Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About twisted-pixel

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  1. chisel and hammer in blueprints

    prior to my complaint, i'd like to say that i did crash when i ran out of chisel halfway through a blueprint, sadly though, i didn't copy the code for your analysis. I would however like to suggest a reduction in in the durability loss in both the hammer and the chisel on blueprints, a simple corner stair takes a third of each from the bronze tools, which to me, seems completely overburdening, at least it does on the northwest corner, after that i wasn't willing to waste the resources to either test or make more corner stair blueprints for the other three corners. I believe i was chiseling shale smoothstone, if that's at all relevant.
  2. Problems with both multimc, and the launcher [solved]

    yep, it was the 32 bit java, thanks alot.
  3. Problems with both multimc, and the launcher [solved]

    neither worked, i'm assuming that the "mojang" LWJGL is the most recent, i went down through the next three from there. one discrepancy that i did find was that my java folder default installs in the program files x86, and not the path that multimc "auto detects" which is the regular program files folder, could this be it?
  4. after no longer being able to start my launcher, i reverted to using multimc, but it seems that won't work for me either; at first the launcher did absolutely nothing when i clicked on it, even after waiting a few minutes (previously it took around 10 or so seconds to pop up), i right clicked and tried "run with" and chose java 7 from my program files x86 folder, now it attempts to start but still fails, looks like a dos prompt for a split second, of which i had to print screen just to read a single word, sadly i didn't save that shot, it was only one line, but the jist of it was that it couldn't run it, so then i moved on to multi mc; followed the installation guide verbatim, and came up with an error, i've already confirmed that i'm using the correct files for forge, player api, minecraft 1.5.1, and the hotfix 18 of tfc. after following some advice i've read on the forums about creating an instance and running it after choosing the minecraft version (prior to adding mods) i still encountered the same error, maybe someone out there can make sense of this. edited only to remove e-mail and pass
  5. Hoe Modes malfunction [solved, sorta]

    in fact, after just posting, i closed the game, and went back into the loadorder file for the launcher, deleted the line and restarted the game, all functions now work with my hoe, so it was definitely optifine related.
  6. Hoe Modes malfunction [solved, sorta]

    yes, yes, yes, and yes. i actually get no coloring while hovering in any mode.
  7. Hoe Modes malfunction [solved, sorta]

    using the metal hoe in both hotfix 17 and 18, i cannot seem to get any of the modes to function, aside from the tilling of course. I'm using the tfclauncher, and rei's minimap. I've tried with both a tin, and bronze hoe, in multiple locations, and tried multiple texture packs. any ideas?