Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by aliceingame

  1. I would have sent a msg directly to Kitty, but it seems that I do not have the ability to send msg.


    I want to say that I am sorry about the post about reconstructing TFC, I did not want to be offensive toward Dunk, Bioxx, you or anybody who putted effort in TFC. I guess that I have not been clear about the fact that is only pure speculation, "what if...". My question was "what do you think TFC could be if" and not a statement like "let's do it".

    And I still wonder, what could happen if some elements of TFC where written in a different way, any many of the thing I have in mind would have no impact on the final game content and gameplay.


    You might know Bioxx better than me, but I am sure that he already thought about a rewrite of TFC at some point. You know, when Dunk was almost the lead developer, he implemented the ingot stack and the new leather processing and the barrels, then, Bioxx was planning TFC 2, but he ended up ditching it and came back on TFC. Who know, they might not need to be well paid to think about rewriting TFC (to actually do it is a different thing as I guess they would rather write new features than re-do everything).


    Maybe I am just wondering about how the suggestions and the discussions about actual or future feature have a direct influence on what is actually coded. Maybe I am just wondering about the value of a valid and logical argumentation and it's impact on the game.


    Again, I am sorry...



    Implementing all the community ideas is a terrible idea, primarily because of this reason:


    That's not my intention. Maybe please more people, but not all and not at all cost.


    I only have the impression that some idea are refused based on a logic that I don't understang


  3. I just tought that the shovel thing would be "easy" to implement. The bush would not be the visible part, it would be the dirt block under, like the roots of the bush. When you plant it back, it could be smaller and have to grow to full size before bearing fruits. Bush that can not stack should have the ability to grow two or tree high


  4. I too like the third option, on a side note how do you guys feel about the agriculture skill, does it seems like it increases really fast in comparison to the other skills, or is that just me. If the bushes thing is linked to the ag skill then it might have to change.


    my agriculture is my highest skill... it increase quickly if you travel and pick wild crop and even faster when you harvest all your field


  5. Yes because what if all of my torches went out? Now I'm capable of lighting them all up as soon as I get one lit.


    I really like your logic and I must say that you just won my vote on this one !


  6. No just simply right clicking and having this work also on a forge would work too.


    If it happen that I have a stick in my hand when I want to open the fire pit or the forge ?


  7. But by all means start a GitHub and see what you can do. I'd suggest that recruiting on or co-oping this forum is not kosher though and will likely be met with hostility. It will be at the very least a learning experience for you.


    Yes, I could start a GitHub repo... that would be empty until someone can code anything... as I can't. Or else it would probably already be done!

    If any coder want to join and try it! That would be more than entertaining I am sure!


  8. Remove Craft Recipe

    Crafting a torch is very tedious right now. LOL ... TFC is sometime a tedious game! You must craft one stick at a time into two torches which is followed by a few second timer within a firepit Use the Forge, Luke! (or how to make 5 set at a time). After seeing how you can just simply use a stick on a lit torch to create another, I quickly realized that it was just more of a convenient process. It's not efficient, but this system was flat out better. So in my opinion, in order to make a torch, you should just simply right click on the firepit while holding a stick I guess you mean shift clicking, on a lit firepit... or even a forge! the Idea is good.. This will mean that you would no longer be able to craft one stick into two torches. I would not call it "crafting"... but well. I don't understand why that would need to be removed, the idea of this cooking system is that you put something on the fire, it's consistent with the mechanism of cooking meat or smelting ore in the past.

    Lighting Unlit Torches with Tools

    While this is already possible by using a lit torch, you should additionally be able to light an unlit torch with either a firestarter or flint & steel. This is something I attempted, thinking it was already possible. Starting a fire with a firestarter irl is not easy, that's why it take several attempts to lit a firepit. What would be the success rate of lighting the torch with a firestarter? For the flint & steel, as it is considered the "no fail" fire starting system, yes, good idea, but I would not personally use my steel on that.

