Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by starshard0

  1. Blast Mining

    Has anyone found an efficient way to use powder kegs for mining? I was testing it out in creative mode, and it seems like without the ability to fly and see in the dark, you're risking losing a lot of the resources that drop when the keg goes off. I do really like that it can be an easy way to find a vein though. Rather than spending a bunch of time using the pro-pick, you can just a find any place that gives you a result, plop the keg down, and set it off. since the blast radius is only slightly smaller than the pro-pick radius, it's likely that you'll either reveal the vein, or blast the resource free so you can just pick it up.
  2. [Offline] HMS Goliath Terrafirma server [WHITELISTED]

    IGN: starshard0 Looking forward to working with a mature community.
  3. [SOLVED]0.77.20[21] 2x bloomery does not work

    The double bloomery needs to have 3 empty spaces above the bloomery block. Then you place the 8 initial charcoal normally and throw in 16 charcoal and ore. The bottomost block will become a 400% bloom, while the 3 blocks above will become filled with slag. Last time I tested the slag blocks don't disappear when the bloom is done, which may be a bug.
  4. I was testing out a blast furnace in creative (darn graphite still eludes me in survival). I tossed in 8 charcoal to get it started, then 8 magnetite, 8 flux, and 8 more charcoal. When I pulled the pig iron from the crucible, I got 3 full molds and one nearly full mold. I was under the impression that 8 ore should only produce enough for 2 ingots. Is this a bug or is the blast furnace simply more efficient?
  5. 0.77.20 Blast Furnace won't smelt iron

    I've been running a blast furnace for several days now. Feeding it charcoal and working the bellows. I haven't gotten any pig iron at all. Is this related to the new blast furnace updates in .20?
  6. How much pig iron does a blast furnace put out?

    What issue was fixed exactly? My blast furnace is no longer producing pig iron, it's just sitting there eating charcoal.
  7. How much pig iron does a blast furnace put out?

    Yes, I fed charcoal in as it depleted. It was really boring and I got nothing for it.
  8. How much pig iron does a blast furnace put out?

    I fired up my creative world to test the new blast furnace mechanics. Despite waiting for several days, the iron never melted down. Also, the patch notes mention that the blast furnace needs to be lit like a bloomery, but this is impossible since right clicking opens the UI, and the furnace still lights up without doing so.
  9. Keeps crashing for every little thing that happens

    You're running Forge The current build of TFC (0.77.19) was compiled on Forge You need to update your Forge.
  10. Isn't there some way you can set up an automatic system? It's hard to convince my friends to keep playing when the server goes down randomly.
  11. Yep it's definitely down. Sting wasn't online and doing his restarts.
  12. 0.77.19 Chest remains open after GUI closed

    This is a bug in vanilla as well, I don't know if it could be resolved in TFC.
  13. Roman-style aqueducts and lead pipes

    The "Roman lead poisoning" thing is a myth. Deposits of calcium would build up inside the pipes, preventing any lead from seeping into the water supply. Source
  14. I had to cut out 3 hours early today. Did I miss anything good?
  15. I ran into a weird problem when I generated a creative world to test a building idea. As I was flying around I noticed a cluster of vanilla iron blocks inside a ravine. Figuring it was a config file error. I deleted the file and restarted. Blocks were still there. Then I recreated the world using the seed, but the blocks were in the same place. Just seems like a weird bug. The location of the blocks, it's not far from the spawn point. The world seed. A view from above.
  16. You guys are moving your entire town because you got raided by one guy?
  17. That's too bad. What was going on anyways? People kept dying for no reason even after the attack.
  18. Unforgivable RAM Usage

    "Unforgivable" is a little melodramatic, but I do agree that there seems to be some kind of memory leak. We've taken to resetting the server once an hour in order to counter it.
  19. Yay! The lag almost killed me, luckily I was fully armored, so I only took a bit of damage. Certainly made doing any actual work a pain though.
  20. Blast Mining

    Just because it's balanced for SMP doesn't mean it's unplayable in single player. I think you guys are overreacting. I've had no problems playing alone, and just like in vanilla Minecraft, having more people just makes things go faster.
  21. No Clay At ALL Anywhere?

    If you aren't finding any clay, then that's really strange. Could you post a world seed?