Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Pwnlord

  1. 5 hours ago, Darmo said:

    I'd be a bit surprised if Netherrack is in the cards, unless the nether is going to actually be a thing in TFC2.  I'm sure there'll be plenty of awesome loot though.  Most people would probably be pretty happy with garnierite and silver.  Not in ingot form though, since ingots don't go in chests.  Unless the game could put ingots in chests, but the player cannot.  It'd be kind of cool if there was a 'safe' or 'lockbox' container that could hold ingots.  Made from iron or steel sheets.  With a lock or combination for the player to defeat.

    See though, if the Nether is added it's worthless-but without a Nether, Netherrack is rare and precious. Especially if body heat mechanics are added.


  2. Make some of the loot in the dungeons things that go unremarked in vanilla, but are incredibly precious in Terra Firma.

    Netherrack, for example. Fire that never goes out? Permanent light and heat, ideal for making jute (or mango!) greenhouses in colder climes. Glowstone blocks, for permanent lights. Enchanted weapons and armor-I have fond memories of the era of sluice yards and the Power II bow I got off a Skeleton. Potions of all kinds. Even Spawn Eggs.

    Rare, precious, utterly unattainable without braving the Dungeon. Perfect for endgame loot.

    Also useful could be placing rare or tedious-to-find materials-scan in worldgen for anything that'd spawn only 10k+ blocks away, and put it in Dungeon chests.

    Thoughts from anyone else?


  3. Cats are a desert animal. They're derived from the African Wildcat, Felis Silvestris, and interbreeding with a dozen different local wildcat species.


    For the sub-polar large animal I'd recommend Mastodons, which are a different but similar species, or possibly Wooly Rhinos, which would fit better from an era standpoint. For the normal large animal, giant elk. Never mind desert.


    Subtropical deer-equivalent would be Kudu; tropical would be Gazelles, and desert would be Antelope.


    For the subtropical pest, honey badgers, and for the tropical pest, why not chimpanzees?


    Tropical dog-hyena.


    Finally, chickens are a tropical species also. Look up Red Jungle Fowl and White Jungle Fowl.


  4. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No): Yes
    Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted.
    This is a repost of an old idea I feel is worth resurrecting.


    You've got your base up. It's beautiful; stone brick from highest tower to bedrock, armor stands lined with your previous arms, a forge room stacked high with the fruits of your mines, a kitchen stuffed with food, battlements with trees, a bountiful orchard, a fruitful farm, a tree farm that stretches as far as the game can render...


    ...and no chickens.


    So you've got a long journey ahead of you to find them, and a lot of fighting to do to keep the skeletons from killing them at night in the meantime.



    ...or, you could make a cage.


    Four Planks, five Sticks, arranged accordingly:






    Produces a Wooden Cage you can carry on your back, with room for two Chickens, two Piglets, two Lambs, or one Calf. Lure the animal into the cage with seeds, then shift-Rightclick it to pick it up.


    Also provides a means of trading animals between settlements in MP.


  5. Well, you don't expect me to lug around full-grown animals on my BACK, do you?


    This is strictly for gathering chickens-though if/when the devs add wild breeding, you can catch the babies yourself.


  6. You've got your base up. It's beautiful; stone brick from highest tower to bedrock, armor stands lined with your previous arms, a forge room stacked high with the fruits of your mines, a kitchen stuffed with food, battlements with trees, a bountiful orchard, a fruitful farm, a tree farm that stretches as far as the game can render...


    ...and no chickens.


    So you've got a long journey ahead of you to find them, and a lot of fighting to do to keep the skeletons from killing them at night in the meantime.



    ...or, you could make a cage.


    Four Planks, five Sticks, arranged accordingly:






    Produces a Wooden Cage you can carry on your back, with room for two Chickens, two Piglets, two Lambs, or one Calf. Lure the animal into the cage with seeds, then shift-Rightclick it to pick it up.


    Also provides a means of trading animals between settlements in MP.


  7. I did a quick skim of the forums, and while I remember this coming up years and years ago it hasn't been posted recently.


    So, how about a high tier bed that heals you quicker when you sleep in it?


    4x String = Silk Cloth.


    Place 3 Silk Cloth over 3 Wool, and that Wool over 3 Planks, receive Silk Bed. While sleeping, heal at double speed (though you'll still need to eat accordingly when you wake up.)


