Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by NIght_Claw

  1. 45 is out, should we update?
  2. Can you change the original post to show who the white-listed players are? And your prof. pic is a 2D fractal right? BTW... if i'm not white-listed : Why do you want to join this server? I already joined it. I like terrafirmacraft in smp + IG philosophy is a bonus. What do you like to do most in TF Craft? The fact that it's more "believable" (as r*******c is not permitted). How old are you? 15 years old How long have you been playing TFC? Since like.... the first version i had was 29 or 30. Have you read the rules? Of course. Do you like pie? Yep, especially apple pie or apricot (if wrong, please excuse, used google to translate from native language) pie. IGN: Night_Claw
  3. Autocorrect fail? lol.. his words are not too ensteinium. I think it's terbium. Some trolls might even have a bad reaction on this, some might correct it for a nobelium cause
  4. HI folks... vacation is runnin' too great. Just came by to see what are you all doing (sadly the server is down) and wish you a great summer. See you on the server
  5. Hey jointer. Long time no see... ( the exams are killing me). So what's up? How's your day? Anything special on the server since the last time I entered? I promise i'll enter to see you guys (Cyclone and Sciohan especially) in aprox. 1 week. Keep up the good work, you're good people, stay that way . - Night
  6. I really like the idea of starting over, but you should do something to keep us more united. Start a town or a colony, or at least assign people to different jobs. Cyclone and his pal did a really great job together , and their colony kept raising in numbers. I bed they had a great time together.... so what do you think. Keep us scrambled or be the mayor of a colony. The best idea i have is to form 2 colonies that fight with each-other ( at least economically speaking).
  7. It's night_claw but no biggie.... sry if i didn't joint the server in a while, i have exams. Yes i am trying to make a town, but it seems that my friends didn't join the server since i started the idea. It's verrrrry hard to do, and anyone is more than welcome.
  8. Ok, for my introduction : I'm night_claw and I joined the server a while ago, I firstly teamed up with Dannyboy. As time went trough, I discovered that dannyboy had some other "guests".... (i forgot their names.... you'll see them on the server). Thing is that we are like 5 people, and still counting. We are in the bronze age (the last time I checked). As we grow, I want to build a town, a city and even a moon module (who knows .... the mod is evolving very fast). I want to have every body work and have fun as a whole. Jointer could help us by asinging new people to our town and maybe, if cyclone and schiohan accept new people and make a town, we may even have trade routes... who knows.
  9. Long time no see... is the server pre26?
  10. The dupe bug is like so... the bloomery may have a chance to weild a corupted unshaped ingot, that when right clicked with it on an empty inventory slot, it creates another ingot, that is usable.
  11. Sooo... how about the CPU fan?
  12. I already updated.... and a way to avoid the bug is not to.... well if I tell you you could use the bug... naaa... just don't use the unshaped bloomery ingots like normal, multiple minecraft items (don't right click with them)
  13. Sweet! What fan did you get? And also, tell people not to use the unshaped ore bug, found it out myself, had to throw in lava 2 chests of copper, till I found out the bugged piece of unshaped ore
  14. Are you going to update to the new 22 ?