Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Kittychanley

  1. It's much more likely that you either dropped the item, or you didn't actually pick it up or take it out of the container because of the lag. In those cases, the item isn't lost, it's either on the ground or back in the container you thought you took it out of. The only other alternative is if you were playing some sort of custom modpack that interferred, or if you were in a dimension other than the overworld such as the nether, which TFC does not support and is known to have multiple inventory-related bugs.


  2. Just now, drkoaeg said:

    I don't know if that fits here but when my computer is very high on performance usage, it could happen that tools or armor get lost when selected in hotbar (holding in hand, using it).

    What do you mean by the item "get lost" ? If it disappears, are you sure you didn't just hit Q or something and drop it on the ground?


  3. The damaging of the chisel is actually handled in each individual chisel mode class. I can fix it for the vanilla TFC tool modes, but you'll have to contact the addon authors to fix it in theirs.

    Edit: As far as I can tell, the only one that has an issue in the vanilla TFC code is the smooth mode. I've fixed that so it only damages the tool if it successfully converted it.


  4. I can make it so that it's consistent in all three classes, but it's still not going to work 100% as expected. For example, stairs don't have solid sides so you won't be able to use stair mode on blocks around your forge. The slab solid side check isn't properly implemented either, so you could chisel down the block and actually expose pretty much all of the side of the floor block. And the trigger of converting a stone block into a detailed block is still going to remove the forge because for that split second during the conversion the block isn't considered solid. You could  put the forge back though and further block updates wouldn't remove it.


  5. I can't reproduce this. And even if the issue was with the whole ore grade thing, it still wouldn't display the unlocalised name. getOreGrade adds either 35 or 49 to the meta. Coal is meta 14 and 15, so that means it would either give you a reading of poor native copper or poor native gold. It could maybe give you a reading for if the tile entity had a quality value of 2 stored on it, but coal ore blocks don't have quality values stored on their tile entities. In fact, if you put a breakpoint in getOreGrade and then use the propick next to or on a coal vein, it shows that the quality value on the tile entity & 7 is 0, and it simply returns the same number you originally passed it.


  6. That also needs to be written in lowercase. "terrafirmacraft" is the string that we use as our modID, and all of the string comparisons are strictly case sensitive. This is fairly normal convention afaik in java programming unless you are dealing with direct user input. It also allows for two different mods to have the same modID, but capitalized differently.


  7. Primarily because of simplified code, and also because sticks are made into torches in the firepit. If they could both be used as a recipe ingredient and a fuel, there wouldn't be consistent shift-click logic.


  8. Yeah, since I'm doing a bugfix release in the next day or two anyways I went ahead and added in the scale up for magic damage. So poison potions will do 25 hp per tick instead of 1. A player starting at 1,000 HP drops down to about 400 HP after getting hit with a normal splash poison potion. Also made sure to add in the check so it won't kill the player, their health with just stay around 1 - 25 HP until it wears off.


  9. 8 hours ago, ciekma said:

    It works, but there is one issue - heated items won't cool down. Any items, even, untouched by minetweaker, TCF ingots.

    Are you sure you are looking at the items in a TFC container like the player's inventory? The cooling down mechanic has to be specifically written for containers, so it won't happen if the items are in containers from other mods, like vanilla chests or something.


  10. Looking at the syntax you provided in the example, I would assume the correct way would be to simply do

    Block b = GameRegistry.findBlock("terrafirmacraft", "sapling");

    I know for loading blocks out of the config files in TFC we use Block.getBlockFromName instead of GameRegistry.findBlock

    It's also very important to note that all of those method parameters are case-sensitive.


  11. When it comes to rain, TFC is just using the vanilla mechanic so any compatibility issues there are with the other mod, and not with TFC. There is no way to add compatibility with food/hunger from other mods. As for potions, I have no idea why it's not working for you since we don't edit potion effects, and actually use them for stuff like hunger/thirst debuffs and hot springs regen. To double check, I just loaded up a survival world and drank a poison potion. It worked just fine giving me the poison effect display in the inventory, the particles, and the periodic damage that decreases health.


  12. Just wanted to say that this is absolutely adorable. Would it be possible to also add a texture for black squirrels? They'd be a super rare variation kind of like the vanilla pink sheep.


  13. 21 hours ago, Stroam said:

    This seems like a more stripped down version of Terrafirmapunk. I wonder now that minecraft has made some vast changes, if current mods will update or drift on over to TFC. If TFC ever updated to 1.9 I would wonder how much free time the developers had, because that would be quite the feat.

    That's why we're working on TFC2, which will be for Minecraft 1.8/1.9. It's not feasible to port TFC beyond Minecraft 1.7.10, so we're just starting over.
