Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Cedric Bale

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Everything posted by Cedric Bale

  1. [Vanilla Bug] Animals escaping pens

    I remember solving this in vanilla by recessing my animal pens one block into the ground, inside the fence. That way the animals think the fences and gates are two blocks up and therefor they can't jump over them, so they don't even try, preventing them from standing on the same block as the fence, preventing them from glitching through them when chunks unload and load back in.
  2. Version #: 0.79.9SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): Single PlayerSuggested Name: Log Piles under Grill (I guess? not sure what I'm naming?)Suggested Category: Minor (I don't think this is a thing most people will do, since it's apparently not how grills work, lol)Description: Place a grill, put a piece of food in the grill so that it appears graphically on top of it, how many pieces doesn't seem to matter though I've only tried one and two pieces. Then hold shift and right-click with a log to create a log pile directly beneath the grill. If there's no food items in the grill, the log pile appears and nothing bad happens, but if there is, the game crashes and stays crashed (can no longer log into that world without instantly crashing again).Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: YesDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: YesIf yes, which mods? -CodeChickenCore -Not Enough Items -TerraFirmaCraft NEI Plugin -FastCraft 1.9 -Antique Atlas 4.0.1a-1.7.10If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them?: I do not have either of these link of the Crash Report: The game generates two crash reports when it crashes, one labeled Client and one labeled Server, and I've never quite been sure which one people need. So I'll just post both. -Labeled client: -Labeled server:
  3. Animal Familiarity Indicator

    So, I updated to the new version 0.79.9 today, and I went and held shift on my sheep to see what the familiarity indicator looked like. Despite them being shearable and breedable, the heart icon was black. I thought that was an odd choice for above-0 familiarity, so I went and found a wild sheep I'd never fed or otherwise interacted with before, and the heart icon looked exactly the same. So I went into a creative world, spawned a TFC sheep, and fed it as much as I could every day, skipping to the next day using NEI's time-setting buttons, and the icon just never changed. So I'm wondering, does it just take a ridiculous amount of familiarity for that icon to change, or is it messed up for me somehow? Can someone show what the different heart icons look like? I should also note that I only tested this with sheep, I didn't think to try another animal.
  4. [Solved] Crash placing a Log Pile under a Grill

    Ah, alright, I understand now. Well thanks for fixing it! It's not the correct way to use the grill, so I can't imagine this will be a huge problem for most people, but I encountered the crash while just messing with the grill and trying to figure out how to use it without the currently-defunct Wiki, and I don't believe I'm the only one who would think to see if a log pile would fuel it. And it's especially bad if someone tries that in their main world, since the problem situation gets saved with the world, thus making the world unloadable. I was lucky enough to discover the crash in a creative world I'd make specifically to learn about the grill's mechanics. After that, I just gave up on experimenting and googled it. Experimenting is apparently dangerous, lol.
  5. [Solved] Crash placing a Log Pile under a Grill

    Are you one of the devs? This wasn't in the list of known bugs, pinned at the top of the Support forum, so I had no way of knowing if it was known and being fixed or not. If not, then I have no idea what you mean by that, or what (PR #642) is supposed to mean; sorry for my ignorance, in either case. ^^;
  6. [TFC 0.79.23+] TerraFirmaCraft NEI plugin

    The new alloy recipe handler has already been IMMENSELY useful. <3
  7. [TFC 0.79.23+] TerraFirmaCraft NEI plugin

    Aaah, yep, there it goes. It took for-freakin'-ever this time, but it definitely just happened without your plugin. Sorry for the false alarm, lol.
  8. [TFC 0.79.23+] TerraFirmaCraft NEI plugin

    It could be; I admit that I've never used NEI on 1.7.10 without your plugin, lol. I didn't even think that it might be NEI itself, since I've never had a problem with it in previous versions of Minecraft. I'll disable your plugin and see if it still occurres after a while.
  9. [TFC 0.79.23+] TerraFirmaCraft NEI plugin

    If I leave something typed into the search field for a while, it inevitably ends up stuck on that search. As in, no matter what I try to search for, NEI won't change what it's showing me, but otherwise functions as intended (shows recipes, scrolls through pages, gui buttons work). Logging out and back in doesn't fix it, only restarting the Minecraft application altogether fixes it. I'm not sure if it's caused by simply leaving something in the search field for a length of time, or if some other TFC gui interaction causes it without my notice. I've tried doing tons of things and immediately checking NEI after, I haven't found anything that seems to cause it directly or immediately. It just sort'a... happens.
  10. Audio Failure After Soundtrack Play

    Really? I've never had this problem with vanilla Minecraft, so I assumed it was TFC-related. Weird.
  11. Audio Failure After Soundtrack Play

    Don't know how useful this is, but the launcher's console (I have to run the launcher with a .bat or it won't launch Minecraft correctly for some reason) spits this at me every time my sound quits on me. "paulscode.sound.[]" sounds relevant to the issue to me, but I'm not sure. It always takes a good few hours of playtime for the sound to quit on me, but it always happens if I play long enough. I haven't payed attention to what was going on right before the sound quit every time, but the last few times I didn't notice any music kicking in right behorehand. In fact, the last few times, it's happened either right as I started sprinting, or precisely as I broke a bit of tall grass. The stuff won't stop growing on my lawn, I'm breaking it all the time. I didn't think to take this screenshot until a few minutes after the sound quit, it cut out while I was outside 'mowing'. (that's not to say that the music might not have tried (and failed) to kick in at the same instant, but there's no way for me to know if that was the case) And I just now noticed that I'm playing on build 76 hotfix 17, and the TFC download page lists build 76 hotfix 18. Isn't the launcher supposed to automatically update TFC when you launch it? I'll grab it, maybe it'll fix the problem.