    Unlit Torches Dropping Stick

    I've broke a few unlit torches thinking it would at least yield something, unfortunately it didn't and I just wasted material for nothing. Would be nice if at least a stick dropped, it'll make sense with the new way of crafting torches where it consumes and entire stick rather than half a stick. Well, with the overflow of sticks you can run into..... not that much of an issue for me. Do you want the firepit to break into 3 sticks too? And honestly, unlit torch back into a stick? A half burnt piece of wood could then go back to the state you can turn it into a tool handle. I think that relighting the torches is already a good compromise between realism and believably. Why not make it so a re-lit torch can not be taken back.

    Replaceable Sticks Which Are Torches

    The block version of a stick should be an unlit torch. I don't understand... you want to be able to place sticks like we place torch ... to be able to light them?

    Inventory Torches Should Burnout

    Would be nice if you could somehow give a timer for each torch, where they could eventually burnout in your inventory after 48 hours, making them become a stick. Though I have a feeling that this may be too complicated to implement. Good idea, but you can not stack torch with different burnout time. And the idea behind the torches burning out is that ... they BURN! So I don't see how you can explain that you burn something and after it come back to it's original state... after 48 hours your torches should turn into ash (I do not want that to be a thing).


  9. As long as you have Op, and don't have vanilla iron conversion turned on. You can always rename gems (or another item) to act as "casting" or "stamping" them.

    For a mod though, how would you prevent other players from casting the same thing you are. Would almost require some form of Op interaction.


    That's why I said you need a stamp, the stamp is a unique ID for the coin set. IRL the central bank will decide the size and metal content of the coin and mint it with a value, then distribute on the market.

    In game you could have have something like a book to create a currency, and inside that book you can store your stamp setting for that currency, when you stamp a coin, it's no longer a random piece of metal, it's a piece of metal that have a commonly accepted value.


    Let's say I create a new currency called the TFC (for TerraFirmaCoin). It have 2 coins, a 5u of copper coin with value of 1, called a "1 TFC" and a 5u of silver coin with a value of 10 TFC. Then you can create a central bank where you have a stack of both coin and allow people to change from one to the other, or to change between competing currencies at a set rate, of buy items based on currency value and not on coin quantity.


    At least, that's my idea.


  10. I never thought that my idea would be received that coldly.


    Of course I love TFC, but I think that there is things that are in the core of TFC that could be changed and make TFC even better. For example, to increase game compatibility, I would suggest to have a Vanilla based HP so mod mob could be a chalenge to kill with TFC weapons. I would propose to remove the size and weight tooltip (so the difference between TFC and non-TFC items would not be so big) but I would keep custom stack size and storage limitations. I would also propose to introduce a TFC version of obsidian so we can use it in oredict to craft items from other mods.


    I also think that things that where introduced in addons are now lost because of a lack of update of these addon, for example extrafirma that bring many nice additions like the lamp or the mineral block, but if it was implemented in TFC from the start, then we would still have it.


    Of course I am also a bit disappointed to know that we might never find any pre-generated structures in the world and even less chance to see NPC. There is other ideas like coins or the creation of an ingame currency that could be great but might never happen, and why not add trading booths, merchant booths, or a bank booth to change coins and manage currency.... What about a Salt evaporation pond... or Jam and candied fruits... What about revisiting the crop, fruit trees and bushes selection (why not remove some wildly unknown berries and add something like grape or non-north american berries, like Goji berry...)


    Maybe I should be the only one to blame as I have no knowledge of programming and that my ideas would have to be coded by other people.


  11. Well, first of all, I would not ask bioxx or dunk to rewrite the game, I would say that the community could do it, and we have access to the existing code too. There is a lot of people who contributed on bugfix,(or made addon) and I am sure many could code new features but they don't as it's not their mod.


    Second, the goal would not be to make everybody happy all the time, but to answer the desire of the majority. If a decision is taken, there would not be hundreds of configs to tweak every simple aspect. Also, I never said that a decision would have to voted in unanimity, nothing would happen then.


    Of course, before a vote, you let people talk and argue, and before the vote, you make a reminder of the arguments for/against, pro/con, (say it like you want), then let people vote. The idea is that you can not always win, maybe your next idea will be accepted.