  8. You can right-click Torches. This does nothing, but can be done.


    What if, when you clicked them, it'd give you an indicator of the torch's health?


    "This torch is burning merrily."

    "This torch is burning."

    "This torch is burning slowly."

    "This torch is smouldering."

    "This torch is almost out."


    Relighting it at any point other than Burning Merrily resets it to Burning Merrily.


  9. Okay, then: to balance the sling, give it both a direction AND power ticker.


    Hit direction, hit power to make it go at the speed and in the direction you want.




    First stage: Spin up with Mouse1.


    Second stage: Hold mouse2 to aim _|/_, then release.


    Third stage: Release Mouse1 to fire.


    Greater skill with the Sling slows the aim meter and increases the "high damage" range of the power meter.


    I've got a friend who knows a decent bit of Java, he might be able to throw something together.


  10. That's literally the only part of TFC that gives me problems at this point.


    Combat? A-OK! Animal breeding? A-OK! Metallurgy, forging, pottery, farming, eating, problems.


    Chunk Generation? Hope you're not exploring at night, because you're getting four or five seconds of complete nonresponsiveness!


  11. Here's an idea: make Slings a weapon, as has been recommended before.


    Useless against Zombies, deal actual damage to skeletons, deal mild Knockback, have a golf-like swing meter (or a launch meter like your average launch game; Knightmare Tower, Buffalo Bison, Kick the Critter etc) to determine amount of damage. Takes a second to spin up like the bow takes three seconds to charge, made from leather.


    Oh yeah, and it has two types of ammo: Stone Sling Bullets (3x3 knapped) and Lead Sling Bullets (same mold shape.) Bam, there's a use for Galena too. Man, am I good or what?


  12. Bows, Ladders, Signs, Rails, Fishing Rods, Paintings, Item Frames, Fences, Gates. Arrows, Levers, and Sluices are all other ways that you can use up your sticks.


    As for having an enormous amount of sticks late-game, allowing you to burn them in a fire pit isn't going to change this... as you are very unlikely to be using a fire pit at that point anyways.

    Well, I can use charcoal, which is expensive and time-consuming, or I can use a next-to-free fuel in a basic technology. I'll go with the one that costs the least.


    Also, I loot enough bows from Skeletons, 64 Ladders is plenty, we don't use that many signs, Rails use expensive parts, I don't fish that much, we have all the livestock we'd use fences and gates for, chickens can't breed so killing them for their feathers is pointless, we don't use that many levers, and sluice farms are for chumps.


  13. Two of them.


    First off is sticks for campfires-there is essentially no reason not to, even if they don't burn all that long. You end up with enormous numbers of the things toward late-game, and I dunno about you but I don't need THAT many firelighters.


    Second to this is thatch as cheap fuel. Because why not? Quick to gather; if it burns similarly quickly and cooly then it provides an inexpensive early-game fuel.


    Third: Bundles of sticks. Put a String on the left and right of a stack of Sticks, recieve Stick Block. Burn for Charcoal-small amounts, but still.


    Because fer chrissakes I have TWO chests FULL of Clay Jars full of Sticks; I need something to use them for!


  14. Dogs seem to have been lightly improved since the last time I played seriously twenty versions ago (seriously, my last successful settlement was in 0.54, IIRC) where they would attack an enemy, crash the game, and despawn on top of never stopping snarling. However, the current state of affairs is hardly better: they are only barely tameable, unbreedable, and cannot heal, dooming any attempts at building a pack.


    This is a mistake, as dogs are humanity's oldest and most enduring technology. Packs of war-dogs assisted in the rout of the Romans at Teutoberg; served as pack animals for the pre-Columbian Native Americans, and accompanied us on hunts in the Stone Age, as they could keep up with our long-striding, implacable pace.


    It would be a simple enough fix to give them a Food meter and the ability to heal slowly as Terra Firmacrafters do; or to combine Grain and meat to create Kibble to stretch out meat reserves. But as they are, dogs are a curiosity at best; I yearn for the improvements given to every other neutral mob so I can harrow the roaming dead with packs of dogs the size of ponies.


    Posted Image


    Seriously, tell me you don't want to watch this tearing apart a Zombie.
