Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by kunke

  1. Dynamic Terrain

    So this is just an idea (obviously ) that im not even sure if would be possible to code or run on typical computers . IRL water carries rock and mud downstream, wind and rain erode rock and extreme heat from lava can cause rock to crack or melt, glaciers can rip through mountains, and you see where I'm going with this. Erosion and other forces of nature cause our planet to constantly shift and change. I don't see why Minecraft isn't the same. Im not sure how you would go about with wind erosion but I can see water being fairly simple the only hard part would be to make it so that finite water still worked. To give you a better idea of what I'm suggesting I suggest you go to this link if [CAUTION: what this link goes to is very intensive on your computer. I may crash you. You have been warned.] That is a basic demonstration of what I'm thinking of. Though I would like to see this much more in depth. also kinda random but I'd like to see rivers come from mountains in spring
  2. Dynamic Terrain

    Off topic: good to know
  3. Dynamic Terrain

    Off topic: Your avatar is epic
  4. Dynamic Terrain

    I completey understood that it would be intensive on the mechine at hand but as long as you made it a toggleable setting i could see it as a good path to take for future devlopment
  5. Finally after being gone so long im back!
  6. I have tried installing TF craft 10 times time now but with any of the newer releases I just get Java class exceptions I know i'm installing it right but until I get it fixed you may as well open up another slot in my place. I will call you on skype if i manage to fix it. But Im not sure if I can. If you could call me to maybe help me out that would be cool. -kunke
  7. I was thinking about how to go about changing the nether for TFC and had a brilliant solution. 1.Constant night 2.VERY hot for forages and stuffs 3.Same as over-world gen BUT trees do not have leaves, the ocean is lava, The grass is black, gray, or white, And it only has Basalt stone. All dirt is very dark, near black. 4.All mobs that are currently in the game would spawn but with 2X health and 2X damage, creapers spawn charged 5.Fruit trees will not spawn 6.Ore will not spawn but rather in its place will be Glowstone 7.Your hunger depletion is 2X as fast and in normal and above you can die due to lack of food 8. Cave spider spawners will be found randomly near the Glowstone deposits 9. Lava lakes will be very common 10. Netherack beaches will be found near the lava oceans 11.Soul sand will be found directly above the bedrock layer making it very hard to obtain 12.You can not place water or ice 13.In hardcore mode the sea level is higher? That's my idea leave feedback and tell me what you think. 13 is just something i thought was worth adding. Edit: Due to Valkupo's post I have thought of a few more ideas to promote exploration: 1.All of the harder mobs have a chance of dropping their weapon but with enchantments, for example a skeleton could drop an enchanted bow. 2.There could be better nether variants of some of the crops strewn across the land, these crops would be better than regular crops 3.A new ore could be added that could give a netherwart variants that acts the same for making potions 4.Make enchantment tables rarely spawn in those huge nether castles (the ones where you could obtain netherwart before)
  8. My personal idea for the nether

    Bioxx said to make a new thread for each suggestion.
  9. My personal idea for the nether

    My idea was different if it were to be included with the original thread it would be hard to keep then separated. Your argument is invalid.
  10. My personal idea for the nether

    The reason i didn't post this as part of that is because my idea is completely different.
  11. Sever down @4:41 central time
  12. For anyone browsing the server topic that is debating joining the server- This is the best server I have ever played on. I have been playing Minecraft for over a year now but I am still very new to TFCraft. This server is unimaginably good. The owner of the server greeted me on the first day I logged in. The rules of the server are enforced well but the server owner will determine if you deserve to come back and seeing as he's a nice guy, if you treat him with fair respect you don't have to worry. There is ZERO lag. The mods that are allowed and suggested are are good for a fun time and certainly improve the amount of fun you will have during survival. The mods keep the game fair and do not confuse new players. It's all very simple to understand and a 10/10 in my opinion. I suggest you give this server a try and I am sure you will like it. as for the cons, as hard as they were to find there is one- as the mods used on this server are still in beta, the server get a new world when updates come out. But this is not the server owners fault so don't let it keep you from playing this beautiful server. Total server review *Staff--------11/10-(Very nice) *mods-------10/10-(Perfect) *seed---------8/10-(Good bellow ground but not beautiful above) *playablity--10/10-(No major problems) *up-time------9/10-(Goes down every so often- very rarely) Total--------48/50-(Overall a definitely good MC server) -Kunke