Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by aliceingame

  1. I was it before, but how would the recipe work? I think that there is a mod to create custom recipe, that could do the job, but still, we would have problems with wood color...

    If anybody tried it, it would be nice to know hot it worked.


  2. Yes, and it won't escalate. Nice to meet you too dunk.

    I was a bit insulted that someone tell me that I am completely wrong just based on a wikipedia article.I think that I was able to admit that I was somehow wrong, and I will not reply if he is not able to admit that he could have been wrong too.

    Anyways, I would be happy to have a conversation about implementation of hay/straw in TFC if you ever think about it.


  3. Ok... so based on your reading of a single wikipedia page, you are an expert in cattle diet? Congratulation.

    I did some research and I did find out that straw can, indeed, be part of the diet of cattle. On that point, I am sorry, I was wrong. However, and I quote "You can spin straw into gold for your total mixed ration (TMR) when you chop this unconventional fibre source to the right length and add it in the right amounts." (source). In other words, you can not give a bale of straw to you cow, you need to chop it the right size and mix it to other ingredients. So I think that you are wrong, people do not feed animals with bales of straw, they process it and include it in the ration.

    Yes we are talking about a game, and TFC try to be as realistic as possible (to the point it is not affecting the gameplay). What is the most realistic thing to do? Gives bales of hay to the animals or give them bales of straw?


  4. It's ready when it's ready. No worries. Your health is more important.

    I was wondering if you will still release it for 1.4.7 if 1.5 comes out before then?

    Check the main page of FTC, Bioxx said "I may even end up adding/fixing a few things myself, depending entirely on when he gets the final code to me, including 1.4.7 or 1.5 support(depends on the timeframe).".

    We only have to wait...


  5. You can download the .jar for 1.4.6 somewhere, can not find a legit source (like minecraft website, but it's possible). I use Magic Launcher to choose my minecraft version and to install mods. In fact, I don't even have to install them, just to say what I want to use.


  6. Did you even see the video?

    Yes I saw it... and the guy in the video can be "wrong" on a realistic point of view. Hay is weed, straw is from cereal like oat or wheat. If Minecraft say that bales of hay are made out of wheat, they are wrong on a realistic point of view.

    Straw - Wikipedia

    Animal feed

    • Straw may be fed as part of the roughage component of the diet to cattle or horses that are on a near maintenance level of energy requirement. It has a low digestible energy and nutrient content. The heat generated when microorganisms in a herbivore's gut digest straw can be useful in maintaining body temperature in cold climates. Due to the risk of impaction and its poor nutrient profile, it should always be restricted to part of the diet. It may be fed as it is, or chopped into short lengths, known as chaff.

    ... I most likely saw this... It has a low digestible energy and nutrient content. I will quote the same wikipedia article "It is commonly used as bedding for ruminants and horses." And I can tell by personal experience that my dad, who is a farmer, never ever gave straw to eat to his animals.


  7. bales of hay? Great. I'll just smudge the crafting recipe a bit and reimplement it for TFC when it comes out

    Welll... I don't think that you can say bales of hay. I think it would be better to say bales of straw.

    I think that bales of hay should be made out of grass that we could cut with the scythe. It could be used as a food source for animals. Instead of eating grass block, they would eat out of the bales of hay. That can allow a higher animal concentration in a pen (they would not have to wait for grass to grow back. In real life you must dry the grass before making the bales or a fermentation process will begin and you will end up with silage (but you must cut the air source, like putting it in a silo or covering your bales with plastic wrap. Silage is good for cattle, but I don't think it's good for other animals.

    On the other hand, it could be possible to change the crafting result of knife and cereals crops to give straw and grain. Straw is not good to feed animals, but can be used in building straw roof. Some people also make houses out of it, covering the outside with a kind of cement/mortar (and mortar will be part of build 76 right). It's also a component of the traditional white walls ins Japanese castle (can try to find picture of it if you want).

    So, hay and staw have different use in real life.

    On the aesthetic standpoint, I think they look pretty sweet. A little variation goes a long way. But what purpose do they serve? Are they a visual stack aid for wheat (holding 9 wheat like iron blocks hold 9 iron)? Do they "feed" animals? This would be very useful in the breeding of cattle and horses. Inquiring minds want to know...

    I don't think it would be realistic to feed animals out of bales of staw. There is no grain in straw ans what animals eat is the grain.


  8. My surface is covered by copper and Cassiterite, but underground, there is so much Sphalerite, I found my Sphalerite/Limonite vein, the visible one and one other by hitting a wall with the prospector's pick.

    Don't have to bring a water source underground, I found water at two different level when digging or exploring the tunnels.

    Also, I added pictures to the original post.


  9. In my actual game, I found my first Sphalerite visible vein in a cave system. The other times I found some was in creative.

    I also found a HUGE area of Sphalerite mixed with Limonite. The vein is so messy, all made of small pockets of 1 to 4 block of ore. With the technique 1 I was able to get to the general area, but the vein is so hart do work with.

