Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by BigTurtles

  1. Do not join this server, Admins ban because they let personal feelings get in the way. They side an listen to griefers. An let only their friends be admins and those admins break every rule, and always play on creative. They tell players "No TPA's" but then I see players get flung around with TPA's ten minutes later. Today they banned a player who has been around since they've pretty much opened up. Because he called granner and idiot for not answering his questions. Personally I agree. Granner if you're not gonna answer someones questions when you're asked, then don't run a server because its not for you. especially when the questions are server related!

    Granner also was being all friendly to this senior player a week prior today, without problem. A few days ago when ultimaheart4 and his band of griefers came onto the server, and started picking fights with said player. Granner took his confusion out on this senior player for defending himself. Five persons VS One. Then an admin takes side with the five. It's not fair to the player who's getting grief over nothing that has to do with the server.

    I for one will NOT be coming back to this server, after seeing this crap its no different then carpe aurum. and after today, looks like the owners AND players of carpe aurum influence the owners and admins on this server. An I for one will not support a server who cannot make its own decisions or have its own opinions on its senior players. While the server has had its very large share of good players, It seems the past week or two it has been falling apart. Random trolls getting on the server and having full out conversations and weblink sharing on the public chat with no intent of playing the actual game.

    Granner, He was not spamming, He was having a conversations and asking questions that you refused to answer. If you cannot answer his questions Let him know that instead of CLEARLY ignoring him, Its your server YOU do what you want. banning one player, you lost another. and I hope that others feel the same about this blatant injustice and leave your server like I have.-Unknown IGN;


  2. who is op other than me and simo big?

    I don't know, but there are millions of skeletons I tried to wipe out.. maybe a glitch from the roll back?

    Edit: that question was worded funny. if you're asking who else is op other then you an simo. It's me, got it after the last major grief, but I haven't been able to get on cause the cluster fk of skellys in the area I was in trying to kill them.


  3. No. I did not use nor heard of the problem, and you wrote under the assumption people did. And with the context dropped, your point was entirely lost on me, because it seemed as if you were protesting against asking people to ban someone on the MCban. So, unless someone already knew what your issue with MCban was, your comment seemed defend poor griefers against evil corrupt banning admins, which is a thing a griefer sockpuppet would do. Cue my comment.

    If you made it clear you were speaking against ratfuckery employed by MCban, or wrote your comment at any other time when we weren't just griefed and starting the bans, nobody would have a problem with the comment. But a combination of bad timing and inferential distance made your comment sound completely different from intended meaning.

    I agree and apologize. Didn't mean for it to sound so outlandish.

    ALSO THE OP WHOS ABUSING THEIR POWERS IN FORTWOOD WITH ALL THE SKELETONS, You've been warned, When I find you. you will be banned,


  4. You are either one of the griefers or follow an entirely bizzare form of logic.

    How does banning obvious, confirmed griefers by asking someone to do that make the system corrupt? If it was unconfirmed and someone would get banned because 'my friend told me to ban him', then yes, it would be corrupt.

    On the other hand, we have evidence of griefing in a screenshot with a confession of one of the griefers and one of the others can be clearly shown to have been using a hacked client and be connected to a griefing incident.

    Yet another one was noted to have been banned from another server on an online database, so it's not much of a stretch to believe there was a possibility of him being a griefer.

    Again, Clearly you have no idea what MC ban is all about...

    A while back ago.. they slid a code and a rule under the radar for when someone used MCban on their server.

    the code allowed the owners of MC ban to completely have control over minecraft servers that ran MCban on them.

    A few of the MC ban coders one night, got bored. and hoped on a few "large" servers. and started griefing - under false user names. Lava - water - bed rock - creative hell. well someone caught wind of this said code, and went ahead and asked on the forums why it was in there. Well one of the forum mods had banned said person and said "read our rules" and there it was.. by their rules, and you agreeing to using their "mod" are agreeing that the mods can do what ever they wanted, be admin, mod, creative powers..

    And you're telling me, because I disagree with using a mod that allows them to completely take control of any server they want. That I must be the griefer? You're out of your freaking mind if you believe that.


  5. Simo im tempted to ask a friend of mine to mc ban the griefers. Do you want me to?

    This comment just proves to me how corrupt MC ban really is.. Can't believe people still use this. Even after all the bad others have exposed about them.


  6. From all these great Ideas spawned another from reading. while heavy armor is good for higher tier players. I'd like to see a way to protect a new guy from getting ganked. on as already said, shields would be nice. So maybe a easily crafted soild oak shield for the mace wielding heavy armored high leveled players. you can block with the shield and take no damage and take very little damage even form the highest tier weapon. you can run with it with the same speed as you normally do without wearing armor, but you cannot wield a weapon with it.

    as its been spoken, bears, and boar combat. I'm an avid hunter outside of the interwebz While I don't normally deal with big grizzles around here we do have blackbear. AND LOTS OF BOAR. a few things.. with bears a few elders from Siberia said if you stand your ground with a bear, and once they get close [up to one meter! :0] yell as loud as you can, it actually can scare the bear off. I've luckily never got the chance to get face to face with a bear, I don't hunt bear either. But maybe when a bear gets close to you, it swipes at you once [without hitting you] then roars, but you can have some sort of way to stand there and maybe hit a button to "yell" and that would scare the bear off. or have like 75% chance of it working. but 1 blow from a bear would be a 1 hit KO. I know grizzles can rip cars open with their four inch claws! AND powerful feet.

    Now boar.. Oh yes boar, I've had my run in's with these guys. NASTY!! not as powerful as a bear. but they can break leg bones/rib cages. Someone said "oh I'd just run away from the boar" I think the objective in the first place is to stay away FROM the boar, not needing to run, because in reality [lets keep a little reality with fun in TFCraft] you cannot out run a boar, or bear. But boar are stupid, so maybe have their player tracking ability dumbed down. so if you see a boar, and it sees you. starts to run, you can run and hide behind a tree, and wait for the boar to walk off again. [lets just say 5 seconds] if you try to run, and it hits you. have a 18% chance of a broken leg. and have a 10% chance of a broken rib. once it hits you though. it will run off.
