Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Kittychanley

  1. Bug Reports?

    The support forum: Is where all bug reports are to be posted.
  2. Best Way to Mine in TFC

    Writing in books has been changed to using the scribing table, however due to the buggy nature writing in books is currently disabled until future build. Bows and Arrows are also currently nerfed until Build 77 because Bioxx oopsied and forgot to give them TFC instead of vanilla damage while updating the bow code. Skeletons still hit like a boss though because they don't actually "use" their bow.Back to the topic of mining techniques; What I usually do is while running around collecting surface rocks, if I find a piece of or I will mark the spot, typically by placing a piece of cobblestone with a torch on top in the spot. I then run around in that area and collect all of the rocks/ores, marking as I go. Once the area is cleaned out of surface rocks I look for the densest area of markers and start my mine there. Clear out the dirt in a spiral staircase down until you hit stone and then tap around with the prospector's pick. Nine times out of ten I get a reading for the same ore I had found on the surface. From there use a technique like ones listed on the wiki: As for higher tier metals, this requires a little bit more work. To find say, garnierite, I look on the wiki to see what stone it spawns in. Wiki says gabbro, and I know that higher tier metals tend to spawn in the middle or bottom layer of stone. So I travel great distances on the surface, looking for changes in biomes and surface rock and dig straight down to see what the 3 layers of stone are. If I find gabbro, great! Time to start mining around with a prospector's pick and hope I get lucky. A note to keep in mind is that not all layers change in the exact same spot, so it's best to run a little bit into the new biome/surface rock before digging straight down.
  3. weird crash I never had before

    The crash log couldn't have said it any better: 2013-06-09 18:12:22 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] There was a problem downloading the file guava-14.0-rc3.jar automatically. Perhaps you have an environment without internet access. You will need to download the file manually or restart and let it try againThis repeats for many files throughout your log.
  4. Freezes within 30 seconds of gameplay

    Make sure you have 64 bit java installed. If you try to change the memory and nothing happens, that means the launcher is still using 32 bit java.
  5. Flashing Grass Texture, Ores/Sphalerite

    Do you have Optifine installed? If so turn off optifine's grass fix. It's conflicting with the TFC better grass. As for the ore, the person whose video you watched was just extremely lucky. Surface ore only spawns when there is the same ore somewhere below in the rock. So if there is a very large vein below, it will be more likely to get small pieces from the surface.
  6. crash after being stuck for 30 seconds on mojang logo

    You need Player API, not GuiAPI, and the version of GuiAPI you have is for 1.5.2 not 1.5.1
  7. Crash after game start, blue screen with Ui at bottom

    Are you using MultiMC? Or the TFC Launcher? The only solution I've had for the already tessellating crash is to update your LWJGL. Looks like you are currently using 2.4.2, which can be updated to 2.9.0
  8. RAM Issues?

    You are probably only running Java 32bit. Try downloading Java 64bit and uninstalling any outdated versions of java off of your system.
  9. New Server Installation

    Do you have a crash log that you could post/pastebin?
  10. Hoe Modes malfunction [solved, sorta]

    So you are holding the metal hoe in your hand, and toggling the mode by pressing the hot-key, found in options. Is the little image to the right of your hotbar changing? There should be a blank square, a graph like image, a water droplet and the letter H. Blank square is for tilling, all of the other modes activate when hovering over tilled soil or a crop. There is no clicking involved. So when set to water mode, when hovering over the square will turn blue if there is water nearby. In H mode you have to hover over a crop. It will have a red square if it's not ready to harvest, and a green one if it is.
  11. Some Hopefully Minor Suggestions from a Year-Long Fan

    Currently any chiseled item, wood or stone, are broken with a pickaxe; stairs included. I do agree that this should be changed though so that wooden chiseled items are broken with an axe.
  12. Placing ingots in world

    Have you changed any of your key-bindings? Shift is still your sneak/crouch key right?
  13. Placing ingots in world

    It is a shaped ingot correct? Not an unshaped ingot still in it's mold?
  14. Placing ingots in world

    Make sure the ingot hasn't been worked at all either. Hovering over it should say if it has been worked (has a hit, bend, punch, etc on it) Also I suggest updating to hotfix 18 as it fixes many texture problems.
  15. Client Not Loading

    MC 1.5.2 - Player API universal That's the wrong version of Player API, all of your mods need to be for 1.5.1
  16. Client Not Loading

    Did MultiMC give you a crash report? How long did you wait on the white screen? Are you sure you have the correct versions of everything? 1.5.1 and not 1.5.2
  17. TFC Launcher - Unable to load game

    I believe it needs to go into the jarmods folder found in the bin folder. Then you need to edit loadorder.txt and add the exact file name to the bottom of that list.
  18. For people who want to add other mods ontop of TFC, other launchers can actually be much easier. I know a lot of people who prefer using MultiMC over the TFCLauncher simply because they have more control over everything that is added and edited.TFC has NEVER worked with 1.5.2, as it is only written for 1.5.1 and has not been updated and ported to 1.5.2
  19. Framerate issues

    I currently use OptiFine_1.5.1_HD_U_D1, which is the most updated of the ultimate version for Minecraft 1.5.1 Make sure it is the LAST mod on the loadorder.txt. Also make sure you are doing these changes in the TFC directory and not the vanilla minecraft one. Usually C:/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Roaming/tfcraft
  20. How to start the game

    Is this the screen that is popping up after clicking Open With... ? If java isn't listed under Recommended or Other Programs, then you will need to use the Browse button and go through your program files to find java.
  21. IOException: Connection Reset

    Are you using the latest version of the launcher that was updated recently?
  22. How to start the game

    If you don't see that, click on Choose Default Program... and select Java from that Menu
  23. Vanilla instead of TFC

    Try checking the Force Update box under options and run the launcher again.
  24. Terrafirma... minecraft?

    Do you have Forge and the Player API installed as well?
  25. Can't break wooden stair blocks?

    Was the stair made using the stair mode of the chisel? or the detail mode? A pickaxe is usually what's needed to break any chiseled block, wood or stone.