Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Dante80

  1. Thanks for the kind words guys...:3

    is there a way to eliminate the animated texture that shows up on glass? or to make it look many, many times more transparent that is one thing i have the hardest time finding, considering my particular building style... maybe a "patch" piece to the pack(s) for those few with similar likes please? if not i seem to be working with one of the best i've seen for now ^.^ please keep up the awesome work dante!

    Animated texture on glass? Hm, this might be an installation issue man on your part, both pack flavors do not have animated glass textures. Be sure to use optifine or MCpatcher to patch your game, this is an HD texture pack so minecraft does not fully support it without patching...If you can, post a screenshot with the problem you have, it might help identifying a way to fix it. Cheers...^^


  2. Ok, next update is up...^^

    Changelog v3.10

    Added Kantos Flavor. More work to be done still, ideally the two variants will be much more distinct in the future.

    Terrafirmacraft update, compatibility for build 72.

    Tweaks in some of the gui panels.

    Retouched the foliage and grass gradients to make the variants different.

    Some new textures for Kantos.

    Fixed moon phases.

    Added new icons.png. Many thanks to Reactive Owl for this...^^

    TFC: support beams textured.

    This pack consists of two different variants, one light and royal, one dark and more sinister. They respectively try to emulate two different places in the game this pack is based on, namely the Khamulon dungeon and the Dji Kantos island of peace. Future updates will try to keep this theme, and also make the two variants more distinct, and more close to the game parts they try to emulate.

    Kantos Albion v3.10

    Light and royal, this suits creative players more

    Posted Image

    Download Kantos Albion v3.10 from Mediafire

    Kenget Albion v3.10

    Dark and sinister, this suits survival players more

    Posted Image

    Download Kenget Albion v3.10 from Mediafire

    Items and Art

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    i was also thinking that the scribing table to me looks a bit more like a work bench than a work bench does. the work bench looks more like an ornate wooden block, i was thinking if you were going to update it dante, maybe something of a little mini desk with a pseudo tool rack set on it with pliers, or some other tools that wouldnt be normally made. like a lathe i spose. and if you were to put two together with a connect...

    The current work bench is intended to look this way. It both simulates an ornamental block found in the Dji Kantos area of the game this pack is based on, and also it is used both for function and decoration purposes. I don't think that I will change that for the time being, cheers...C:

    oh i remember an issue i had with possible the texture pack. food prep blocks. when you set down your food into the prep squares, steaks dont show up, and pork shows up as something similar looking to peas, or it's telling me i can make a meal if i have a bowl ready. maybe this is one of those sprite texture or icon(non gui of course) related errors.

    Hm, the reason for this may be that I have not touched yet the item sprite sheet for TFC. Since the sheet used is still 16x16 and the items derived from the items.png are in 64x64, I assume that they may produce some problems when inserted in the food prep screen. This will be fixed in the future...^^

    Also, regarding the crosshair. It might have something to do with your gui size, I think that it vanishes when you put the gui size to small or medium. Not a TP problem, just a MC rendering one (I prefer my crosshair to be as discreet as possible, so the lines are 1x1 pixel wide. When resizing the gui to small or medium, MC tries to downscale the icons.png sheet, thus removing the crosshair. At least...I think that happens...XD


    Next stop, CTM, ores and some mcpatcher features, its high time I got something done with them...also, some more work in TFC

    Also, if anyone is interested, post some screenshots of your builds using the two variants. Most of the screenshots in the OP are obsolete, so some of them might go there with credits...same applies for anyone wanting to make a video while using Albion. C:

    As always, any and every feedback is vastly appreciated. Cheers..^^


  3. I have to agree with warfighter67. Right now, making a metal axe is redundant due to way the current saw tool is implemented. Here is what I'd like to see.

    1. Axes should have more durability than saws when breaking logs.

    2. Axes should definitely do more damage in combat than saws.

    3. Axes should chop down trees faster than saws.

    Thus, you would prefer to make and use a metal axe for chopping down trees and using them as a secondary melee weapon, while utilizing the saw for support beams, and better efficiency at construction.


