Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Arekis

  1. The problem with this is that TFC isn't going for realism at all. I see that you are new to the forums, so I suggest you read around a bit to determine your interpretation of the difference between realism and believabilty. In the simplest terms, TFC is a game, and therefore real life mechanics are drastically changed, while still being believabe for a game environment for balancing reasons.


    What is the policy on generating additional mods for TFC?  If someone wants TFC to have hyper-realistic inventory, they could experience the game in such a manner without imposing the change on other players that do not wish to do so.  Additionally, it will put the burden of proof, viability, and support on whoever wants to create such an additional mod.  It would very much be in the spirit of minecraft: if you want it to play differently, just mod it to play differently.


  2. As a general rule people wouldn't put cobblestone together if they didn't need to (at least under this system). If someone complains that they don't have enough room for the four different types of cobblestone they are carrying then they are making their own problems, since there is no loss to break down cobblestone for transport. Usually you're not picking up cobblestone unless there's a cave-in (though off the top of my head I can't remember if cave-in cobblestone drops cobblestone or rocks). So most of the time the only reason you'd need to worry about that extra step is if you went through the trouble to put them together in the first place.


    Useful ore is supposed to be limited. That's one of the goals of the system, to make moving useful resources around just a little bit more involved than filling your inventory. Though honestly with pots, even off the bat you can carry 8 full stacks of ore with a pot which is moooore than plenty. Almost too much, really. Once you have fully expanded your inventory you'd have four pots and that's 16 slots for ore. At that point we're practically not even limiting the inventory anymore, but that's a bridge we can cross when we get there.


    Sand, Dirt, and Gravel (forgot that one) are the only things I think could be cause for concern. Their value is quite limited, however. Usually dirt and sand and gravel are the first things people toss away to make room for something else. As for landscaping; you aren't required to pick up dirt while landscaping, and if you want to collect large amounts of dirt for a project, that is precisely the kind of thing the handcart is for. I understand that could be an issue for servers if a lot of people are ignoring dirt sprites due to lack of space, however. It might be worth making these items medium in weight to avoid various issues around it.


    Like any overhaul suggestion, certain changes might need to be made to the specific items that the system impacts.


    I agree.


    Just to clarify, I like the idea and by no means implied that the "2 heavy item slots" made the entire concept horrible.  I simply wanted to express that the particular limit may be of concern and might need some adjustment.  And if it doesn't, then fantastic!  I'll be quite happy.  Perhaps it might be worth considering readjusting some weight values to make sand/dirt/gravel not take up the heavy slots.  In this case, a clump of dirt would be roughly equivalent in weight to a rock or two.  If the heavy slots are dedicated to constructed uncommon items, then that limit would make more sense to me.


  3. Dirt (can go in a pot, so 4 per slot unless this gets changed)

    Cobblestone (can go in a pot, can also be broken down into rocks that fit in other slots)

    Sand (can go in a pot)

    Raw Stone (usually mined out deliberately. Can go in a pot)

    Raw Stone Smooth (result of player action. Also can go in a pot)

    Peat (Can go in a pot)

    Ore (Both regular and nugget) (Can go in a pot. Also nuggets should be changed to medium, but even if they aren't, pottable)




    Which of these do you have an issue with exactly?

    You are concerned about an issue that frankly doesn't exist, and I explained why. You are dramatically overestimating the number of heavy objects in the game.


    There are 23 different types of minerals stones in the game and 12 useful ores.  So just looking at the stone items you enumerated, you can have 23 unique cobblestones, 23 raw stones, 23 raw smooth stones.  That's 69 stone items for the inventory of 2.  Add in different ores and all the different dirts and different sands.  The ceramic pot seems like a workaround the space limitation issue, so that would also alleviate it.  But then you don't have 2 heavy spots, you have 8 if you can fit the items in the pots.


    I concede that digging up the rocks and not putting them together is a good way of not exhausting your heavy inventory, but you can't do that with some other items you naturally get in the environment like the sand and dirt.  Those can accumulate quickly if you are landscaping and only having 2 slots sounds very limiting.  Nonetheless, I'd be eager to try out this kind of a system.


  4. You ask how it is harder to code and then in later post start to describe exactly  why it would be yourself.


    I was responding to your statement, specifically: "Making inventory only take a specific numbers of weight is much harder task to code than what Hyena suggested."


    If you were implying adding other UI changes beyond what you stated in that sentence, then yes, that would also be involved, but so are Hyena Grin's suggestions since they would be altering the UI.  However, tallying up the total weight of your inventory and then deciding whether you are encumbered or can take additional inventory should hopefully be trivial.




