Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by cevkiv

  1. Nerfed chest size

    Vanilla chests didn't store more than they should have. The only thing that possibly had a higher capacity for item storage was the player. This is just a very bad idea. The whole point of this game is collecting a bunch of stuff and doing things with it. Anything that makes the whole point of the game ridiculously more tedious is bad.
  2. [Offline][B47f] RDMC | 20 slot | Whitelisted

    IGN: cevkiv Age: 26 years, 10 Months, 6 Days Have a mic: Yes. Any other info: I enjoy building large cities with groups of people.
  3. Nerfed chest size

    Yeah, this is a little ridiculous.
  4. It's hard. Or at least I found it so. And you leave bits of rock everywhere.
  5. Well, I'm applying for the Whitelist.
  6. Lock Boxes

    And raiding would be fine, if there was someone there 24/7 who could repel invaders. But I have shit to do OTHER than play Minecraft, and I don't like the idea that I can get up to Red Steel and some asshole with a flint spear can come along and steal all my stuff.
  7. The mining outpost was robbed. Someone took a dozen steel tools, all the coal, and some music discs.
  8. On the subject of Galena and Lead

  9. Good Mining Practice

    I do something similar.
  10. A little too hard perhaps?

    You're either not looking in the right rocks, or you're just not looking hard or well enough.
  11. Silver Items & Undead Mobs

    Just to point out, you never, EVER, make "silver" weapons. You make "silvered" weapons -- you take your iron or steel sword or arrowheads and coat them with silver.
  12. Calamari and Mutton

    Only if there's a chance that eating partially cooked squid will attempt to impregnate my mouth.
  13. I found kimerblite once. Breaking it had a VERY high chance of making diamonds.
  14. And right after you got banned the server crashed for some strange reason.
  15. Enchantment system

    How about this: A research table. Made from bookcases, probably. Open it up, and you can place runes inside of it. Various combinations make various things. Hit "Combine" or "Scribe" or whatever, and it deducts a number of experience levels based on the complexity of the recipe and spits out the formula for enchanting.
  16. Big List of Mobs

    It has to do with the ways the Diplomacy and Handle Animal skills work in Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition (and 3.5). Handle Animal, IIRC, can't be used on anything with an intelligence of 3 or higher. A dragon would normally have an intelligence of 3 or higher, so one would have to use Diplomacy to talk it into being your mount. If you reduce its intelligence low enough, it's "stupid" enough to be a "dumb animal" and then you can use the Handle Animal skill on it.
  17. Enchantment system

    I am disturbed with how pleased I am with my own idea. If someone else suggested something similar, I apologize, I haven't bothered to read the thread.
  18. Enchantment system

    How about this: Imagine a set up like the anvil. You have a slot for the item to be enchanted, and then you have a "recipe" for the enchantment which goes in the slot next to the item. There are 4 buttons on either side, which change the position of markers on the bottom of the interface, just the way the anvil works. Using those buttons to move the markers consumes items from your inventory. There is one to go with each button. There would be a "rules" set to go with each recipe. How good the enchantment is is determined by how perfectly you line up those two markers in completing the recipe, same as durability is for items made on the anvil. For example, a recipe for "moderate knockback" would range from no knockback at all, enchantment failed if you screw up badly, to slight knockback if you're off by a bit, to "moderate" knockback if you get it dead on. There could be different "strength" versions of the recipes. So if you just happen to be bad at enchanting, or you don't mind wasting a bunch of ingredients because you have plenty of them, you could use a "superior knockback" enchantment recipe and recieve a "moderate knockback" enchantment from not getting it perfect since you don't care, or you could get good at it and just use a "moderate knockback" recipe and get it dead on. Also, there could be a "duration" for enchantments, too, based on how well you line up the markers. For example, say a "perfect" moderate damage increase on swords enchantment adds 2 hearts of damage to each swing, and lasts 100 swings, whereas as crappy one might only add 1 heart of damage and last 50 swings.
  19. Enchantment system

    Random enchantments are a bad idea. There are few things more frustrating than spending time hunting down materials, or gaining levels, or both, to enchant something, and then getting something entirely useless or unwanted.
  20. Big List of Mobs

    Unless the dragon in question has been the subject of the spell Feeblemind, and then I think you can use Handle Animal on it.
  21. Some guy named Zekis joined and the server immediately crashed.