  4. Thanks for the kind words guys, and RO thanks for the icons.png. I also forgot to put that in, your version looks glorious...XD

    Regarding mobs, the current used are placeholders until I get around to working on them (I keep putting this off, mainly due to frustration with the texture map/grid for some of those).


  5. I do not believe in charging for mods, I cannot think of a single modding community that allows charging for mods. Modding really should not be about profits (though I understand that developers have to eat to), but it should be a hobby and treated as such. I respect the work and effort most mod developers place into their mods.

    This. I don't really know what happened with minecraft, most modding communities would never even tolerate a process where downloading content can severely impact the leechers' operating system.

    In MC, adfly is used everywhere and for anything. Their screening services are inadequate - to say the least - and especially in the MC community the sites advertised are shown to children or teenagers that may have no idea how to have their computer protected against malware...or worse.


  6. Ok, its out....added full 1.4.5 support and some more work done on TFC...^^

    ALBION v3.00 ~ Kenget Flavor

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    1. Have in mind that the amount of work needed to update this from 1,9,3 beta was a lot. Thus, I am not anywhere near done, expect revisiting most of the new textures (especially those that have placeholders in them).

    2. As always, use McPatcher of Optifine for HD texture packs. I prefer the latter due to its mipmapping ability, but either will do.

    3. I decided to do the Kenget variant first, next comes the Kantos one.

    As always, any and every feedback is vastly appreciated! Salutations from sunny Greece, Dante80 C:


  7. http://denver.cbsloc...-in-metro-area/

    This is exactly what i got. My Pc is hosed and wouldnt you know it yesterday i got laid off due to lack of work. When it rains it pours man it really just never seems to stop.

    But on the bright side, at least I still get to pay taxes! Yaaaaay.

    So no TFC for me for a very long time... My music files are lost that i have been working on for the tfc soundtrack too.

    This sucks monkey nads!!

    First of all, do not reinstall the OS.

    Second, go here and post your problem. Give as much info as possible.

    Then, follow the instructions they give you. Do not ask questions, just do what you are told and post the results. It may take some time to do what is needed (especially if you do not have another computer nearby), have that in mind.

    There is no way in high hell that you will lose your work or files, UNLESS you have already deleted them manually.

    ps: To give you an example of the service provided (for free of course), take a look at a problem I had in 2006.


    ps2: Thats the main reason I absolutely despise services like adfly. Their screening services are inadequate - to say the least - and especially in the MC community the sites advertised are shown to children or teenagers that may have no idea how to have their computer protected against malware. T_T


  8. I think that the durability values will be changed in the future. Metal tiers should have more pronounced durability changes, and armor should last a little bit longer. Also, the players should have the opportunity to repair armor pieces.


  9. Thanks for the feedback guys. Onward to the suggestions...^^

    First off, your Anvils frankly do not look like metal IMO. The look like overly compensated coloration of a bad stone texture and would benefit from being more "Shiny & shit" ;). The bronze & red/blue steel HUES look good, but as I said, the textures do not look like metal.

    As I stated in the anvil post, the anvils are still WIP. I want to incorporate more shape shading to them, so that the wrap around the basic texture does works well with the vertical contours of the object itself. Now, regarding grain and roughness, the current gritty look is a result of some research done on ancient Sand casting and the history of anvils. To cut the long story short (I started in ancient Assyria and 2 hours later found myself inexplicably reading about the communist revolution in China and the Great Leap Forward furnace debacle) I tried to simulate the amount of impurities introduced in the metal using the limited technology TFC puts the player in, and also to show a difference in the working procedures as the tech moves forward. So sand casted base anvils evolve to iron cast rods welded together, then cemented steel and finally we have the exotic spring alloys of red and blue steel.

    So..its a design decision, but still more work is needed...

    Regarding the stones now. I tried to research two things, mainly how the rough texture of the stone type in question looks in real life and also how was the particular stone used in construction. The first one was easy to find, just a look around in suffices. Of course, trying to emulate the grain/texture in a ever repeating pattern of 1m sized blocks of 64x64 pixels is an exercise in futility and artistic compromise, so the results are definitely NOT ideal. Also, have in mind that I decided to use the vanilla mod hues in the stones, so that the look in the TP is more consistent with already existing vanilla builds.

