sands but also a lighter color of sand. oh and sand should hurt you if you walk on it barefoot in the "summer". atleast in deserts.


  4. OMG That is ... one big-ass run-on sentence with no capital letters and in dire need of a "." and maybe separation into multiple paragraphs. Sooo hard to read.

    Anyway - too late :P Bioxx is already deep in the agriculture. Be patient and the bugs will be fixed as he gets to them.

    sorry, i have a bad habit.


  5. or you could craft an item like saddle baggs and other things so that you can place them on the animal of choise and then you can pile them up with bags and trunks, the more things you put on them the slowwer they move though and to guide them you simply attach a rope to them or something, like in simply horses. maybe if you make a cart that you can ride in, may take more then one horce or mule/donkey to pull. you can guide a hole caravan that way


  6. it is a good idea but it is bioxx's mod, although yes i would like to see a huge bug fixx update, the buggs are minor right now and are not a big problem, maybe he could do a huge bug fix once the full agriculture update is out, he could do one huge series of bugg fixes once that happens, and when the next release comes out, beta version 3 then he can do another series of bugg fix updates, also sometimes while trying to solve one problem others pop up, programing is a very delicate procedure, if one letter on a line of code is off it could potentianly crash the entire mod, and every line of cod may in advertantly affect another, thus everything must be in perfect balance to acheive the goal of total bug removal and everytime something is added in new and old buggs are bound to pop up and will require the entire system to be rebalanced, this comes from having all of the coding for the game in one .jar, they are all closely connected with no boundries to prevent them from interacting negatively, if minecraft had been put together better it wwould have consisted of multiple files in seperat locations rather then have the entire ai and game coding in one file, there should have been one file desiganted to launching the game and searching for files that need to be accesessed at apropriate times but in seperate file thus allowing you to code each system individualy, and then have a central brain file that acces what files are needed at what times. but i digress, minecraft is not as well coded as it could or should havebeen but it works and our modders must work with what they have, bioxx has to take his time doing things as he ses fit and we must allow him to do so in the hopes it will all come together in the end and i for one have faith that bioxx and his team have what it takes.

    oh and yes while my description is a better way to code if done correctly it is also sligtly slower to load and render in things, only slightly, but it would fix most bugg problems that minecraft is well know for


  7. i admit that double weapons would be cool, but they would also be practialy pointless as to use both blades bioxx and his team would have to code special animations so that either the blade is swung back and forth or could be used to stab both forward and back, not the hardest to code but it would definaetly conflict with a mod like mine little pony and smart moving. however this mod could very well implement the other weapons, although to get a realalistic feel out of two handed swords they should use a constant bow draw back animation so both hands are on the weapon. so unless the team for tfcraft and the maker of mine little pony and smart moving mod get together the three are almost certainly not going to work together, the smart moving mod and minelittlepony mods both look mostly complete so this might not be as unlikely as with other mods that are still under heavy developement and the two teams would most likely not find a time that both are free to work together. but mlp and sm are actulay feesable.

    now onto the positive part of my comment. love the idea, warhammers, sythes, kamas/sickles, falchion and scimitar, love them all, i do not think that all these diffrent weapons will be added but i do believe that quite a few should. and if you look at my comment on the magma forge suggestion, i say that ultra powerful but heavy weapons and armour colud be made by using an ultra powerful forge/bloomery/anvil combo that not can only be used to forge ultra powerful weapons and armour for a net ore loss in comparision to the lesser versions, thus balancing it, so most of the items needed could be made at a magma forge and then crafted together to make the super powered heavy versions i see in these images, so you make a regular flail with a regular anvil and you make a heavy anvil with a magma forge, and for 3 times the ore or ingots/unshaped metal you get double the power and double the uses. i did not start the magma forge idea but i did come up with a fesible way to build and use the MF, so be sure to check it out and give both these guys the support they deserver for comming up with such awsome ideas for us to debate and build upon


  8. These are my ideas i do not expect most of them to be used, but if it is possible alot of them would be good additions if done properly, just adding to the topic

    Hostile mobs:



    Giant squid


    Scorpions, small but poisionous


    Crocodiles and Aligators

    Flying mobs could be added, both hostile and neutral, real and mythical


    Sea Serpent or Sea Dragon

    Leviathan, only spawns in underwater trenches, very rare but if you see one it means certain death for you and your ship

    bees, can be tamed if you wear special bee keeping outfit, made from thick cloth like burlap sac and a fine thread mask, made from string or silk

