Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Crash reports

    I pasted that into the bat file but now it does the same thing as before. I click to run and the dos prompt opens and then immediatly closes. Any explanations as to why this happens?
  2. Crash reports

    Okay now I'm wondering how to increase my assigned memory to 2g but every time I try to edit the bat file it just makes it so it wont run. So how do I do this?
  3. Crash reports

    Maybe thats what fixed it.I've been using the launcher this whole time...
  4. Crash reports

    Okay First off I added two new gigs of RAM(my comp runs so much faster now!). I still get a crash report when generating a new world and it still says that I have only 256m assigned to it but if I open the tfcraft bat file it says that I have 512m to 1g assigned to it. I have thought that since tfcraft runs through minecraft maybe the problem is that mine craft only has 256m assigned to it and this is creating a bottleneck if so how do I assign more ram to vanilla minecraft?(I would like to know even if this isn't the problem.) Edit:I went through a bunch of bs increasing vanilla minecrafts assigned memory to 2g and that seems to have solved the tfcraft dilema it runs now and I'm experiencing almost no stutter on normal graphical settings.
  5. Crash reports

    Alright so I accessesd the bat file and it opened a command promt window that had a line that said -Xms512M -Xmx1G This indicates that my program has 512M-1024M assigned to the app also I can't change the lines anyway. I would note that my total memory is 2G and if I run this then I'm pushing pretty close to full capacity for memory. I've ordered some new ram sticks that will increase my memory to 4G. Do you think this will help?
  6. Crash reports

    I don't see any crash report thread so I'll just post the links for my crash report here. I hope these help to solve some of the problems. These are only the ones from hotfix 9 or later,I've got many more.
  7. Okay I'm still having some issues. I've got about a gb of free ram and I'm still experiencing the sttutters every few seconds and moving around to much causes either massive lag or framerate drop. I tried to create a new world but tfc crashed while messing with this I found all of the crash files Iv'e had were do I send these? (there are a total of 14 crash reps but only one for the latest hotfix.) Also I've noticed that whenever I close tfc it creates a java error file is this normal?Could my version of java be causing the problem? Also on the world that doesn't crash there seems to be no friendly mob spawning or flint spawning. Finally I'm still seeing large spikes in cpu usage when i wander about to much.
  8. I had some problems with the tfc crashing everytime i loaded a world through the tfc launcher. This went away when i lowered all the graphical settings to minimum but the game still stutters so I'm wondering if my hardware is to weak to play it. It runs vanilla at max settings with only a little stutter now and then. If this is a problem is there a way to solve it w/o new hardware? I can still upgrade my ram from 2g to 4g but m processor is an intel core 2 e6550 and i cant really change it. I'm running xp to.Please help me run this as I've been salivating over getting this mod for a while now. Edit:I did download this mod once a LONG time ago and loved it my comp ran it with nary a problem then. If anyone can tell me how to find the minecraft bin again I'll do a manual install and see if that helps.