Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About gunzmaster95

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  1. Ore/Mineral generation.

    Strange. it seems to make up over 50% of mineral generation for me. I've gotten quite good at finding useful mineral chunks that have copper and what not, but in almost every single chunk that has some sort of mineral, it is also shared by saltpeter, or is saltpeter alone.
  2. Strange Metal Working Bugs?

    I am having trouble with metalworking. Currently i am attempting to make black bronze, however, i am finding it quite difficult to heat unshaped copper high enough to make it liquid. I have put it in a forge that is unobstructed and has a bellows. however, i am unable to heat past orange**. the heat bar is up on the yellow-whitish area though. Edit: It seems it is necessary to have extra coal in each slot in the forge to heat up each slot. I assumed that was just to keep extra fuel in the forge so it needed less intervention Also, what are good ways to keep metals heated? I noticed storing ingots and unshaped metals in anvils keeps them warm. Is this intentional? I really like this feature. I currently am working on making at least 1 type of every anvil surrounding my forge to store heated metals to be worked into 2x ingots and alloys. Also, how do you make ingot piles? I read that you could, but i cannot figure out how to. The wiki doesn't say how either. Edit: I was foolishly trying to stack heated ingots. Finally, when using bellows on a forge, is it necessary to place it inside the 3x3 area? Or can you have it bordering? I cant seem to get it to work unless it is inside the area, but im afraid it is keeping it from reaching it's highest temp. The heat bar never is able to go up to the maximum height of the meter.
  3. Ore/Mineral generation.

    Muchly Agreed!
  4. Ore/Mineral generation.

    I fairly certain that this is unintentional, but saltpeter is found WAY too commonly! In fact, i am afraid it may replace other ore generation. I have generated about a dozen different worlds, and have been looking at ore generation. I notice that salt peter is found about 3/5 times of every vein. Not to mention the veins they spawn in seem too massive, (possibly meant to be other ores?). Also, i thought saltpeter was supposed to spawn nearby other ores. I most commonly see them stand alone in veins that seem to be meant for more than one ore, and fairly close by one another (about 30-50 blocks apart on average). Out of all the worlds i generated, i only found ONE gold/iron vein. Is this intentional? Is there a way to fix this or at least replace some of the saltpeter? I mean as is, unless it can transmute into other metals late game, i don't want to see salt peter ever again. Even if it's used in making tnt in the future, i would have way more than i care to have, and would much rather have a couple more veins of gold and iron.
  5. Is TNT craftable?

  6. Is TNT craftable?

    is it possible to craft tnt in the current build? If so, what is the recipe?
  7. Crucibles?

    ok thanks very much guys, I couldn't find any info myself for the life of me! XD Also, if you guys are able to, i am looking for help with this problem here: if you could take a look, i would appreciate it very much. It seems the problems i run in to never happen to be ordinary. Or at least if they are, poorly documented.
  8. Glass texture bug?

    Well, i believe i did use the same color sand, but it is possible i didnt. However, i tested different sand colors making glass and they seemed to act like normal glass would. As i said, in other worlds i don't have this problem, and i don't want a giant sheet of glass like connected textures from optifine. I just want what a normal glass wall would look like in vanilla minecraft. But for some reason, the glass blocks don't seem to work properly.
  9. Glass texture bug?

    I am currently playing on my single player world tfc, and i noticed my glass wall looks very strange. Instead of adjacent glass blocks masking each others hidden faces, some of the faces are showing through the adjacent glass blocks. For example, if you put two glass blocks next to each other, and stand in front of them so the one blocks the other, it SHOULD mask it, however, i still see some of the faces of the glass block. it seems to be very random, and for some reason, i cannot reproduce this in any other worlds. If anyone has any idea why this is happening, please let me know. Edit: I posted some screenshots. http://www5.picturep...40/13148008.png http://www4.picturep...40/13148017.png http://www1.picturep...40/13148024.png http://www2.picturep...40/13148030.png
  10. Crucibles?

    I noticed in my texture pack a texture and GUI for crucibles. I was wondering what do crucibles do, and how do you make them? Obviously this is in reference to TFC crucibles, not vanilla. The GUI shows a bunch of metal bar slots pointing towards the middle, so is this just another way of making alloys? any information would be appreciated, thanks.
  11. Could Not Find Main Class

    Hello, i am trying to install terrafirmacraft for the first time. However, when i click on the launcher jar file, i just get winrar archive to open up, showing all the files. I tried to change the default program to java, but now it just says "could not find the main class". What am i doing wrong?
  12. Could Not Find Main Class

    Hello, i am trying to install terrafirmacraft for the first time. However, when i click on the launcher jar file, i just get winrar archive to open up, showing all the files. I tried to change the default program to java, but now it just says "could not find the main class". What am i doing wrong?