Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by callisto8413

  1. General Tour of the Fort and the French City on the coast. Enjoy!
  2. [Offline] Join my server

    I think we are getting near the limits of slots for players - how many do we have and how many can the server handle?
  3. Leather Crafting with bloopers and onions.
  4. A few suggestions on Stone Age Weapons

    If we add slings stone we add metal pellets? Thrown rocks can hurt and rocks launched by a sling can kill or wound, but a metal bullet or pellet launched by a slinger who has some skill should be a one kill shot if lucky.
  5. [Offline] Join my server

    Update. I think a few people don't have the choice, they get updated automatically.
  6. [Offline] Join my server

    Updated (made two copies of minecraft folder before hand) and my single player world works ok. I assume if server is updated and we are all updated, should work.
  7. [Offline] Join my server

    You mean his server has people he can't trust, so they need protection? People like him? Tsk, tsk.
  8. [Offline] Join my server

    Should we update to 12 or wait?
  9. Hides to leather, kind of, more about the server, and a pig.
  10. Hides, leather making, and creeper attack.
  11. Fishing Rod..

    Somebody may have reported this already. Used a spindle to make wool string from sheepskin and made myself a bed and a bow. But it would not work in making a fishing rod. Do I need SPIDER silk for that? Or am I doing something wrong?
  12. [Offline] Join my server

    What?!?! Now that isn't lag.
  13. Brewing and beverages

    The thing about early beer is that you don't really add sugar and yeast is in the air. Water plus mashed up gains (which has sugar) into barrel, and you have something, after a period, that may be beer. It depends on the yeast that floats in. Maybe a chance it will not produce anything drinkable? And beer, the week stuff that the early American colonists called 'soft drink', is safer than water. Early beer in fact had little in the way of alcohol and was almost like drinking bread. There have been MANY drink mods, one wine & beer mod, so this is not something that would be unworkable. And cool.
  14. [Offline] Join my server

    Its ok, part of my problem is lag. I am not sure what happened to the ingots at this point - I may have somehow knocked them into the void or something(?) when struggling with the lag. I thought I was buried underground but it seems my avatar was in my house. So in 'trying' to dig out I may have left-clicked them and they disappeared after the five minute limit(?) I will just be more careful in the future and put them someplace else.
  15. [Offline] Join my server

    Nope. I bet it was my access. I use wireless modem. A strong wind sometimes will knock it out and yet sometimes it works in a snow storm. Addition: What is not my wireless modem's fault is the missing tin ingots I worked so hard to produce. I thought this was a friendly server?
  16. [Offline] Join my server

    Having issues...log on but can't interact with anything or everything is blank and I am..falling I think.
  17. Bears, Deer, Big Cats...?

    Hello. New to the forum, been playing TFC mod for a while. And somebody may have already suggested this? I have yet to figure out if the bears are dangerous because - they are rare which I have no problem with (bears rarely hunt out smelly humans) - and because I can kill them before they hit me. Now, it took eight hits with a spear (and I only had five spears with me so there was some running about and wetting myself) but I was able to run circles around the slow moving bear. Now, if I understood things right - don't real bears run FAST? Also, whenever I kill a bear I get nothing - no fur, no meat, no head to put on the wall over the fire. And, also, if I understand it - bears are a good source of fat - which could be useful in many ways - fuel and tanning. To be honest I just want a head I can put in a cave, maybe with a torch in it. Like how Neandertals did so many thousands of years ago. Or was it Early Modern Man? @_@ In other words - Faster Bears - Bear Drops - Food, Furs, Head(?) But also deer seem TOO rare. And while there are wolves, which in the Americans don't attack about a rare and dangerous and SILENT big cat? Thanks for reading! (Oh, and I heard somebody else posted the idea of having to butch an animal with a stone knifeinstead of it just exploding into fur/hide and rare meat? Yes, please)
  18. Fishing

    If we are going to have raw fish we could cook them or salt them or freeze dry them (using the cold wind in snow biomes to take the water out). Course that would need salt or drying racks...
  19. [Offline] Join my server

    Maybe we need somebody to start a serious mining trade/business? Oh, and gathered my first harvest of potatoes from my garden, so potato seeds (and farming in general) works. Seems to work faster too but than I realized that is because the time is still moving even when I am not on. Duh, me moron. :S
  20. [Offline] Join my server

    Well, more stable this evening and just enough players to make it interesting but not too crowded. I think I will record my next session. So behave.
  21. B76 - Looking for Snow Biome Seed

    Wish to have a Lets Play/Role Play series using TFC but REALLY want a Snow Biome. I am willing to try ANY seeds to see if they would work for me. Thanks!
  22. Cheese

    And a cheese press maybe? A simple one is no bigger than a foot across and a few inches deep. Funny how many mods there are for making cheese in VMC.