Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Dano6655

  1. I have also encountered this bug with many different types of food. Some food will get to a point where you can eat it but it does nothing and won't go away and has no weight. This includes meals and normal food.


  2. You could have two separate skills. Prospecting and mining. Use of prospectors pick could decrease false negative chance or could give a more accurate reading. Mining could increase mining speed (please), it could give you a chance of getting a higher quality ore, reduce chances of cave ins, or I guess give more output when mining rock.


  3. start the game by making two knives at once since you can. Run around and cut all the grass while looking for crops/animals for food. Cut down enough logs for a kiln + fire if you need to cook food and make vessels and jug during first night. You should easily get enough thatch to make a basic hut. if not just dig down and cover the roof only


  4. So rather then using a thread that I shouldn't be for this problem I'm going to post it here so if people have a similar problem they can find it.


    So here's my problem


    when i click this link or try to get in the wiki in any way i get this


    Posted Image


    it's been like this for me for like a week or so. I'm assuming the wiki isn't down so why is this happening?


    I get this problem regardless of what browser I use and to my knowledge I just have a standard optimum modem + wireless router with no proxy and my firewall is off. If i try to load the page cached I can get to it but that's not exactly the solution I'm looking for.


    I hope someone can help me with this


  5. How about if you die you lose your skills but are able to get them back if you reach your dead body? I know you guys wanted to dissuade people from repeatedly killing themselves to avoid things like hunger problems so maybe just make it so you lose them on death? This seems like a very good incentive for people to stay alive.


  6. As long as we gain the ability to shoot skeletons at some point I'm all for any changes to archery because when you're unable to shoot skeletons archery is basically pointless because all other mobs can be easily dealt with without ever getting hit using only melee weapons


  7. From my experience you seem to lose your levels when you die but you get them back after a bit of time. I'm not sure exactly how it works, it may be when you get back to your items or it just happens. It's likely that it's just a bug that you lose them or you get them back. We'll have to wait for them to tell us.


  8. So if we're going into how important salt is, can we have salted meat remember if it was salted while cooked? I'd like it if adding salted meat to a meal increases the chance of a meal tasting better. Despite what personal preference people have the human tongue by nature likes salt (within reason obviously).


  9. In the previous build the nether was accessible and as long as you avoided during certain things ( mostly placing tfc items in the nether) you would be able to navigate around fine. Currently entering the nether causes your game to crash. You could still get a portal and light it if you know what you're doing, it just crashes you and you can't get back in because you log in and then just crash again. I liked the ability to go into the nether for a few reasons but overall it's against the spirit of tfc and just doesn't make sense with the goals tfc is trying to accomplish.


  10. Once you get the hang of TFC the endless zombie hordes are actually a good thing while skeletons seem extremely OP. Zombies are extremely weak and easy to kill, granting you tons of free experience and levels in tfc grant you additional max health, hunger, and thirst. The best option for skeletons is pretty much to just run or box and attack their feet. If you use crushing damage they die at a reasonable rate but despite them being the only enemy in the game you'd want to use a bow on, bows and javelins are completely ineffective against them.


    What you guys need to do during the first day is just move around. Unlike regular minecraft TFC greatly rewards the player for moving around. You can easily find enough small ores to go straight to bronze by walking around and you can easily find enough food for a while before the first night even drops. I recommend making like 4 knives (you can make 2 at once per rock) and grabbing a ton of straw to make a cheap thatch shelter. Cut down enough logs so if you need to use an animal for food you can cook and it all and be ready to make some vessels during the first night so you're not just wasting time. If you're feeling ballsy enough (i usually am) you can use blocks to get xp off mobs and potentially take down some armored skeletons and get armor drops if you're lucky. I've managed to get a 2 copper 2 bronze full armor set in the first night before so you never know
