Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Coragamy

  1. [Offline] Join my server

    Alright when i get back use of electronics ill get started on it.
  2. [Offline] Join my server

    Sgt if that hematite vein we found still exists then don't mine the rest. We can set up sluices down there to get infinite hematite.
  3. [Offline] Join my server

    Sgt i would guess just dont chop in populated arreas.
  4. [Offline] Join my server

    I think its whitelisted but im probably wrong at this point.
  5. [Offline] Join my server

    Capt i was agreeing that towny isnt a good idea and then saying that i think it is annoying. Cal it is complicated you need to have town helper or something. I don't think it would work well with community buildings or farms, and Marrisielle has a community building and the fort has a community farm nearby/may be the one inside to?
  6. [Offline] Join my server

    I agree cj, towny is really annoying
  7. [Offline] Join my server

    Hey sim when you get on i want to show you a reason to be careful when you select ops. And also guys if you figure out a perfect method for smithing something or a cool meal recipe please wright it down so when the books are fixed we can make a libary.
  8. [Offline] Join my server

    Yes it is set for 20 people at a time. And i would also be interested capt. And yes sgt, that bug is still in.
  9. [Offline] Join my server

    You are both whitelisted now
  10. [Offline] Join my server

    nooooo, i updated lol and ultima, it was you that got you suspected. you talk about how we dont have protection and how carpe aurum is so amazing with its towny then the next day almost everything of value is taken from the fort
  11. [Offline] Join my server

    when did i say it updated? and if it updates fast thank simonsar not me. He is the owner, im just an op
  12. [Offline] Join my server

    And all that have applied but not accepted i will whitelist you when the server comes back up
  13. [Offline] Join my server

    yes its down
  14. [Offline] Join my server

    It is just a hotfix so I wouldn't think so since no world gen is invalved. Ya!!!! Now if only we had some tar........Maybe sims internet was messed up. Ya know with those old microwave ovens
  15. Bridge to Terrafirma Craft

    I would find this amazing if it was properly balanced. I'm sorry this is a short post but i'm not really an essay kind of person.
  16. [TFC 0.76.X] Terra Bow Mod (Abandoned)

    For the retrieving arrows i don't know if this requires Terra file modding but you could add the arrows shot into the mob as a drop.
  17. [Offline] Join my server

    Ya im not sure why
  18. [Offline] Join my server

  19. [Offline] Join my server

    Agreed. Sgt if you can remember anything of value I will replace it once the server gets back up.I believe it was ultiwhats-his-face. He was bashing that we had no protection and how his server is better because of protection. I propose we make a gallows and have a public hanging of the thief.
  20. [Offline] Join my server

    Unless either simonsar or kp moved it, our towns steel anvil is missing. Which, quite frankly, pisses me off due to the amount of time i spent making it.
  21. [Offline] Join my server

    Ya you are just logging on off on off. any message when you log/kick
  22. [Offline] Join my server

    Can i please join? IGN is coragamy
  23. Deez is the server down temporarily(hopeful look) or forever(ultra-sad face)?
  24. Hunger System Tweak

    I think its strange that you can go and put on some steel armor ,which irl weighed almost as much as the knight wearing it I believe, and no be slower or have your hunger taken up faster. I think that while wearing armor or carrying certain things like ingots or cubic meters of wooden planks should eat up your hunger more. It would add to the realism of the mod.
  25. Emphasis on Caving

    I think he was pretty clear in his post about not being able to find Garnierite.