Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by -TK-

  1. You would need to edit x-ray yourself so it removed all the different types of stone and other unwanted materials since the normal mod is meant to work with vanilla stone which is different to the many varieties this mod offers. I don't see why you would want to remove such a key element of the mod. There are many other mods that add much more sophisticated agriculture and also if you are only going to do agriculture and architecture then why do you need metals? Other than tier 1 metals which are very easy to find.


  2. You should be able to get mercury thermometers. You should be able to acquire mercury by roasting cinnabar in a glass container and collecting the mercury through the use of a condensation column. (made of glass)

    General glassworking should be added anyway. For chemistry and optical equipment.


  3. As you can obviously tell. I am not disagreeing with you. I am absolutely agreeing with your op. I was using your statement for emphasis not as an argument. As for your sarcasm - I'll choose to let that fade away. Since, you obviously misread my intent.

    Well, writing "I agree" before your initial statement, would probably cause this situation to never happen.


  4. Hmm, good idea, I'll just add it to the op. Oh wait it's already written. Must have been the magic idea fairies or something. By using a separate multiplier for everything you do just this. Also what you suggested sounded like removing those multipliers. If it's completely random then all the values must be random, you just suggested limiting those values, I'm not sure what you are getting at. Do you want randomly non random values or do you want non random random values?

    Basically to sum up. You disagreed with me, then I posed my counter argument, then you used my original idea to argue against my counter argument.


  5. Don't let iConomy scare you off and yeah you can haggle with people. Currency shouldnt be the only thing that people are using. No one should be forced to use it, but you'll need some iConomy money to purchase plots or shop plots or towns etc. Killing agro mobs will actually gain you iConomy cash so theres but also.....

    this is exactly how we will be run. Alamurla is correct.

    I agree with this. A town can have taxes if they wish. I dont know if I'll have them at my place. Although each town has upkeep so I might have a small tax to pay for that. So if say 10 people are in my town and its costs $15 per day for upkeep then a $2 tax daily is feasible. This can be accomplished by killing two mobs each day. Kill 10 and you're good for about 10 days.

    While I have you, here's my first LP. I welcome you guys to do an LP yourself. This was my first time and I was a little nervous, also sound cut out (I explain what happened in the second episode)


    The microphone quality is appalling I understand that it costs to get a good microphone but if you are serious about doing let's plays and being successful you need a proper mic, you will not be successful on a crappy mic. At least for now, record the sound separately, start recording in the menu so you can hear the click for the start of the video and can synchronise the sound later, then use a program like audacity to remove noise, this will mean you wont have that constant "wind in a grassy field" sound that your microphone is making.

    Some criticism on the actual commentary:

    If you are going to say something, avoid mumbling what you are doing, if you have nothing interesting to say then don't, If you are doing a tedious thing, fast forward the video and play some music or explain what you plan to do and cut the video, or as a third alternative you can commentate on a different topic, like for example the server while you do that tedious task since it means that your viewers can at least hear something that concerns them when what you are doing on screen is something boring and necessary. On that note, you actually did quite a lot of this, but once again, you need to keep talking, if you don't know what to talk about, write some topics down on a sheet of paper so when you finish one you can start another. Also, never say things like "umm" unless you are doing a dual commentary and trying to be sarcastic when answering a question, but its still a bad idea. Once you remove that, try to say stuff in sentences, if you want to explain something and have difficult talking constantly about that topic for more than a few seconds then try to write down a general structure to what you wish to say so that whenever you cant think of the next sentence you want to say, just look at the paper.

    Not much to say past that.

    Also, turn down in game sounds.


  6. Yeah, ever since I found all the pixel values for all the actions on the anvils, smithing became quite a bit more boring :( It is always fun to be able to impress people with perfect tools on servers though :P Besides that I regret it.

    You can go check out and support my thread that gives an idea for a cool system where the anvil operations would all be based on the seed.

  7. I am an AS level student at a well known college in the UK. I took computing, the biggest mistake ever, I find it too boring because I practically know 10 times what the course limits the teaching to. I have some coursework, and it was due in for an evaluation by the teacher a few days ago, so naturally I'm doing it for this lesson because I "felt unwell" on the actual date. And since this is a very important piece of coursework, naturally I'm doing it the day/evening before/ on the day in the morning.

    I knew I could make a simple version of what they ask us to do in just 30 minutes. We basically have to make a program in turbo pascal that allows for the editing of a database. With some additional stuff like password protection and encrypting. Because I'm insane, at first I decided to try to make a pascal unit that could be used to make a database for anything, everything started off well, and then I got bored. Naturally, I went to play some CSS and procrastinated a bit. The problem with making an infinitely expandable system when you don't need an infinitely expandable system is that a ). you are never going to use it and b ). you can do much better in something like c++. So I've settled on the bare minimum, of course its got silly features like proper encryption and a random object shoved in somewhere where it's not needed, oh and also the distinct lack of any single comment. (I need to add these for every line - postponed indefinitely.)

    So now I'm sitting here, procrastinating more by writing this.