    @Hyena Grin


    The one issue I still have with that system is the sheer number of unique items in TFC.  If you are limited to only 2 kinds of heavy items, that seems unfairly limiting no matter how many of those items you have.  If you run across more than 2 types of heavy rocks in your travels, you have to give one up unless you have the extra means to carry them, but of the original two you can carry a full stack of both.  Volume-wise, it still doesn't make sense unless you can carry up to a pre-specified number of large objects which I imagine would look awful interface-wise.


    Unfortunately, I cannot offer an elegant solution and will have to ponder it some more.  It would be nice to see some of these ideas prototyped.  Perhaps my misgivings are inconsequential when presented with an actual working model.


  5. I'm just now realizing how slowly the hunger bar depletes now.  I'm thinking that making the hunger bar deplete faster or making foods restore less of the bar might help complement nutrition.  What does everyone think about that?


    This should be adjusted judiciously and can have great ramifications as to what kind of mod TFC becomes.  Adjust it too far and you risk focusing all of the player's efforts on eating and staving off hunger.  Hunger should not be a constant distraction: "Mined 10 blocks, time for a steak!" "Mined 5 more blocks, need a sandwich." This is hyperbolic, but the point is still there.  If you eat well, you should be rewarded with relatively long stretches of satiety.


    Honestly, I'm not sure it's worth tweaking just that one parameter outside the context of an entire food/nutrition overhaul.  The changes introduced will affect the rate of hunger bar depletion and the devs will have to address that as part of the overall direction of the mod.


    If some people would like to see this as more of a survival mod, I would love the option of a much more developed add-on that incorporates perishable foods, nutrition, reworked hunger, and food preparation mechanics.


  6. I like your idea better, Hyena Grin, but I also think it's possible to adopt the interface for weight limits so that it's easy to use.  To address some issues:


    * An encumbrance bar could show you how much you are currently holding and how much more you can carry.  This bar could be a fixed length that expands as you acquire abilities to carry more stuff.


    * Hovering over an item would highlight how much of the encumbrance bar it is taking up and/or highlight the item border or box with a color that conveys its relative weight.


    * To get an overall sense of how all of your items contribute to the weight, you could hit a key that would highlight all your items with the appropriate colors relative to how much weight they take up.  This way, you could, at a glance, find that one stack of heavy blocks.


    * You would still be limited by how *many* different items you could carry as it is now.  In other words, if all you have is light stuff, you can't carry more than 27.  I could certainly see backpack/pouch upgrades increasing the numerical inventory as well.


    I'm not certain how difficult it would be to alter the UI in this manner, however.  I still think it has potential and shouldn't be dismissed outright.


  7. I think Don't Starve had a good approach to food spoilage.  Different foods spoil at different rates and are kept in stacks.  The entire stack has a decay value and adding a new food item takes the average of all the food quality values.  You can game this system somewhat by adding fresher items to a stack just to keep it from spoiling, but that only lasts so long and you get diminishing returns as your stack gets more rotten and has more items in it.


    It isn't perfect, but man, it can make the winters challenging in that game.  You really have to prepare to survive.  I'm not sure how involved it would be to code that particular mechanic, but it would certainly be better than what we have now, in my opinion.


  8. What about boats. When you have to travel across the ocean for goods, you should have a boat that can handle a full chest load like the handcarts. If you have a server with multiple settlements, you could use this to go from port to port making trades etc.


    Oh man, boats are so broken in practically all versions of Minecraft.  I would love to see a rework of boats in general.  Especially since you need metal tools in order to make a vanilla boat, it would be nice to have several tiers, like a cheap raft made out of sticks and twine, a boat made of planks that doesn't explode when a lily pad looks at it the wrong way, and as you mention boats that can carry goods leading the way to merchant ships.


  9. Why would that be a much harder task to code?  Wouldn't you just iterate through all the items and add up their weights, comparing the result to some value to see if you are overburdened?


    If that were to happen, it would be nice to see some gui improvements that make it easy to spot heavy items for the user, instead of mousing over each one to see if it's light or heavy.  This approach would also change the way carrying capacity is increased via backpacks, wagons, etc.  It would be rather disappointing to have the typical RPG mechanic of "You leveled up STR!  You can carry 5 extra pounds."  I think Hyena Grin's method would be more rewarding, but both sound more absorbing than the current method.


  10. Sheep don't live in the warmer climates. If you want to find sheep, go to some mountains farther north. They're not that hard to find :). Chickens spawn in jungles and temperate forests, so you shouldn't have to wander too far unless you live in the far north.


    Define "too far" and "far north".  Depending on how one plays the game (lets say hardcore mode, no minimap), 1000 blocks can be a very formidable distance even if you're just following the shoreline.  In my case, I was at -10000 and I didn't know if I needed to travel 1000, 2000, 5000 blocks south to find chickens.