    Regarding cobble, as mentioned I tried to research how a particular stone fractures and how it was used as a construction material in antiquity. So some (not all, it was very difficult for some types like Andesite and Quartzite) cobble patterns are based of that. Lets go into specifics.

    1: Andesite Cobble. You did a great job on the different cobbles all looking like they have been "cobbled" without all looking the same with a few exceptions. The first is the Andesite. It looks bad. Like some one took small rocks, carved them into the shape of pizza slices and threw them into a vat of gray plaster to dry. The result is a very plastic, fake looking cobble that resembles a mutated raw stone more than cobble.

    You are right, this one bugs me too. I wanted to emulate the pattern of cracked Bush hammered andesite to the texture. The end result though looks weird, and it is really not compatible in construction with most other cobble types. Will work on it.

    2: Mudstone Raw. I think you just over thought this one and put to much time into a texture that should be really simple. This result looks forced, plasterish, and fake. Mudstone in the default textures has a very nice look, just take a step back and you will do fine I think.

    3: Mudstone Smoothed. I am having a hard time saying what I don't like about this other than it is not smooth, it looks like bricks, and its blurry.

    The thing is, mudstone is not simple. Fissility and Lithification effects were incorporated into the base texture, and it was indeed difficult to make it work somehow. If you search this topic you will see me inquiring about the look of it some posts earlier, and got some good feedback. I think that after playing with it for a while, I am almost content with it, I may touch it in the future though, when I do the second pass on stone textures (I usually work in passes or RCs for most textures. I first make the texture, test it, save all its individual layers and masks in a PSD and if content with it move on. After using it in game for a while I come back to it and make the alterations to the layers in the PSD needed until I am satisfied. And sometimes, I may come back a third time to a texture if I feel its still off).

    4: Claystone Cobble. Out of all the textures, I dislike this one by far the most. It simply does NOT look like cobble, it looks like a close of photo of micro sand grains!

    Its a cobblestone repeating pattern of Clayite with no mortar. That is actually how it is supposed to look in construction, I understand though that its an acquired taste.

    5: Conglomerate Cobble. I hate to even include this as this may be my favorite texture out of all these, but it doesnt look like cobble. it looks smoothed and polished like bricks, not like cobble.

    Hehe, the grain in this is not polish, but Impact-induced surface hardening of the base conglomerate stone. I had a rough time trying to make the effect, and I can understand why the shading can look like polish. I am content with it atm.

    6: Conglomerate Smooth. Bad Bad Bad BAD! I'd scrap this texture, use the bricks texture as the smooth, de-randomize the cobble a little and use it as the bricks, then make a entirely new cobble texture.

    Why is it bad though? I think it looks very nice as flooring/ceiling material together with conglomerate bricks, and it is also very compatible with the chisel for sculpting (one solid piece that retains the grain and texture of the base rock).

    7: Chert Cobble. Same problem as the Claystone cobble.

    The look for it comes after some research on Middle Palaeolithic chert quarrying at Beit Allam and other places in Egypt. They used the aggregate produced as the result of grinding stone quarring for fence and wall materials, producing that distinctive look of heavy grained gravel. I may try to enlarge the pattern in the future to differentiate it from vanilla gravel, but I am using a new gravel texture in the next RC so it may not happen.

    8: Calk Smooth. Looks really... flat... and plastic :P

    It is supposed to look like that IRL though. Chalk is a porous white sedimentary rock based on Calcite. Here is an example of how the grain looks:

    Posted Image

    Given the fine grained actual texture of the stone, I don't know how to replicate it realistically without making the end result look flat. I may have to magnify the pores effect on it to make it more pronounced, or try to emulate the White Cliffs of Dover, thus changing cobble, bricks and smooth too.

    9: Phylite Cobble. This one is my second most disliked after the Claystone cobble. It looks like plastic Dino turds.