    Neutral or Passive mobs:


    Dragon, becomes hostile if attacked, can be bartered with for gold and gems alot of gold and gems, dragons hate to part with anything they think they own, especialy if it is rare





    Donkey, carry heavy load, stubborn as all hell


    Water Bufalo









    Silkworms, rare, only spawn in caves and very hard to farm

    Walrus, don't get too close or they charge you, stay atleast 5 blacks away,

    Sealion,won't attack unless attacked

    Horses, like simply horses, or work with simply horses to make the two compatible (make it so you can make the stuff to tame horses)

    what i think elephants should be like, becomes hostile if spooked, spawns in herds and can smash through trees. if tamed can be made to cary alot of stuff but moves very slowly

    Genral ideas:

    You should be able to breed wolves into dogs, not huge breeding into 50 diffrent dogs just make it so that when you breed wolves enough times one of the babies is a "dog" dogs will be the same only with better pathfinding.

    Humans should be added as the new npc's.

    hostile villages should spawn Goblins in them, or Pigmen

    Fish that you actualy have to fish for like notch origanly intended

    Craftable Golems:

    bring back the Iron Golem

    Add a Golden Golem, moves fast but weak attacks, runs in hits their target and runns away, use rose gold

    black or Red/Blue Steel Golems, strong but weaker then iron, fast but slower then gold, attacks by ramming the target? don't know what its attack style is but seeing as how i am sure that if implemented golems will be very hard to make, the steel golem should have decent fighting style, so the Iron golem takes like 100 ingots to craft, gold would only take 50 and steel should take between 75 and 100

    Nether idea:

    In the nether there should be extremely dangerous mobs, and some very useful neutral mobs,

    Hostile Nether mobs:

    demons, big bulking mobs with a lot of hp and do alot of damage, need ultra powerful armour to stand a chance and they have slightly longer reach then you

    hell hounds

    thresher, magma shark/fish, attacks magma tortiose

    hell beasts, big mob that spwans in lava lakes and throw fireballs at fire dragons

    nether should be redesigned so it is much more open, using the full 256 height, open space for dragon flight, ghasts spawn rate should be reduced or the nether needs to have multiple biomes and only certain biomes can spawn ghasts

    Fire minotuars, nearly twice the size of player and much more dangerous then most mobs

    fire drakes, like a mini wyvern, hostile, fly in and attack the player can breathe fire but half as often as ghasts shoot fireballs

    Neutral Nether mobs, no passive:

    hell mamoths, like elephants only covered in flame resistant hair, wearing it protect from fire damage but does not make you imune

    hell bats, guano can be refined into more powerful gunpowder for better tnt, but only slightly, very hard to contain

    fire dragons, if you give them gold or gems they will help you out by giving you a ride, if attacked they will drop you off, can be bartered with for rare items, maybe have "settlements" huge pillar or pliiars with holes in the sides in the middle of lava seas. not furnashed but fire dragongs can be found in or around the pillar, min of 3 per pillar max of 5-7, can not be controlled when ridden, must tell them coordinates and they pathfind to them

    Magma tortiose, large, eats coal, give it coal and you can ride it, be careful they tend to dive under the magma if angry with player because they take damage or are not fed regularly,

    imps, small creature, they like money, alot of money, if you give them alot of money they will defend you for a certain amount of time. throw mini fireballs that explde but barely enogh to break one nether rack, spreads fire around, will follow you into regular world, if they become untame in the regular world they start forest fires often but die if the sun comes up, instant dies not burns to death

    or you could try to talk with the mo'creatures guy and just have us download his mod to gett all of these, just simple coding to remove their regular drops and replace it with your own, that way we get a bonus for using multiple mods.


  9. i like this except that i do not think that deserts should be next to oceans just a new beach biom that can grow palm trees and coconuts, coconuts would be a good adition too, and looking at california's geography tells me that slight forests or plains can get pretty close up to the water, maybe just barely meeting the water for a few metters but for the most part it would be beaches. also there should be slightly more variation on what biomes meet what biomes as your way pretty much only allows for you to be on a huge funky looking dart board, so maybe make it so 2 or 3 biomes can connect to one another so you can have multiple biomes connected to a forset biome you start out in so you have 2 or more choices if you don't like forests, like swaps and forests next to plains, and wet lands, wet lands are alot like a cross between plains and swamps, very wet but very flat with few trees, and wet lands are usualy not only home to very tall grasses that but also a variety of wildlife and can be a good place to find certain animals


  10. It has more or less been reference as a transportation problem randomly among posts for other things, but this would be the first thread I believe. I agree that some form of faster transportation is needed once the Agriculture update is all settled.

