Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by RiKShaw

  1. Coolgardie Safes [P] = Wooden Plank = Iron Sheet/Ingot [W] = Wool Cloth Recipe: [P ][ I][ P] [W][ ][W] [P ][P][P] Look: Would be 1x1x2 blocks high. A wooden base block with cloth up the sides of the second block with space to have a small grey container on top. Interface: A 3x3 grid for food items. Also has an extra slot at the top which takes buckets of water that fills up a bar to the right of the grid, representing the amount of water in the top and therefore how long the effect will continue Effect: Slows food degradation by a certain amount, scaling off of free air space similar to fireplaces (to simulate the wind passing through the hessian cloth) Notes: This here presents a fridge thats rudimentary and practical at the same time. Because of the iron ingot at the top this means the player would need to reach the iron age (or get a lucky zombie drop) before they could make one but I feel thats balanced. With 9 slots you can easily store all 5 food groups and up to 4 other objects that the player chooses. Could technically be used to cool metal.
  2. Coolgardie Safes

    But the moment you try to do that you end up blowing the whole system out of proportion. Now you've got 50 different ways to help stop decay.With this is simple.
  3. Version 0.78.17:SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SingleplayerSuggested Name: ChalcobuggySuggested Category: AnnoyingDescription: I have crafted numerous metal tools, some of copper some of bronze and yet none of them proc'd the achievement you can plainly see I have a copper pickaxe and many bronze tools, all of these were cast from molds and yet I do not have the achievement.Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: YesIf yes, which mods? A minimap mod but this was happening before I installed that.
  4. Coolgardie Safes

    Well, it wouldn't be stone age. In fact unless you got an ingot from a zombie it'd be iron age.
  5. Coolgardie Safes

    I'm grateful for the traffic keeping the thread at the top but... sorta off topic.Is a 3x3 grid enough/too much?Does the recipe sound cool/good/stupid?
  6. Coolgardie Safes

    That's just my opinion I really shouldn't have said it. You see, I've got a storehouse storing every single rock and piece of cobble I've ever mined, I just like to hoard in MC and I can't horde food anymore.
  7. [Solved] Chalcolithic Achievement not working

    Ok well does this still make it an issue? Should the achievement be granted even if you cast from a ingot mold?
  8. [Solved] Chalcolithic Achievement not working

    You can cast directly from the vessel??
  9. Animals in 77.22

    I've google searched this but most of the responses are really old and don't seem to help me find anything.Are animal spawns working at the moment? I just travelled 10,000 blocks south and didn't find a single sheep, cow or chicken.I can understand the need to nerf animal spawns for the early game. Finding food without meat is interesting but 10,000 x viewing distance of blocks devoid of 3 types of animals (and only 6 pigs found) is VERY extreme.Is this being fixed with the updated with the terrain generation of the next patch?
  10. Animals in 77.22

    Will the improved terrain generation fix this? And I mean fix because this is a bad part of the mod.
  11. Animals in 77.22

    Whether I came across the right climate is irrelevant. I SHOULD have come across the right climate in 10,000 blocks.
  12. [Offline] Communecraft - whitelist, no extra mods - 77.21

    Nickname in Minecraft: Uhh nickname I want to be RiKShawMinecraft ID: willsons Age: 19 Location: Australia Fluent english: Yo hablo mui el ingles. (Yes, also I seem to type better than most) What a perfect server for you would be like: This, vanilla, without the whitelist. What you would bring to our cozy little community: Organisation? I'm terribly uncreative. My houses end up being squares. I like the idea of managing a town, obviously I'm late but I'll see what I can do.What do you expect from us if you join: Just be friendly and relax. Everyone has reasons for what they're doing so if something is wrong, talk it out.