    Dino turds...XD

    To tell you the truth, I actually like the current texture for it. It also meshes very well with the rough phyllite, making dungeon keeps very nice looking. I could always add a little noise to it though, making it more rough.

    10: Marble Cobble. Last problem texture in the stone for me. Let me just say I LOVE the marble textures, they look really ornate just as they should. however, the cobble does not look cobbled. I think you just got carried away making the marble look really pretty and forgot to make the cobble look rough :)

    Its a design choice, I don't want to see rough looking marble cobblestone. Ever. XD

    It also helps when designing temples and other monuments, since both brick and smooth textures have less chiseling compatibility.

    Another thing, even when I change my GUI size, the cross hair still doesn't come back.

    This must be a problem on your part man. Due to the fact that the cross hair lines are 1pixel wide each, when you change gui to small or normal then the program kills them due to resizing. Use a large or auto gui to aleviate that. Test is done on my standard resolution (1920x1200).

    Thanks for the feedback guys, keep it coming. Trust me its the only way to improve, and there is really no way for me to get offended by the tone or the words used. We want the same thing, to make this better! Cheers.. C:


  10. Why are you even playing TFC if you just like to build anyway.

    Because TFC provides an amazing amount of creative resources compared to vMC, while at the same time making procurement of said resources that much harder to achieve.

    Thus, anything and everything you create has the added bonus of making you extra proud for doing it legitimately.

    In the beginning, the Earth was without form, and void.

    But the Sun shone upon the sleeping Earth and deep inside the brittle crust massive forces waited to be unleashed.

    The seas parted and great continents were formed. The continents shifted, mountains arose. Earthquakes spawned massive tidal waves. Volcanoes erupted and spewed forth fiery lava and charged the atmosphere with strange gases.

    Into this swirling maelstrom of Fire and Air and Water the first stirrings of Life appeared: tiny organisms, cells, and amoeba, clinging to tiny sheltered habitats.

    But the seeds of Life grew, and strengthened, and spread, and diversified, and prospered, and soon every continent and climate teemed with Life.

    And with Life came instinct, and specialization, natural selection, Reptiles, Dinosaurs, and Mammals

    and finally there evolved a species known as Man and there appeared the first faint glimmers of Intelligence.

    The fruits of intelligence were many: fire, tools, and weapons, the hunt, farming, and the sharing of food, the family, the village, and the tribe.

    Now it required but one more ingredient:

    a great Leader to unite the quarreling tribes to harness the power of the land to build a legacy that would stand the test of time:



  11. The second suggestion is good, making the anvil even harder to master fits the mods feel and can lead to more specialization in SMP communities.

    The first suggestion is redundant. Watch the rules closely, always try to program your next move and don't be afraid to take out the ingot for reheating if you feel stressed. If you don't understand the instructions and make a wrong move, having made a bad tool is the intended outcome.


  12. so if north/south would have different y flip then west/east is would fix it, but would it harm other textures?

    Yep it would, its the standard way that MC renders textures. You could change the tiling pattern for the actual texture if you don't want to have this half length cornerpiece effect, but then it will probably look worse when used vertically.

    Also, if you somehow could flip the texture in one of the horizontal axes then you would encounter pattern tilling issues due to the placement of mortar lines inside the texture.


  13. Thanks for the feedback!

    From the 4 first pictures I see, there is a known tilling grid pattern remaining in Andesite bricks that has been already fixed in the coming next version. Other than that, I think I will revisit the rock salt bricks at some time, although I don't think I can do much for its grain texture. That's what its supposed to look like IRL. Also, as you have mentioned yourself, Quartzite smooth is not intended for walls. ;)

    The 5th picture is actually a nice catch, its a mistake by me. Both bump and hue maps are inverted on this one in the PSD, I think I was playing around with the chert texture in a grid for tilling and forgot to flip it before applying it. Fixed.

    Leaves will be revisited, hopefully in the future each tree will have its own leaves texture. Cannot comment really on the interface, its a theme based pack so its a design decision. As always, your mileage may vary...^^

    Hope that helps, cheers...C:
