Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by theJalden

  1. Information embargo? Why? Also, "Hard" does not equal good.

    *sniff* that was beautiful
  2. Advancing Ages : Making it Harder

    There are a number of ways to handle food perishablility. One way that I like is that combining items will merge the decay metadata with the lowest value, symbolizing the one bad apple scenario. Another way of merging stacks could just take the mean of the the two stacks, or if more of a challenge is desired, weight it towards a lower than avererage number.It isn't rocket science, it is just simplifying a construction so that it fits the game more than it fits real life.
  3. Cheese

    A quick suggestion which really hinges on the implementation of other suggestions. Namely, thirst and butchery. Stomachs could be acquired from sheep through butchery or as a drop, but preferably butchery. The stomachs could create waterskins through tanning, like with leather. If milk is added to the skin then over time curds could form and eventually create cheese
  4. Underground Gas Pockets

    This idea doesn't really seem to serve a positive purpose, perhaps it is merely for the sake of realism. I would like to see underground gas pockets, the gas would behave like an air block in the way that it is invisable and able to be moved through, except the "bubble" meter would show up and you start to suffocate if your head entered an area with the gas. If you place a torch in this area there would be a large explosion. I do realize that natural gas is undetectable normally, but this would add a bit more spontinaity. It might also serve the purpose of requiring a lighting source without an open flame while mining, like a lantern. Perhaps in the late game the natural gas could be used as an energy source. Just a neat idea that I had that could make mining a bit more exciting.
  5. Building Fences out of Planks

    Since sticks are relatively harder to come by than with vanilla minecraft, wouldn't it make far more sense to produce the fences out of planks? Actual fences aren't made from sticks or rods like the tools are so it doesn't make much sence to have the construction that way. Actual fences, at least in my experience are made from planks, (ex. Picket fences). The recipie could simply be changed to have 6 planks arranged in the same manner as the old recipie construct 3 fences, or less, I'm not terribly partial. This recipie seems like common sense to me, but what do you guys think of it?
  6. Ideas For Hardcore mode.

    Instituing a lifespan would be a crazy thing to do for hardcore. And I mean crazy good. Just for hardcore of course, but it completely changes the style changing the focus from surviving to doing the most you can in a limited time. I would probably go for 60-80 minecraft years. Once you have expired by natural causes the world is saved and score recorded, for bragging rights. And you can continue to play the world in regular survival mode.
  7. Bump. I completely agree, not enough attention has been paid to clay. I like the new brick mechanic, but historically bricks were also made from clay, as were food storage units, plates, and cups. The use of ceramic cups completely predates the use of glass. Which by itself needs an overhaul, but that's another thread.
  8. New Health and Medicine System

    I've thought a lot about the topic of health, and have been bothered by it from the first time I played minecraft when it was still in alpha, and eating healed directly. Firstly I think health should be doubled, leaving 40 quarter hearts. This may seem like a lot but in the system I propose it will probably be needed. Combat against a sharp or piercing weapon should give a bleed debuff, which could last between 5 minutes and a full day depending on severity. The bleed would serve the purpose of being unable to regen health, especially within combat. The bleed debuff could be cured with a bandage, e.g. Wool cloth? If the bleed continues untreated then the wound could fester, creating an infection. Infections could last for days, and act like a poison of sorts. Since in the early game it would be hard to prevent such happenings. Perhaps in mid game alcohol could serve as an antiseptic for wounds. Infections would cause fever, greater hunger, and perhaps a steady loss of life over time. Food propagated disease could be interesting, eating raw meat, or diseased fruit could make you sic k, perhaps give a skill debuff, or cap health at a low level. If thirst is implemented the. Drinking water straight from a lake or river could make you sick as well. Because I have a strong belief that new challenges should be introduced as you solve old ones, I believe diseases should be propogated through domesticating animals. In multiplayer worlds it would be cool if disease could spread player to player, though I'm not sure how this could be coded. I like the idea of negative death effects, but perhaps not so draconian. Herbology would be wicked awesome to see in this mod. Willow bark could be used to make a pain relief drought, same with poppy extract. On the note of bark, I would like to see birch bark used as a fire starter. Burns are an interesting idea. If lye is implemented chemical burns could also be a thing. In the spirit of advancements complicating things, burns could be more common through forges and handling hot pieces of metal. I'm not sure I like the idea of people having more health than others. It seems to defeat the mods ethos of not implementing skills. Broken bones would be interesting, but I can't say I like the idea, it would be an incentive not to jump off of high ledges. Bt there is a blurry line between what is believable, and what is just plain annoying. Which is probably why a realistic health system won't be implemented. Though there is little to suggest that there is no room for improvements.