Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by AlexDC

  1. I think that in vanilla MC that animals do spawn differently depending on the biome so it makes total sense to continue that. Something I would like to see is some pack mentality such as animals grouping and possibly stampeding if one is attacked rather than one going ballistic while the others continue grazing peacefully.

    If that works it might be transferable to pack hunting where one wolf howls to start the attack and nearby wolves join in.The attack behaviour could be simulated by suddenly increasing the range at which the attacking animals can detect pray.


  2. Just for an example for an actual method that you might be able to visualise being fair, the recipe could be 3 clay + sand = brick powder, brick powder + water= brick sludge, then this can be put into ceramic moulds and fired in the forge.

    Bearing in mind that you would need 4 bricks for each block and a minimum of 8 blocks which gives 32 bricks all of which require materials, water and firing in the forge for which you would have first had to have created charcole.

    Then this only by passes the initial lowest tier metals and you still need to mine for stuff to smelt in the bloomery. If necessary you could still have the player require stone tools to shape the fired bricks.

    After all of the above is done I think that that would have equalled or surpassed the effort of finding tin which some may not wish to do.This is also more representative of methods actually used to acquire bricks. Also this does not mean that you can't go looking for tin using the current methods, just that there is an alternative if you wish or are forced to by your surroundings.

    The following was the wiki page I used to formulate the possible method (I know it says steel moulds but I am sure there are more primitive methods)

    "The soft mud method is the most common, as it is the most economical. It starts with the raw clay, preferably in a mix with 25-30% sand to reduce shrinkage. The clay is first ground and mixed with water to the desired consistency. The clay is then pressed into steel moulds with a hydraulic press. The shaped clay is then fired ("burned") at 900-1000 °C to achieve strength."


  3. Hey I was thinking about cave ins and thought about how odd it is that you can make a tower of dirt. Maybe placing blocks could cause landslides when placed. eg when making dirt tower it’s not stable so some of the blocks get pushed out from the tower. This means to get to a significant height you would need a more pyramid shaped base. Also building on cliff sides or over cave systems would be hazardous (make sure you have good foundations).

    A concern I had with this is there could be problems with this causing cave ins as that could end up looping destruction possibly. But both effects make blocks tend down and one is caused by breaking blocks and the other by placing so hopefully that won’t be a problem.


  4. I agree as well but there has been a lot of complaints about not being able to find the appropriate metals (especially when tin was not generating in the world).

    So this seamed like a simple solution opposed to making tin more common.

    Also this recipe does appear to be too easy but that was just an example.


  5. If it's extended to Stone as well, then I hope I never get stuck in a cave-in and break my pickaxe. :P

    Now you mention it breaking stone is even harder than wood so in my opinion it should be extended to stone as well and the scenario you mentioned is down to poor planing of the player which would be cruel but also make an interesting risk to mining. After all when you spawn (Death due to starvation) you will go to a bed or spawn point anyway so the punishment isn't as bad as being eternal entombed which is what I imagined when I read your comment.


  6. The addition of an alternate route to get bricks would help the start of metallurgy eg flint + cobble = brick this would be resource demanding but would allow the production of forge and bloomery if tin is too hard to find in the players area. This would make a chisel a bonus like the axe rather than a requirement.


  7. A decorative feature that think would be nice would be the ability to place tools on block or mount them on walls (possibly by shift clicking). This would allow you to have a pick over your mine entrance, decorative crossed swords on a wall that could be snatched up if needed desperately and also an anvil with a hammer lain across it would look awesome.

    The idea for this was initially started by the thought that carrying 5 to 20 tools does not make practical/physical sense and as normally you would leave tools near their operational area. This therefore could lead to restricting the player to a max number of tools or inventory weight.


  8. Yes I did notice that you can walk through the leaves but they slow you down witch means that they are exerting a force on you. More height and more leaves means when they fall on you would result in more force, so it would make sense for them to do some harm but its not necessary imo.


  9. Buy the way I believe in the tanning process you have to actually use a tanning agent of some sort. I have heard that the animals brains work for this and the process involves soaking the skin in a lightly heated broth of brains for some hours. This potentially could be an additional step in acquiring the leather or increasing its quality if a need for that arises.


  10. I personally think that rather than automatically dropping the sticks or simply evaporating the leaves should fall to the ground so that you can harvest them after chopping down the tree especially as the current despawning of the leaves does not make much sense. This would also mean you have to be careful when chopping down trees as the leaves could be made to cause the player damage when they fall, it also makes them easier to reach.

    They should probably wither away after some time as well to prevent cluttering.

    In addition to leaves being more realistic I would like to see tree roots added as this would make mining in a forest more challenging, the roots could be used in the new agricultural features that are to be announced and possibly you could increase certain ores concentration if they are related to trees(petrified wood ect). Additionally it’s possible that the roots would trap heavier metals or gems that would normally have descended in to the ground over time, which could mean that you could have very small spattering of ores spawn just under forests which would help the player in the early game.
