Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by SierraKhaar

  1. Suits could be between 40-100pounds.

    As said before, the early ones were probably heavier.

    But then again Steve is not going from stone age, he seems to know more then that.

    C'mon he chops trees to four blocks of planks then makes a crafting table out of it.

    Also, knights (almost the only ones who wore armor suits) trained in armor since their teens.

    I think adding such a system would just spoil the fun in TFC.

    BUT if we could make railkarts easier and have horses to carry our items.

    AND harder smarter and groups of enemies, THEN I am for the idea.


  2. Thats cool, thing with realism for me is just like religion, and the realism in TFC is.. Bioxxrealism.

    So everytime someone mentions realism, for me its a matter of how it fits the realism in the mod. Not how close to reality it is.

    Yeah, I liked most of his ideas!

    I just feel sorry for Bioxx since we throw so many suggestions at him! :D


  3. Im waitin to see where this mod is going, waiting to see if mining gets "easier".

    Right now I stopped making tools out of metals (sticking with stone).

    Because if I use up lower tier metals I can't fuse them later to brass/bronze.

    And it takes A LOT pick axes to find what you want.

    Being a man with a family, a lot of time is wasted on mining in TFC.

    Maybe mining will be easier when more content is added?

    Maybe then people will donate and we can combine the two, til then let Bioxx have adfly on both ^^.


  4. It's not hard coding it's smart coding, just like above said.

    Have it programmed that it walks (rolls) only X blocks, or stop if it comes to a block higher then the one it "rolls" from.

    When it stops transforms to tree blocks and tadaaa


  5. Terinz, read your all your posts.

    You just jump in topics saying something a troll/smart ass would say.

    I have been a admin and a moderator, and people that write like you end up chasing fans away or getting banned.

    Stop writing nonconstructive posts and stop telling people what they have spelled wrong,

    if you can understand what they meant why bother being a smart ass?

    Like this topic, instead of focusing of what he actually wants to say (the ideas), you focus on ONE word he said.

    So stop ruining TFC's forums!

    dude, i agree that people need to stop using realistic as an argurment or idea stand point, but that was realy freking weak. and yeah kinda something a troll would say. but good job trying to spread the word to ignorant people (ignorant not being used as an insult, just to say people are unaware of some peice of information) that bioxx does not want people focusing on realism anymore, he wants believeability to make the game fun and believable in a fun and exciting way

    1. The guy is new and is not aware of this "realism" war the forums had.

    2. Why DOES the word realism mean so much here? Look at how we MAKE metals in TFC, how the NAMES of the metals and ore.

    They exist IRL, and they pop up in the rocktypes we have in TFC, is that not realism?

    What Bioxx wanted to say was stop saying: “X doesn’t really fit with the realism in TerraFirmaCraftâ€.

    As I said, TFC IS realistic, the whole metal business in TFC is realistic, but not to the point that its not FUN.

    And the author of this topic, just had ideas that added depth in the realistic aspects of TFC.

    Bioxx wrote that realism post to stop trolling people that likes 100% realism, instead he got trolling people that don't want to see the word "realism" anywhere.

    How embarrassing is it that a dude with a avatar of a dog sticking out it's tongue, gotta teach you manners :P


  6. I wouldnt call realism a right word to use for this mod, like bioxx said the mod isnt about realism...

    To Terinz: Is it your habit to post nonconstructive posts in others topics? This mod IS about realism, but not to the level where its not FUN anymore.

    If you read what he suggested, it was a lot that would give depth to the existing realism,

    but not something that would take away fun, correct?

    And what has Bioxx done with Minecraft? "Adding depth to the realism but not taking away the fun".

    Don't make me qoute myself in another topic about this Terinz.

    TO Yawooza: Welcome to TFC and nice suggestions! Even tho many have been suggested already ;)

    I think Bioxx is focusing on agriculture right now, but you will notice he fine tunes and adds small things here and there.

    About your enchanting ideas, he seems to have a good idea what to do with it (mentioned it few times), dunno where it is on his prio list tho :).

    Maybe thats how he will handle enchanting, more of "mastering a tool" then magiclly enchanting it.

    Hey, maybe you have to put a tool (with full durability), the plans and a book together with some markings to get a change to "upgrade" the plan? :)


  7. I think its odd that you make a flint tool, then get a lot of wood.

    Lets think about what came before wood, Bones.

    We can make bone tools, but where we do we get bones? Skeletons!?

    My suggestion is:

    Take away the ability to chop down wood with flint tools, and add Bone drop to every animal insted.

    Will be alot more "realistic" in a simple manner.

    Just like the first men, we will kill animals with the flint tools, giving us an edge over their claws and size.

    Then take their bones to conquer the enviroment.

    Bone tools maybe should also require leather to hold the flint?


  8. Problem is the devs have three different versions of a armor (With other words, a lot of Id's on armors).

    But I agree, I would like to have more variation of leather armor.

    Maybe some armors that will freeze you to death if they don't have an inside with wool ^^.


  9. Yeah, after I installed Mo Creatures I got the same problem, can't a moder in the forums come and mod it so its comp. with TFC? :D

    I've uninstalled the mod since its not 100% comp, mostly the water animals spawn but not the rest :(


  10. WORST part is finding traces, damn traces.

    I have found ONE big area with granite, telling me there is copper silver tin and some other ore (from another stone type in the area)

    And all say TRACES!

    I even use NOCLIP (this is a beta so yeah I'm cheating when I think something is unbalanced) and only traces!

    I have played for XX hours, never reached bronze age.

    Even tho I have cheated so I can fly and dig for granite, I can't find the damn casserite!

    I am playing same seed ye, but I love it too much to change :(
