Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by AcidRein

  1. New armour sounds interesting, I don't have any suggestions though.

    I would like to see some of the rock textures changed though. There's still stuff like phyllite and slate that are pink or pink-ish. Phyllite is slightly pink according to Wikipedia (damn I wish I was a geologist right about now :P), but it looks really off in-game. As for slate - the slate I've seen used for roofing is dark grey and looks awesome, so a dark grey slate would be cool.

    I do appreciate it might be hard to make the rocks distinct from each other, but pretty much any pink rock looks pretty stupid when used for building. It would be really cool if you changed the textures a bit. Cheers! :)

    i'll be working on the next update asap, just got back from China so i'll have a bit more free time to work on this. I hate some of my rock textures too! OMG! marble, eww too much contrast/exposure but eh, I'll need to do some research for the next update, and it will be more accurate.

    I pinky swear with cherries on top, smothered in whipped cream, wrapped in bacon, and then dipped in gravy. :D

    As for the armors, it'll take me a while to finish them as recoloring them is such a large hassle I rage quit about a month ago after attempting to download all of them and having none of them download properly. TT~TT


  2. Pardon, but are you referring to the religion thread? If so, well then yes, going back and reading it that thread got way out of hand.

    Lol the second I saw that thread get posted I knew something bad was gonna happen. (not to bash religion or anything) Kept my ass away from all of that like a boss! :D

  3. I've loaded a TFC world in MCEdit but I don't know if I'd trust saving a world using it. It doesn't recognise any of the block ID's and lists them as "future block" all the texture shows up as purple-pink blocks.

    mcedit is legit, saving works just fine, no worries, you need to upload a texture pack in it or something, i never bothered to do it because i only use it to transfer buildings from old worlds.

  4. I started a fresh install of pre39, loaded up a world and I noticed there was 200-300 entities. I find that kind of odd when I have normal render distance. I'm wondering what is causing this, anyone have ideas?

    I see alot of that too (using Rei's minimap to see) For me, they are mostly hostile mobs, and mostly appear underground. I think it is because there are soo many caves underneath you.

  5. I found that as long as you dig a 1x2 tunnel, and always dig the top block first, you never get any cave-ins.

    With the prospector's pick having a scan radius of twelve blocks, I usually dig top-4-blocks, bottom-4-blocks, and rinse repeat 3 times, and slap down a torch, giving me torch-marked tunnel sections 12 blocks long. By doubling up and digging a tunnel network where the tunnels are 24 blocks apart, the prospector's pick can scan the entire volume.

    It appears to be 100% safe, with no need for support beams. It's also efficient, letting you scan the largest possible volume of blocks, with the smallest possible amount of digging.

    as of pre 17 this is no longer as safe as it was. As stated in the Change Log:

    "Exploit Mining (the process of mining from the top down and not having to ever worry about collapses) has been nullified. It should now be in your best interest to mine with supports. To compensate for the difficulty, supports now stack to 8 instead of 4."


  6. What are the rules of cave ins? I mean, How do you know if its safe to mine a block or not?

    So far (im new) iv been going with, If the bottom of the block is touching air (aka no block there) dont mine it. So far thats been working, but im sure theres more to it than that.

    Also, how do beams work? Whats there range? Do both vertical and horizontal stop cave ins?

    The support beams work in about 5 or so blocks in every direction except up and down. It only supports one block above it and from my experiences, about 2 blocks below (horizontal) so if you plan on mining stone with air underneath it, use those support beams.

    As for cave in chances, as of pre 27, it is less frequent but I am unsure about the percent chance of it falling.