    And if the vanilla mineshafts are bothering you I believe you're supposed to turn off "generated structures" when creating a new world anyways.

    i don't think that it is that he does not like the structures, i just believe that he would like to see the generated structures replaced with tfcradt materials, i for one would love to see villages made out of biome related materials, just so long as it can be done without looking hodgpog, or he can diable them entirely and add in his own new and improved generated structures that server more purpose, like for human npc's and and town mines for those npc's, heck maybe he can eve have the npc's have little minig outposts in random locations so they can sell ores and rare stone like basalt and granite to you, and the mines will be ore rich,

  11. The f-

    Fancy colored ropes... gold silver and copper coin piles... feudal japanese leather armor... rings?

    That's it, I want the finished mod NOW. Brb guys, cryostasis tiem

    i think the rings are for chainmail, he will probabaly add a jewlery.png if he adds rings and neclaces and stuff

  12. i like the clams idea but im not understanding what you are saying about how to get them, are you saying that you break blocks and they have a chance of dropping like gems? cause that does not sound very fesible to me, how about one of these suggestions instead, they are either an entity that apears under water and can not be moved only killed, or they are a block that spawn in diffrent sizes and in large clusters, they would have to have coding to allow water to occupy the same space as them, like coral from tropicraft, or have a multi surface texture, so it looks like a water block when place but has a clam texture on the inside, like a flower texture body that is inside the water block, and it can only be placed in water, like sugarcane they can not be planted without water near them only they need water or other clams surrounding them on 4 sides, also alow coding for if they spawn on walls or in clefts of a groto, they should also have a mushroom spread system so they spread under water like mushrooms spread on land only slightly more quickly with a group size max that stops them from spreading. oh and you would eat the clams and sometimes come across pearls when you open them, which could be used for aquatic enchants or be sold to villagers for high prices


  13. or you could spawn with death penalties, on top of having very low health and hunger. i actualy talked about this im my new health and medicine topic, it is starting to get a little low on the charts as every one seems to want to add items and entities rather then actualy focusing on features like health and hunger and how things could be made more realistic in a fun and challenging way, but if you check it out and have some good ideas or want me to remove or change parts of mine then feel free to leave a comment, if it fits well and people like it i will add it to my original post, also bioxx has already shown intrest in my ideas and said he would be checking my topic when he gets around to reworking the health and medicine systems, so head over to check it out.

    oh and i would like to see alot more farmable animals. horces and ox for making transporting things and your self easier. bees for wax and honey, herbs for medicine and food. and a more in depth health and hunger system, maybe replacing the current hearts and chicken legs with bars the fill up and you need to keep eating to keep the food bar up and make sure you are in good health to keep the health bar up, hunger bar slowly drains over time but health only drops when injured, starving or otherwise harmed. and food that is prepared better fills the food meter up more, but it won't have a cap, it could be as easy as having a food icon that has a counter, each food is asigned a certain number and eating higher level foods gives more food points, and the food points slowly drain away, but eating too much gives you a bloated effect that makes you slugish and slightly more vulnerable to attacks


  14. The only way I could see this working would be:

    It functions just like the forge, but does not require fuel.

    Instead of being based on a 3x3 of cobble/brick and surrounded by 8 cobble/brick, you would need to use blocks of iron, platinum, or the various steels, as those are the only metals in the game that won't melt in contact with magma/lava. Or that reliably will not do so.

    Which would make a magma forge very expensive to produce, but also very useful, because it would be able to render liquid any metal other than the ones that its enclosing blocks are made of, and would be able to get most others to a workable or weldable temperature, very quickly, too, I should think.

