Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by toxiciron

  1. Not sure if this is 'general' or 'off-topic'.

    I am wondering where the creators of TFC did their research to learn about the various rock types, ores, metallurgy, wood types, early technologies, etc., for everything that is 'real life'.  I would like to start my own project using similar research (not MC related).  From what I've seen, TFC always brings some fresh new educational stuff to the table.  Is there a book?  A website?  Just Wikipedia?  Geology classes in college?  YouTube videos?

    Anyway, thanks in advance!


  2. So I finally figured out how to download older versions of MC through its new launcher.  It ain't no doozie.  So this can be locked, but it could be a good reference for other people.


    If you want to download older versions of MC through its new launcher, follow these steps.


    1.  Run Minecraft.exe  or .jar or what have you (In my case, it is the .exe)


    2.  At the bottom left, where you see your username, you will see two buttons.  One says "New Profile," and the other says "Edit Profile".  Click "Edit Profile"


    3.  Under the section "Version Selection" is a dropdown menu that says "Use version".  Select from the menu whatever version is compatible with TFC.


    4.  Be less confused


  3. I apologize in advance if this shouldn't be in the support section, but I really can't find what I'm looking for.  I'm just looking for a quick answer.  I'm trying to redownload TFC as I haven't played it in a long time, and the launcher wasn't working.  So before attempting a manual installation, I noticed TFC needs version 1.6.4, while the only official MC download is 1.7.4.  There doesn't seem to be any option to download older versions officially.  MCNostalgia is not updated anymore, and neither is MultiMC, so I have no idea how to get the older version of MC.  So my first question is: Will TFC work on 1.7.4 regardless?  And my second question, if it doesn't, is: Where can I get an older download?

    Again, I apologize if any of you would think this doesn't belong in support, but it isn't NOT support related... nahmeen?  I tried to ask in IRC but nobody was on when I was on.


    EDIT: Everywhere I said 1.6.4 should read 1.6.2... :P


  4. Yeah, but doing that can lead to people that know better being trolls to the people that don't... or just people mining something and naming it something ridiculous so they can do it first, and nobody knows what it is from that point on, but I'm really not qualified to say how this type of system should be implemented


  5. Yeah, I don't know about the rock erosion, but I like the idea of wood eroding.  Game servers can go for plenty of decades, just think how dynamic the world would be if an old mine supported by rotting wood supports started to collapse.  Or houses, for that matter.  I really like the idea.  Wood rot could be less resource intensive by doing global timer checks instead of individual block timer checks.  So what I'm saying is, instead of having a unique timer check a single wood block every so often for EVERY single wood block, maybe have a timer running at all times regardless if there is any wood around you.  Once its time is reached, pick a random wood block in the loaded area, then check its age, then check a random chance for decay.  If there are no wood blocks in the area, then the timer is at rest until new chunks are loaded.  Also, I don't know how age of wood blocks can be calculated, so maybe this whole idea is kaput.


    And as for moss and lichens and stuff, that also sounds cool.  Maybe if you gather enough moss and press or crush it, you can get some water to drink.  You'd have to be in an odd situation to be forced to do that, though...


  6. This is an awesome suggestion.  I think to keep the naming on multiplayer not confusing, just keep the naming conventions stored locally and separately.  If a player gives you his "BROWNISH METAL WTF!??!!?!" which is actually iron, and you named it "Metal of the Gods," then when he gives it to you, it still shows up as "Metal of the Gods."  However, if he discovered it first and gives it to you, you should possibly have to name it yourself when you receive it.  Or maybe elect to use the name he gave it.  BROWNISH METAL WTF!??!!?!  Forgive my silly iron names XD


  7. Again, looks like the OP is testing mod compatibility using MultMC: "First off, let me start by saying that this is based on the downloads based off the launchers of the new Tekkit pack, and the launcher of TFC. They were both on Minecraft 1.5.1... I think. And I'm using MultiMC to manage the mods to make this possible."

    Not sure for what purpose, but I assume he is trying to make as close a list to mimic what Tekkit offers for a similar experience, a "Tekkit+TFC", but instead of using Platform to distribute a mod pack, he's just showing what people can put together themselves using MultMC? Unsure until OP comes out and explains in clearer detail what he is doing, just general speculation right now from me, don't really see the harm in what he is doing, especially since he isn't providing a download link to a mod pack.

    If anything, I'm making a spin-off of the current tekkit pack. It's all about the mods packed within tekkit, I don't give a rats ass about the actual tekkit pack in this scenario! If anything, I'm just throwing some tech mods that one could say 'just so happen to be in tekki' to see how many work with TFC. I will NOT be providing downloads for anything, this whole thread is PURELY for reference of other players if they want to try something similar in their own time. Also, it took me so long to respond because I just woke up. I'm in PST


  8. So this thread is basically a little explanation of my adventure to create a mixture of different tech mods that all work together in TerraFirma.

    First off, let me start by saying that this is based on the downloads based off the launchers of the new Tekkit pack, and the launcher of TFC. They were both on Minecraft 1.5.1... I think. And I'm using MultiMC to manage the mods to make this possible.

    I hate to be incomplete, but I am a dreamer. My only criteria for if the mods work together is: 1) if the game starts up. That's it. I don't have time to individually test EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF EVERY MOD for compatibility. So you might say, "If there's such a chance that nothing will work correctly, then why are you doing what you are doing?" The simple answer is that I can and it's free. So MEH. I also thought some people might be interested in this anyways...

    Another thing to note is that what mods I add is PURELY based on my preference of mods. I also try to keep TFC's mechanics in mind. For example, I'm not adding Balkon's Weapon Mod because weapons are supposed to be hard to make. They're otherwise too easy to make, as against TFC protocol. And most of these things you can make in the other mods already depend on large numbers of ingots that you wouldn't have anyways unless you were pretty far into the metal age of TFC.

    I would also like to thank Emris_Morath for his TFC<->Buildcraft sub-mod, as most tech mods I enjoy are based off of Buildcraft, and this certainly helps ease a lot of bugs... and there are probably still a lot of bugs anyways.

    So, in MultiMC fashion, I will display a list of mods that, at the least, allows the game to start.


    -Minecraft Forge

    -Player API


    -CoFH Core


    -Andrew2448's Modular Powersuits Addon

    -Applied Energistics


    -Buildcraft - TerraFirmaCraft Crossover

    -Iron Chest

    -MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits


    -Thermal Expansion

    More testing to possibly come later maybe. With a slight doubt.