    Here's the not yet finished code btw:

    program database;uses wincrt, crt;type  verificator : object	function scalpha(instring : string):boolean;	function scsolid(instring : string):boolean;  end;var  verify : verificator;  dontclear : boolean;  name, password : string;  passwordset, dbfilemade, loggedin : boolean;procedure read_settings;var  initfile : text;  Spasswordset, Sdbfilemade : string;begin  assign(initfile, 'C:UsersOwnerAppDataRoamingDatabasefilesinit.cfg');  {$I-}  reset(initfile);  {$I+}  if (IOResult <> 0) then writeln('Error: init.cfg not found.');  readln(initfile, Spasswordset);  readln(initfile, Sdbfilemade);  if Spasswordset = 'true' then passwordset := true  else if Spasswordset = 'false' then passwordset := false;  if Sdbfilemade = 'true' then dbfilemade := true  else if Sdbfilemade = 'false' then dbfilemade := false;  close(initfile);end;procedure write_settings;initfile : text;Spasswordset, Sdbfilemade : string;begin  assign(initfile, 'C:UsersOwnerAppDataRoamingDatabasefilesinit.cfg');  rewrite(initfile);  if passwordset = true then Spasswordset := 'true'  else if passwordset = false then Spasswordset := 'false';  if dbfilemade = true then Sdbfilemade := 'true'  else if dbfilemade = false then Sdbfilemade := 'false';  writeln(initfile, Spasswordset);  writeln(initfule, Sdbfilemade);  close(initfile);end;function ctalpha(instring : string);beginend;procedure welcome;begin  dontclear := true;  writeln('Hello, welcome to the SADS booking database management program, please log in.');end;procedure log_in;var  rawpassword : string;begin  if dontclear = false then clrscr;  dontclear := false;  write('Please enter your username: ');  readln(name);  if passwordset = false then  begin	writeln('You have not previously set a password.');	writeln('Please set a password now, it will be used to secure the data stored.');	write('Password: ')	readln(rawpassword);	password := ctalpha(rawpassword);	passwordset := true;	loggedin := true;  end  else if passwordset = true then  begin	write('Enter your password: ');	readln(rawpassword);	password := ctalpha(rawpassword);	passwordset := true;	loggedin := true;  end;end;begin  welcome;  read_settings;  log_in;end.

    Yes it sucks atm.


  8. Glad that you recognize that I'm not here to heed every single demand :P

    (although I wouldn't mind if SOMEBODY payed me for the work I'm putting into TFC, but w/e >_>)

    Think of the work you do as personal experience, you can learn a lot from solving problems, for example knowing how to approach problems (who would have known :P). And since you seem like the kind of person that will be doing a lot of programming in the future, experience of how to approach a problem before solving is is very important. It will likely earn you more money in the future than anything you would earn here.


  9. wait, what? That's a bit of a nonsequiter, unless you're trying to make some sort of joke?

    Ok, that was vague, I was making a joke implying that I expect everything from you like I'm paying you, I was imitating the actions of a lot of idiots on the internet who simply do not understand that people who do stuff have to do other stuff like have a life and make space for inconveniences and that those people are not their own personal slave robots. It was sarcasm, hence the ":P".


  10. Unless this server has like 10312083921 slots and 10481276402398141 players playing on it daily then you don't really need town taxes, as long as the people in the town are helping sustain the town then everything is fine. Like you would have 2 people managing the food district (farms and stuff) 2 people doing random errands and defending the city, 4 people mining, and 2 people forging. As long as there is a shared storage, everyone should be happy. Taxing people on top of that would be silly, you should be paying them money from any sales of the main product (tools in my case).


  11. this falls into discussion tk ;)

    also, tfc1 is as it is right now, tfc2 is a complete rewrite with the same basic idea, check the tfc2 forums and front page and irc for more info

    There isn't really anything to discuss, its not really a controversial topic, a bigger controversial topic is where this post falls.

  12. -TK- I feel you on this. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and I usually add people anyway on a "probationary" period. If they were banned longer than six months ago then I disregard the ban altogether.

    The server will start fresh and you can create your own town if you choose to. You start out with $30 in iConomy cash but you dont have to use that money. If you want to use Custom NPC coins (which will be available) you can use those instead or cash them in for iConomy money to pay for towny plots.

    Sounds nice actually, but my only fear is that I will be forced to use iconomy because if for example I wanted to make a town (with an anvil as its emblem :3) which will be famous for it's blacksmithing, If for example some small shop arose in another town, where would people with iConomy money go? To the place that has a wide range of items for sale but doesn't accept iConomy money? Or a place with a small range of items that accepts iConomy money? I really feel using simple haggling and then maybe some coins would work the best.


  13. Instead of having masterpieces and enchants be separate, have them both be the same. And the pick if you want a masterpiece option seems silly. Just have a counter increase which in turn increases the probability of your next tool being a masterpiece. Also, the counter reset implies people don't learn from mistakes. It should instead increase another counter which decreases the probability if the masterpiece being awesome. Have masterpieces work better for longer. There should not be any visible text saying that this sword has sharpness one. It should be an idea of experience and comparison. You don't have a recipe book that automatically fills when you find a good recipe, you need to remember good combos or make your own book.

    good idea though.