    To Hyena Grin's point, feathers are not exclusive to chickens and feathered birds of some type are present in all except the most extreme terrestrial climates.  It feels really strange to have to spend hours, many in-game days, and traveling many kilometers looking for something that in the real world is considered a very commonplace item.  A different kind of challenge to acquiring feathers might be to make the birds harder to kill instead of to spot.  Something that requires hunting skill, or making a bird trap.  Right now, you just have to get lucky and stumble upon the bird.  That's not skillful, just time-consuming.


  11. Love this idea; very well thought out.


    One thing that I see that would be difficult to balance here is the stack size vs single item for heavy objects.  If you only have 2 inventory spots for heavy items, does that mean that you can carry a single unit of each heavy item or up to a stack?  If, say, logs stack up to 16 and are heavy in this scenario, you could carry up to 32 of these heavy items, but only 2 unique types of heavy items.  However, you can't carry 3 unique heavy items, whereas you could easily carry 32 of 2 unique items, making the forced choice seem unfair.  This could be solved with the total weight of the entire inventory system.  I'm not entirely advocating it, but it could be elegant if implemented well.  Perhaps relaxing the number of heavy items that can be carried will ease this to the point of balance.


    I'd also like to see a much larger inventory space or dedicated containers for very tiny/very light things like seeds.  There's no reason that a normal person can't carry dozens of seeds on their person without being overburdened with either the weight or the number of unique objects.


    I know there are two threads on inventory and transportation, but it seems like the choices in each of the threads will impact the direction of how both are implemented.  For example, if I had ready access to a handcart, a smaller limit on heavy items would be more tolerable.


  12. That's fair.  I'm not really promoting an Extreme Hardcore Nutritiontm component to the mod, just exploring ways to make the food aspect of the game potentially more rewarding.  A lot of the hardcore-ness would depend on how such an overhaul would be balanced: easy of acquiring necessary food groups, the gravity of the penalties for getting poor nutrition, and the benefits of being well nourished.  In my first post I brought up mainly examples of the detriments of poor nutrition which may have made it seem overly penalizing, but I wouldn't want it to be just that.


  13. It would be beyond the scope of this mod to develop (not to mention overwhelmingly ponderous to play) a system that tracks all of the variety of real life nutrients, vitamins, compounds, etc.  Certainly you shouldn't get a readout of your current nutrient levels.  I was mostly responding to transcengopher's comment on presentation.  Generalizing the effects of missing out on vital food groups into various ailments could still be a useful mechanic as opposed to an abstract "nutrition number".  This, in turn, would not be an anachronism as no matter what past time period we are talking about, if you eat nothing but bread, you'll most likely get diabetes.  And yes, nutrition as a science did not develop until very recently, but the effects of malnutrition were certainly observable throughout history.


  14. This is a great idea and I've been thinking about something along these lines ever since the topic of perishable foods came up.  My more primitive concept was to create a sort of "food fatigue" system that rewards variety by restoring more hunger.  So if the starting player eats nothing but calamari, eventually, that calamari restores less and less hunger.  This could be easily kludged into the current setup without too many additions/rewrites.


    The nutritional aspect is a great addition of depth and I like this a lot more.  As far as presenting the data to the user, you could have buffs and debuffs that give you an idea of what food group you are missing out on or overindulging in.  Not enough fruits and veggies?  You get scurvy.  Limiting your protein and carb intake?  Lethargy.  Been eating nothing but bread for the last year?  Diabetes.  Balanced diet?  More energy.


    My biggest concern is that a lot of things would have to be fixed, revamped, and rebalanced which could be non-trivial.  Additionally, since the world is randomly generated, it might be nice to have some sort of guarantee of a regular distribution of vital resources.  Lets say you need some sort of citrus to not die of scurvy, but there's only one orange tree in a 10k by 10k section of the northern hemisphere where you are and no other citrus.  This is mainly a balancing issue, but could be a major one nonetheless.


  15. Inventory restrictions would certainly alter the way that one plays through the ages, but yeah, the system would have to be thoroughly thought out and tested.  It would be far too easy to make it over-burdensome, but rewarding if done right.


    Perhaps having dedicated inventory space (like pockets) for really light/tiny things could help.  In the current standard inventory, 1 item takes up 1 space no matter what it is.  That way a tomato seed has roughly the same dimensions as a stack of wooden logs.


    One thing I'm definitely not proposing is just limiting the inventory space without making other adjustments or unlocking inventory advancements.


  16. ......


    It's a bad idea.


