Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Olloth

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  1. Terrafirmabeast Thanks Bioxx/deadrik, the whole community appreciates open source.
  2. Terrafirmabeast

    That's not an argument for here but theft and copyright infringement are typically considered two different beasts.
  3. Terrafirmabeast

    It appears that your only other contributor besides Bioxx/Dunk was under no license but you may wish to ask him anyway just in case. And for the record I don't mind either way if you decide to go closed or open but I am trying to just state the facts. I would love a truly open source license but I'm trying to help either way. The license has to be fixed, "Crap or get off the pot" as they say.
  4. Terrafirmabeast

    It's a big mistake to have it as the license for 11 months, and he can't undo the fact that all that stuff was released under that license now and subject to the terms of it. Also, he should also close his source if he doesn't intend to have an open source license. Currently he has no license but it has to be allowed to be forked so it's at odds with the idea of Github. Otherwise, he should choose a suitable open source license which most allow for open distribution in addition to open source. All git clones are git repos themselves like they are on github, it's very easy to host it for just you and him if he wants to do that someplace. Indeed, he is still distributing the license in the current download and making an agreement under that license with everyone who downloads it. Being that also appears to be share-alike, that means that Share Alike — If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one. Which means he needs permission from all contributors to the github (or removing non-responders and people who do not giver permission) in order to change the license at all.
  5. Terrafirmabeast

    Are you deadrik? If so that means you are the one who licensed it under CC for 11 months. CC DOES apply to software, it's just not an intelligent choice for software. Under github terms of service your public repo has to be viewable and forkable by others, as well. I don't know what this means exactly in legal terms, but you should REALLY never post something you don't intend to be a fully open source license on Github, it makes for a mess of things. Also, this means that your music was posted under CC and also must be allowed to be viewable and forkable (and thus downloadable).