    I never got anything else than Cassiterite, Bismuthenite and Sphalerite in a sluice. Do you know if they can pick something else ? If they can, I may try them in a underground cave.


  10. A few pointers:

    1) Your ore finding technique only works for surface ores, so it only works for zinc, bismuth, tin and copper, which are all useless ores that can be found literally everywhere.

    2) Sluices check for ores to about 60 blocks below them and 100m around, so they can be used as a stronger, yet less accurate version of spotting for surface ores (there's more to sluices than that, but there's multiple threads about it already).

    3) Checking for ores in caves is even easier. Find a cave, spot ores sticking out or use the prospecting pick randomly at the floors/walls to find a vein. The level at which caves spawn, usually means that there's not just surface ores, but all kinds of ores down there.

    4) If an ore is not a surface ore, the LAST place you want to look for it, is a biome that has the surface rock type that the wiki claims contains the ore. Why? Because the top layer of rock doesn't contain anything, but surface ores and when you go down, you'll end up in a different rock type.

    5) The level change technique works really well for isolated veins, like the surface ores, but can be pretty useless once you go deeper to mine. At optimal mining levels, the vein you are looking for is surrounded by tons of other ores, so the pro-pick readings will be all over the place and pin-pointing the spot where the reading changes will be impossible. On top of that, there's certain kinds of veins that are more scattered in formation, which require you to use a branch-mining technique, after you get a few readings and can guesstimate what direction you have to dig in.

    1. I would not call it "my" technique, but... anyways. I think it would also work in deeper level.

    2. Finding nuggets was more efficient than sluice for me.

    3. Maybe, but I explored a huge cave system and almost never saw visible vein. I guess I would have to check at the optimal level.

    4. Good point.

    5. In deeper level with more interference, I am wondering how it would work. Will have to test it out. And yes, one problem of this technique is if the vein is made of pockets of ore, then you will only hit one pocket.


  11. Hi, first of all, I hate when people do it, but I'll start by saying that English is not my first language (I got a bad comment about my grammar in my first post here...). I would be appreciated if you help me improve the English level of this post.

    When I first used the prospector's pick, I had no idea of how to use it, and how to use the readings it gave. This post will be a guide about the techniques I found in Youtube or in this forum. I will explain and analyse these technique.

    NOTE : Click on the picture for full size screenshot.

    How to find ore

    The first thing to do before using the pick, if actually finding the right spot. As most player know, if you find small pieces of mineral while you punch the ground, then you are around the right spot. Basically, you just want to punch rocks and when you find some pieces of metal, that you can mark using stone, torch, flower, fence post or anything you want. Once done, you want to use the pick to go to the ore, but you usually don't get any reading from the ground level (of course it's possible if you are lucky). The best way to find your first reading is to choose a spot in the middle of your marking and dig. You should get a reading when you hit the rock level under the dirt, or maximum four block under.From your first reading, you might want to dig down a bit before prospecting (if you dig 12 block down, you should hit the vein while prospecting) or you can start prospecting than dig just at the right place to find your ore.

    Analysis breakdown

    In order to test the techniques I found, I first created a world in creative mode. I looked around for small pieces of ore, dig down until I hit rock, where I had a reading and flatten the entire zone to that level. Once done, I marked the readings with different color of wool, then filled the empty spot with a similar color. With the reading done, I only have to use the prospecting techniques and dig to see if if find ore.

    Posted Image

    Vein area after digging

    Posted Image

    Prospecting result. White-Traces, Orange-Small, Pink-Medium, Blue-Large, Green-Very Large. The middle of the to section of very large was not prospected. Also note interfering readings in black.

    Posted Image

    In the same order order, grey, yellow, purple, light blue and lime wool used to indicate guessed readings of two types. 1. All the blocks between two blocks of the same reading. 2. Reading one or two block deeper or higher.

    1. Level change technique

    This is the technique I found in a video by TheRealBassetts (

    ). As he said in the video, he got his technique in the forum, I just want to give him credits because I fist saw it trough his video.

    Technique breakdown

    Posted Image

    • Prospect on a line until you find a point where the reading level change. (The "change point" marked by redstone torch)
    • From this point, walk 12 blocks in the direction of the highest reading.
    • Turn left or right and prospect until you find the point where the reading level change. (I turned left)
    • From this point, walk 12 blocks in the direction of the highest reading (usually you would have to walk backward).
    • Dig until you find the vein, you will find it 13 block down or less. (the red wool indicate the point where you have to dig).

    I tried this technique from 4 different point, starting from different density, (traces, small sample, etc...), for one point I tried turning left and right at step 3 to get to entry points, and for one point that was in a reading corner, I tried going top and left. I ended up testing 6 different entry point. Result, 5 time I found ore right under the entry point, and for the sixth one, I fond it in a 1 block radius in a + shape.

    Posted Image

    My 6 points and the way I found them.


