Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About DigitoriiX

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  1. Meal Preparation Station Update Suggestion

    Think about it. How hard is it to get 3 logs? Does it really make a difference? Maybe. I think that would get a little carried away, though. Possibly on an advanced table with more than 4 slots, the meal could be a large meal and have multiple uses? That would be interesting.
  2. Meal Preparation Station Update Suggestion

    As for the concern with the graphics, it was a rough outline. I made it with the 2x2x16-pixel planks. Of course it's terrible, I didn't want to spend my entire day trying to create my own block with custom dimensions and textures, that's the developer's job It was basically an outline for the general shape/color.
  3. I feel as if the meal stations deserve some more love in the suggestions because they're quite useful but not optimally intuative, mostly because they're invisible and you can't easily recognize where they are. But instead of fixing just that, I've come up with a total overhaul of the mechanics of the meal stations. The current procedure of making a meal station is quite strange and finnicky - rightclicking a block with a knife creates some invisible block that is a hassle to destroy and might be accidentally placed in the world without you knowing (because they're invisible). Also, creating a meal station in the same block where another block is (perhaps creating a meal station on top of other meal stations until you run into a block) will simply overwrite the block and not drop it. That bug can be easily fixed, however it still doesn't help that there's these invisible slates everywhere. A simple way to clear up this problem is to have dedicated meal preparation tables that you can craft and place in the world. A simple recipe for a meal preparation table could look something like this: And out of that, you get a meal preparation table that would look something like this (very rough outline): This table will take up two blocks, so it will need the room in the world to successfully be placed, like doors. - The bottom half would be just the visual table and have no interactive effect other than holding the meal station itself. - The meal station on top, which could be the same transparent slate it is now. The meal station will automatically be destroyed if there is no table underneath to support it. The table should be easily broken by an axe or saw, much like a plank block. This solves both the overwrite block destruction bug and the hassle of popping them everywhere accidentally and not knowing, as you can see where they are with the visual table block. The knife, then, should be used in the production of a meal (because, let's face it, the knife is underused so far). Another slot in the GUI for a knife should be added similar to an anvil: 1 durability of the knife will be taken away for every ingredient used in the meal (so all four ingredient slots used = -4 durability). If the knife doesn't have enough durability to meet the requirements, either the "Create Meal" button could be disabled, or the meal could be finished regardless and the knife breaks. I'll leave that up to whoever to decide. That's it for now. If there's anything that someone thinks could add to the upgrade of these meal station mechanics, I'll edit them in below.