  12. Well, I think that it would be a part of the challenge to create a framework and initial vision. To create mechanism to make choices. To have convincing people to push some ideas forward, to make the idea progress.


    That could be a fun social experiment. It could lead to surprising results.


  13. I recently saw so many people seeming frustrated because the game is to hardcore or that the game is not realistic enough, people complaining about the developers interpretation of "believability" or even unhappy that their suggestion are ignored, for good or bad reasons.


    What if...



    What if TFC was reconstructed from scratch. A kind of TFC reboot where every single step of the development would have to start from community suggestions to evolve into a fully detailed plan that would include everything from the key mechanism to crafting recipe to mathematical formulas of rules if needed. Every suggestions would have to be weighted for their good points and their bad points, where any idea would have to be accepted or refused with strong logical arguments. A mod without a clear author, as every general plan would be open for any programme to implement.


    Then, I am really wondering what could be achieved. Would it be possible to build constructive plans to create a fun mod. Would we get capable programmers implementing the new planned features.


    My question is, do you think that a mod 100% created by a community is possible ? And where would if lead to...


  14. The idea is good, but it have been discussed a lot in the suggestion forum. I honestly thin that this discussion should go in the suggestion and not in the mod section... as it is not a mod and it will most likely not be one soon.


    Like I said the idea is good, but do you tink that having a easy way to make coins like that would help to build an economy ?


    The way I see it is that you have to create a "stamp" or a kind of master of your coin. That stamp would have some setting that you can adjust, like Coin name, metal used and number of unit by coin. Then, you would be able to stamp the mold before casting the coins and the casted coins would have a custom name.


    You could have  a 5unit of copper coin named a penny, and that coin would only be stackable and usable with other coins made from the same master stamp (that you have to keep safe in the heart of the central bank). That would prevent the over production and overflow of coin, would stimulate the economy of groups of people using the same currency and even create money changing professions. That would be a dynamic way to use money and mods like the booth mod (I don't remember the name, it give you a place to sell items.


  15. Also keep in mind that in general, if an item is added to the tool rack, we remove it's ability to be stored in a chest.


    I would have to disagree with that argument.


    There is many kind of tools that fit in chests, like knife, chisel, hammer and propick (that is 27% of the tools). The tool that can not fit in the chest are medium or large, so if the problem is that the rope is medium, then make it small so it can fit in the chest and on the tool rack.


    I tought that this addition was nice, it give the opportunity for players to have more storing options and it remove nothing to the game or the gameplay.


  16. I agree...I am done with this mod. It's a shame too because I have been playing for a long time now. It just seems that logic has been thrown out because of the personal tastes of the modders. Good luck ya'll who stick with this, but I am done. The changes to the thatch was minor but now the caveins are illogical. I should be able to tunnel one block through and not have a cave in. Its ridiculous! The support beams I have never understood either...and I have read and followed the wiki. My sheep after three in game months wont be familiar enough to sheer. I am extremely frustrated and that is NOT what I want in a game. I want to be entertained. All I get from the developers is -this is the way its going to be so deal. Well this is how I am dealing with it. CYA


    I do like the sandwiches and the leather and cloth rewrites but that isn't enough to keep me going.

    Good Luck.



    You know, many new features have been requested coutless times by many players in the suggestion forum. If you ask people  to chose, they will most likely choose what make the game the hardest, so the dev are also going this way. For example, in this poll 25% voted to make it easier, 50% voted to keep it the same and 25% asked to make it harder. For the torches, 60% of people are ok with it as it is. If you hope to change something, you should talk more about changes you would like to see to make them happen, to leave will bring nothing.


    Of couse, there is many aspects that can be adjusted in the config and make the game more enjoyable for you. As the mod is in beta and always add new features, you must have some patience, as new features need to be tested, bug need to be fixed and one day, the new features will work as well as many old features, that's why we always have a lot of hotfix after the release of a new build. Keep reporting bugs until there is no more bug.
