Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Ironside

  1. Hey Emris - as the title suggests, it appears the leather water sac mod isn't working properly. I input the recipe whether it is in the crafting area of your inventory or the crafting table and the water sac appears but when you shift-click or regular click to put it in your inventory, it quickly blips into your inventory and then back into the crafting block. You can't do anything but put the ingredients back into your inventory or close the window causing everything to fall on the floor. This mod WAS working perfectly but as of Hotfix 13 or 14, it no longer works. Any ideas?
  2. Emris - LeatherWaterSac seems to be broken?

    PROBLEM SOLVED - I HAD the mod installed server side and it was working fine before, but our server was having some issues and everyone wanted to start a new world so I used a backup of the server that must not have had the watersac mod installed on it (although I could have SWORN it did.. guess not) Anyway, thanks for the help! We're using this mod AND your block name mod, they're awesome!
  3. Emris - LeatherWaterSac seems to be broken?

    On my server.
  4. Scribing Table messed up

    Yup, as the title suggests.
  5. 0.77.11 bug and translation mistake

    Any word on whether or not they are working to fix the issue with leaves not disappearing when chopping down trees and server crashes when trying to clear sequoia leaves? I was at work today and a friend of mine tried cleaning up all the floating leaf clutter and accidentally crashed the server (which I couldn't bring back online until after work - kinda made a lot of people unhappy... lol)
  6. 0.77.11 bug and translation mistake

    Found another HOTFIX 12 glitch... When you are cooking items, they stack in the result tray (such as in a firepit, etc). Ever since Hotfix 12, the items will stack but the number telling you how MANY are there is missing. Still, when you collect your cooked food/torches/etc you still get the proper amount - it's just annoying that you don't know how many you've made until you collect them. Also, certain mobs are dropping little squares that say "texture missing" (I think I saw that posted already but worth mentioning twice) I smell a hotfix 13 rather soon?
  7. Tree Leaves crashing server?

    I'm having an issue with my TFC server where some trees are leaving their leaves behind after you cut down the trunk. With the majority of the trees you can just whack the leaves and the entire bunch disappears (minus a few straggler blocks) but on the large sequoia trees if you try to hack those leaves down things stop responding on the server and it is always followed by a crash within 20-30 seconds. Anyone else notice this?
  8. 0.77.11 bug and translation mistake

    Also, when trying to place a hammer into a stone anvil, if the hammer is in your bottom 9 inventory slots it just drops to the ground. The only way to get it INTO the anvil is to have 2 hammers, one to make the stone an anvil, and another in your upper inventory slots which can be moved onto the anvil. This only started as of HOTFIX 12
  9. Couple TFC Questions:

    Hey there, pretty new to TFC and I'm still trying to learn the ropes. Quick question - I find it kind of difficult to determine what kind of material/rock/whatever i'm looking at or dealing with at any given time. Is there a way to click on something or put your cursor on it and have some way of knowing what kind of rock it is (say, with a popup or something, similar to how your inventory works)? I realize you can chop a piece of rock and pick up the pebbles and look in your inventory to see what it was but I think it would take FAR less time if there was some kind of mod that helped you out until I get the hang of what i'm looking at. Also, anyone else notice that when you're using a fire pit, forge or bloomery when you're trying to place items in inventory slots the game likes to throw your items on the ground for no reason? Sometimes you even end up losing them forever! Is this a glitch and is it being addressed in a future patch? I also noticed a glitch with beds when people sleep in them it shows them sleeping inside the floor and your altitude drops incredibly fast. This is more of an aesthetic glitch as it just looks kind of funny. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks
  10. Couple TFC Questions:

    How does this mod work (what does it do exactly) and what are the install instructions? I think I tried loading it once but it would make my game crash? Is it client-side only or have to be server side? Is it just placed in the mods folders or do you unzip in the .jar type-a-deal?
  11. Couple TFC Questions:

    Also seems to be a bug with stacking items. Example; glass can be stacked 64 blocks, yet sometimes in your inventory i'll have two blocks of 30 and the only way to get them to stack is to throw one on the ground and pick it up again where it will merge with the other stack.
  12. Couple TFC Questions:

    I think the issue (which is not an issue at ALL, it's actually a great thing) is that there are SO MANY different types of dirt, rock, ores, minerals, etc that you practically have to go to school and get a degree in TerraFirmaCraftology to remember all of the varieties of things you're looking at. I appreciate that they are at least different colours but when I scroll down the page in the Wiki they all start to look the same. Guess i'll just have to keep minimizing to the wiki to reference things. By the way; it would seem that the wiki is either incomplete or is outdated in some areas, is there someone still working on that thing? The bed issue is on multiplayer on a server I run... it doesn't really cause an issue it just looks kind of funny to see people lay down in a bed and have them magically stuck through a wall or buried in the ground.