    I think this can be a good idea if it's implemented well.  One might start out with little inventory space and low carrying capacity.  But at the beginning, all you're carrying are wooden logs, a few rocks, and thatch.  Then you make a leather backpack, you get more inventory space.  You start mining, but find you can't carry all the stone - it's too heavy.  But as you advance technologically, you can build a wagon and your weight capacity increases.  Then you can move a lot more stone/bricks/etc.  You build advanced storage units.  After advancing further, you build a rail system and your carrying capacity along those lines multiplies drastically and weight is not an issue.  Just some ideas that immediately come to my mind.


    You may not be able to carry a castle in your pocket when you spawn fresh on a shore for the first time with nothing but the clothes on your back, but after you advance enough, it would be satisfying to see how far you've come and get a real feel for progress.  And of course, the situation you described sounds miserable and no one would ever want to deal with that nonsense.  But ideally that would never happen if the mechanics are balanced well: you should have inventory/carrying capacity appropriate for your technological level.


  17. My main problem is I feel tedium in what's currently in game. Maybe that's just my problem but I've hit the iron age and a wall. I want to make a crucible but I've mined until my eyes bled. 2000 blocks in each direction, making swiss cheese of any rock that could contain kaolinite but not a single trace to be found. I think to myself okay, I know this part is absolute shit but lets just push on, get past it! But for what? So I can spend another week swiss cheesing the ground trying to move up in metals, for what? To do it again? I don't think that there's a challenge in the game at this point, just a throttled gaming experience. Maybe I need to try playing on a server or maybe TFC just isn't for me. I don't know anymore.


    I would agree to an extent.  There's a limited sense of metal progression discovery for me once you get that copper propick.  At first you're scouting for stones and get an idea where the shallow deposits are.  Then you make a pick/propick and start looking for veins underground.  But there's no next step after that.  You don't get a more effective pro-pick, you don't get any more efficient or better at hunting for metals.  You don't get any more advanced ways of finding deeper metals.  I'm curious what the devs have planned to address this issue or if this is still an open-ended question.


  18. Recently started noticing this: I'm sailing along fine, exploring, tiny bits of lag here and there but nothing super problematic.  Suddenly, I pop over 5-15 blocks somewhere nearby and crash the boat into land.  There is no lag when my boat "teleports" to this mystery location.  Additionally, there'll be times when I try to get out of the boat, but wind up a few blocks away from it.  Now, again, not a problem, except that the boat is not where it's rendered.  I can somehow jump on it, but not break it or get into it.  If I save and reload, it's in the right place.


    Anyone else experience this?  Someone mentioned that boats on servers cause lag, but I'm playing single player (which is not to say that they don't cause single player lag).  Aside from boats being made of the most fragile gossamer crystal, I don't remember this happening before 77.


  19. Chickens no longer depend on the biome when they spawn. They depend on the climate, so the temperature/rainfall and whatnot. I suggest heading towards the equator, and for whatever reason, they seem to be a bit more common in the southern hemisquare.


    Is it safe to say this is the growing pains of version 77 at the moment?  The feather is an unavoidable technological roadblock and having such hemispherical scarcity seems like a bug rather than a design decision.


  20. Alright, so doing a bit more sleuthing, turns out that all the "forested" areas are not actually the forest biome, but tree-heavy plains/high hills/etc.  Looks like I didn't get a forest to gen near me and it's hard to tell exactly which biome is which without using F3.  So I think the question is now, where do forests/jungles generate?  I'm assuming there's a latitude/rainfall/temperature requirement of some sort?


  21. Okay, where do the chickens actually spawn?  I'm on the latest version and just spent a good hour or two looking for them with rei's minimap.  I too tested 77.8 when it came out and found the birds (though with difficulty), but not so in my latest 77.11 world.


    Last I heard they spawn in the forest and there's tons of forested areas but no chickens.  I'm around 2400, -10700.  Is there a latitude/temperature limit or something else esoteric?  I don't mind looking for the birds, but I don't want to spend hours roaming a hemisphere where they have zero chance of appearing.


  22. You should be able to put straw down (not thatch) with the right-click while holding the straw.  The thatch looks like a block while the straw looks kinda like a wheat.  Every time you put down some straw, it will fill up the block a bit and you'll need 15 of those to fill up one block.


    So, shift-right-click to place unfired clay items, right-click with the straw to place 15 straw, then place a full log pile on top of that, and light it with a fire starter.


  23. Thanks Deviator, good to know.


    On a related-to-chickens topic, I know they wont ever spawn in chunks generated in the earlier builds of 77, but do they respawn in the new chunks or are they spawned once and only once during chunk generation?


  24. Finally found a chicken and a rooster and they wont eat wheat or oat grain.  Also tried wheat seeds and plain wheat.  It doesn't seem possible to breed them then.  Is this a known bug?  Are there any other grains/foods that they will eat?