    • Effective to find a vein using the pick as less as possible.
    • Based on my test, it's 100% effective. You should hit the vein all the time if you dig in a 3x3 staircase (as normal players don't dig straight down).
    • Not the best technique to find small pockets of ore in a a vein formed of many small pockets.
    2. Vein framing technique

    This is the technique I found in a video by Syrolux (

    ). I named this technique the "vein framing" because the goal is to frame the vein, or if you prefer, to locate a box around the entire vein, then you only have to mine inside of this frame to find all the ore available in the vein.

    Technique breakdown

    Posted Image

    The redstobe torch mark my starting point, the redstone one the ground mark the 12 block count and give an idea of the final frame.

    • On a point where you have a reading, mine in straight line until you don't get a reading anymore (you might want to have 3 to 5 negative reading in a row to avoid conflicting false negative).
    • From the last reading, count 12 block toward the highest reading and put a marker.
    • Continue mining in the opposite direction until you have no hit, turn around, count 12 and place a marker.
    • You pinned down the width of your vein.
    • From the middle point between your two markers, mine in in the two other direction until you get no hit, count 12 and place a marker.
    • You also pinned down the length of the vein.
    • From the middle point, mine up and down the same way to pin down the height of the vein.


    When you look at the reading, you realize that the reading box have quite square edges, but that the corners are a bit round. In other words, if you count 12 block from the edge of this square, or if you count 12 block from a last reading that is not on the edge of the square, you might end up with a box that is too small for the vein. What I did is to draw two boxes, the largest possible, and the smallest possible. First I dug around the biggest frame, leaving everything from the smallest box in place. On the left and top line i got some ore sight on the line of my box, and on the right and bottom lines, I only got ore one box next to the line. Result, 100% of the ore was inside of my box. However, all what I found was outside of the small box. Of course, the biggest part of the vein was vein was framed. If well executed, this technique will be extremely exact.

    Posted Image

    The large box is indicated by redstone, and the small one in red wool. There is less readings in the top right corner, that's why we get a smaller box.

    Posted Image

    Everything is inside the big redstone box and not everything is covered by the small fence box. (I broke one ore piece by mistake, replaced by orange wood).

    Additional tips

    • To get the biggest box, you should always prospect on a line where you get the highest reading for that vein, so you are not on the edge of the vein. At point 5, always dig from the middle, if you get your with a bit wrong, at least you will get your length right because you are prospecting in the middle of the vein. at the end, if you go up or down from the middle, you should hit the vein in the middle.
    • If you dig down to get you first reading, mine at least 3 block lower before testing your lines. Instead of testing many block in a row to check if you got a false negative, hit the walls and ceiling too. The ceiling being the first layer where you get readings, the walls the second an third, and the floor the 4th.
    • Assuming you found the vein from the top, if you dig 14 block bellow your first reading, you will hit the vein during the framing process. If you only dig 12 down, you will walk on the vein instead of mining trough it.
    • Really accurate to frame 100% of the ore of a complete vein.
    • Require a lot of mining, and more than 100 mined blocks will completely be out of the box. In my example none of the prospected block where in the box.

  12. Hi,

    I want to know if anybody would like to have support for TCF in the website Minecratf Customizer. I first found it because the pack I use (Soartex Fanver) allow users to customize their pack. I added John Smith's TFC texture that I modify by myself to change some texture (wood looks so similar) with things from blockheads (like wood and doors).

    I guess that people might want to do it too, and using the combiner in Minecraft Customizer seems to be a nice option. If you don't want to customize, the website is also a good way to find texture pack that offer texture for a specific mod.

    Before writing in their forum, I want to have the TFC players opinion. I added a poll to this post so when I ask them to add TFC support, I can link to this post showing that there is people interested in using their website to customize TFC.


  13. I don't know if we can consider it a "secret" but the hoe have different modes that can be changed like the chisel. You can 1- prepare soil 2- see if you have water to your farm land 3- check if crop is ready 4- use fertilizer (however, I did not figure that out yet).


  14. It seems like English probably isn't his/her primary language, I wouldn't jump to attacking their grammar so fast.

    Thanks, in fact French is my primary language.

    I have nothing else to say. Will wait for a possible change in future version.


  15. I think you're thinking of stone bricks, not walls. You cannot make a wall without six full pieces. As such, they aren't very practical for use.

    I talk about wall. Same recipe and mechanic as fence but using cobblestone in vanilla. Can make these with many TFC blocks.

    Chisseled block can be jumped over, not walls. Adding chissel to the recipe sound good enough. Or even change it for a recipe like the support beam with 2 stone and chisel.


  16. In creative mode I noticed that it't possible to create walls with many types and form of stone. So in my survival game, I decided to make some pieces of wall to make the top of my forge/bloomery chimney (good looking and prevent mobs from entering by the chimney)... however, the recipe is not exactly the same as in Vanilla. Well, the recipe is the same, but not the number of wall pieces created. You only get one piece of wall out of the original 6 pieces of stone.

    In my opinion, it's odd that you need 6 pieces of stone to make one piece of wall (instead of 6 pieces like in Vanilla). I can not imagine any valid argument to support this recipe.

    I guess it could be a quick fix for build 76.