    or quite simply make a placeable item that takes up a 3x3x? space, use 2x sheet metal or something and has many stages. so you craft it some how, not entirely sure, your idea might be better, but my idea would give you a cualdron type block that yo place and fill up, your idea could work just as well, or a combo of our 2 ideas, you buld the container but leave one block facing the forge, either on the top or the botom, open and then you craft a nozel type thing to direct the stream, kinda like the bloomery block that when you place it in the hole it takes up a 1x2x1 space like the sluice and the animation pours off of there, great thing about magma forge is that it should never cool off, it should just slowly empty over time so you have to go find more lava to fill it with, and instead of a redsteel bucket to carry the lava, how about redsteel pipes, i geuss a regular steel container can hold the lava but the pies would have to be redsteel to withstand the heat since pipes are thinner then the walls of this design, if you were to use the metal blocks idea then iron or steel would be an acceptable starting point, higher teir metal hold more lava and more ore, if you use my original idea of a 3x3x? placeable item then it would probably need to be atleast black steel, i like the block idea better now that i think about it, maybe welding 2 double ingots gives you a block of metal? or 2 gives half a block and 4 gives a whole block, if it is made with a blocks though it need to be 5x5x? with a 3x3x? space inside to fill up with lava


    um how about also to get the higher teir metals you can through unsahpped metas into the magamaforge to get things like steel and black steel, so if you want a pure zink heavy ultra sword youa bunch of sphalertite but if you want to the magma basin, but if you want higher teir metals you need to use the metalurgy table and then toss the unshapped metal into the basin. also the magma forge could have a big gui with a new magma forge anvil side and a magma forge forge side to heat up the metal, any item placed in the forge is kept nice and hot but the anvil portion does not use ingots, it uses the measure ments that the bloomery has to coculate how much metal you have to work with and you have to work it from there, if you get it to the point that you craft a weapon, tool or armour peice it appears in an output slot, heavy tools and weapons should have diffrent designs, a heavy copper sword should look diffrent then a heavy steel sword


  15. the way something like this would have to be designed would be awkward, if you have lava pouring into it it could have many potential disaters, if you have it flow into it from one direction it might be easier to build but would look very strange and awkward. what if you had to build a 2 part forge, the basic part of the forge would be the same but you would need a specialy crafted lava basin that you can fill with lava and when you click it or pull the lever it "turns" and pours some "magma" into the forge. or has like an open spout, im not sure what it is called, but when you click it it releases some magam kinda like thisPosted Image

    or if you want the lava to flow into the forge this is a viable option Posted Image

    these would require a special animation to give it the realy cool effect that one would expect with this kind of forge, nothing too difficult just uses add a trail that the flowing lava texture will follow when activated and dissapear when deactivated, the stram it would have to follow would have to be thiner then a block, maybe as thin as a fence post? these metal magam containers would be able to hold sevral blocks of lava, redsteel would probably be a good metal for this level of forge, and could be used as bloomeries too, maybe they could be able to take in magma and ores and pour the melted metals into the forge and the metals can be shaped into ultra high teir weapons armours and tools. oh and the reason i said that redsteel should be used for lava is that i remeber a comment bioxx posted about maybe using bluesteel to carry whole blocks of water so blue for water red for magma. also a good idea is that the magma forge needs to have huge shaped molds, like for a sword instead of pouring the metal in a mold and working it into an ingot, you need to make huge stone or metal molds that have durability and when you pour the metal directly into the mold you need to work it in the fforge, thus combinding a bloomery forge and anvil all in one, but it can only be used for higher teired weapons and tools that require huge amounts of ores, thus you can not make regular weapons and armours and although the new weapons and armours have more uses and deal more damage, they cost more resources then they are worth, this way it balaces it out, you could make 10 regular picks that take alot of work and time, or you can make one ultra pick that has as many uses as 7 of those picks but costs the same amout of ore, also could be used for delving into the nether, as if you add a way to get to the netherthe mobs there would have to be horrific and powerful demanding stronger weapons and armour. this could be the starting point for that part of the mod.

    and yes i am an overlord fan


  16. sorry i clicked post before i was done, the mod redpower also has a similar function with the multiple partial blocks it creates, allowing for intresting and inventive designs, such as a table or chair, even modern art, the voxel engine is alot more flexible then you might think, i even stumbled across a mod that allows the use of "dust" to make patterns on blocks. a voxel engine can esily be made to do many things even allow blocks to occypy the same space. the voxel engine can even register every pixel as its own individuel spot that can allow you to place diffrent placeble items or blocks


  17. I hate to throw a stick into this but we have to remember the limitations of the voxel engine at the core of Minecraft. If you have a wall that is thin, say takes up even 1/4th of the block. You can have nothing but AIR in the rest of that space. Now I have been toying with the idea of making a 'water fencepost' for a long time so I can put them in water and let it continue to flow past it, but you would need that functionality for everything you would want to place on a wall in your house and the like with the thin wall concept.

