Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bamfigms

  1. Hello everyone

    As the title says, hello everyone. I have been playing around with TFC for at least 6 months now. Bouncing from it to my regular server SixtyGig, they run vanilla MC. Anyhow, I wanted to learn enough about TFC to not be a complete and utter noob before I started to play on a TFC server, as I always seem to have more fun with multiplayer. Anyhow, this is my introduction thread, I'm hoping to find some cool people to play on a TFC server with.
  2. *snip* Imatard Thanks for the help Aridhol, after your info I was able to get on and play for a bit. I was fine for about 5 minutes, then went to the main city, walked out the gate and crashed, now I instantly crash at login.
  3. I've been trying a few different things, and even figured out which versions of those mods i should use, but what I keep running into is this error "Forge Mod Loader has found world ID mismatches ID 26457 (ModID: awger_punt, type awger.mods.punt.ItemPunt) is missing. I saw in the first post that that needed to be renamed, so I did, I'm not sure if i did the right thing or what. Sorry to trouble you. I'm just at a loss here. If renaming it is what you meant by change ID, then I'm not sure what probelm I'm having. It removes the " : " when I rename it however.
  4. *snip* Needed to read the first post a little better.
  5. Thank you bob! I was honestly not expecting such a fast response. I appreciate it, and hope to see you in game soon.
  6. IGN: Bamfigms I have only ever played on a few servers, I learned how to play minecraft in single player and then got bored with it. I probably joined 20 servers in my first day before I realized that most of the public servers are full of immature people who just aren't fun to play with. Before long I wound up on a place called SixtyGig, I am a long standing member there, If you want to background check me that is a place to start, it's very close knit server, where applications take a month, and you must get the votes of 3 veterans. (at least when I joined anyhow, now you must be vouched for by a current member) Anyhow, I have no bans undermy belt, so feel free to check MCbans. I love playing minecraft, I love playing in survival... but sometimes vanilla minecraft just gets a bit boring, so I ran up on TFC in my mod search, I only like to play MC on servers, so here I am. Looking for a TFC server to join. Here's hoping for a slot on that whitelist. Thanks in advance, Bam
  7. Hello everyone

    Thanks for the warm welcome squid. I'm hoping to get to know a few nice people on here and develop a group of friends to play TFC with.