    Just something to keep in mind, this is not as simple as it sounds as what it directly leads too is significantly more complicated.

    not true, if you look up a mod called tropicraft it has coral that does exactly this without affecting anyother blocks coding, there used to be a coral reef mod and it did the same thing with even more coral types but i have been unsuccessful at finding it. but these mods are proof of concept, it is possible to code a block to occupy the same space as a water block, althpoough the blocks do tend to have trouble with flowing water, but it is a rare occurence


  18. Why would i open it when i can't understand anything.


    Why should I dig around modfiles, does readme says so?

    Seriously Teranz i've seen you everywhere trying to be a smartarse so move along.

    the textures are not coded they are just images, you don't have to be a coder or know anything about coding to beable to look at pictures, siply open the file and look at the folder called bioxx, it have a bunch of images, such as mutiple diffrent colors of beds that have yet to be added. buckets, nugets, cloth pillows, bedframes, heck there is even a knife sprite, meaning that sooner or later we will be able to use knives

  19. Ok so i was just reading a post about adding giant squids (awsome idea but not practicle) and about how bioxx hopes to change the terrain gen, and maybe making biomes bigger. then it hit me, if biomes are going to get bigger, the oceans are going to be huge and we are going to need a way to cross them. with the awsome new gen height i realized that oceans can get extremely deep so i also had the quick idea to add to the world gen that if a ravine spawns in under an ocean it should be full of water. but that is off topic. ships could actualy be easier to code then most realize. with terrafirmacraft awsome structure recogition prgraming, all one would have to do it build a structure, and use the proper materials, also ships would not have to be very big, a simple long boat like the viking used would be suitable for a several day voyage. it would be awsome to have massive ships like the spanish navy used or english galleons but those would be much harder to code, i believe that a long boat would be a suitable middle ground, they cound easily hold several chests and people, and with a little coding even have a sleep function to help skip nights (ie. sleeping on the hard floor of the ship) this would allow the player to not only have a swift means of transportation across seas but also have storage for food, and a platform that can be used to fight off any mobs that may attack your boat rather then having to either dive into the water after the monster or risk breaking your boat. things that could attack your ship would include sharks, whales, squids if they are added, and even mythilogical creatures if they are added (which would be awsome additions) such as sea dragons and mermaids, i could not think of another sea monster so i threw in mermaids as they were know to lead ships to rocks and capsize the boats to attack the crews of ships. ship sterring would be easy as well, as the ship would simply have a function that as long as it is not night, when you click on the ship you go into a driving mode, or for multiplayer convienience, paddles and a steerer. who ever it is codded or done, ships were and have always been a major part of human progression and should be included in this mod. also another idea to add is that maybe adding in a sea captain npc that can be found at village ports, if they are added, yeah i know this is reliant on unconfirmed additions and hopeful additions, that when hired you can set coordinates in his memoery storage and set up your own docks, and then all you have to do is have him steer the ship to your desired destination. this would not mean that you immidiately appear at the desired location, but that the captain gives the ship an AI that finds the most direct route across water to the desired coordinates, also if the desired destination is scaned and found to not be water of a cetain depth then the coordinates are regected and dissapear from the list.


  20. Thats impossible for now, minecraft itself needs an update to get those things done.

    what are you talking about? are you trying to say that it is impossible to add new stairs and ladders? cause hate to burst your ignorant bubble dude but there are already dozens of mods out there that do just that, hell all it takes is the same coding as the fences and stairs coded to a new block and a corresponding texture, hell minecraft itself is going to release multiple colored stairs and half slabs. so stop talking out your ass and actualy look shit up before you start raddling of bullshit cause you think you know it all.

  21. um where have you gotten your info? there is a reason wooden arrows were practicaly never used, for one they break practicaly on contack barely penetrating the skin, they are often dull which means that most never even penetrated the skin. and due to the light nature of wood, they would be impossible to control, first there is the need for counter balancing, then there is the fact that to counter balance a wooden arrow would require the arrow to be nearly twice its length which leaves to much room for flaws, bends and other imperfections for it to even be feasible. i suggest instead that we keep the current arrow recipie but also add a way to make metal arrow heads, maybe even metal bows and metal sticks to use for fully metal arrown and crossbow bolts, thus creating more ways of getting arrows and not making it too overly easy. also most tiny shapped metal objects take alot of skill to make so making tinyt things like arrowheads and nauls should take atleast alot of hammering, maybe 2 stages if you can figure out how it would be done, possibly breaking ingots up into Metal Bits?
