Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Zeebie

  1. More questions

    Hi folks - I'm here to take advantage of your kindness again - Planting cycles: what are the seasonal dependencies of planting and harvesting? Do crops need to be planted only in the spring and summer? What happens to crops during winter? - Ingot storage: the wiki says ingots can be stored in stacks like wood. How does one make such a stack? Shift-right click doesn't do anything. And ingots can't be put into chests. Where are they supposed to be stored? - Bloomery: my bloomery seems erratic. It often stops accepting charcoal or ore for no obvious reason. Sometimes it will take four pieces, sometimes ten. Is there a special system? E.g., all charcoal first, all ore first, a certain number of each...?
  2. Lots of beginner questions

    Hi folks - I thought I'd save some space and put a batch of questions together - Does material matter for weapon damage? e.g., does a tin sword do as much damage as a steel one? - What causes cave-ins? Is my 3x3 spiral staircase in danger of collapsing? - It seems like flux is the key to everything: leather, anvils, armor. I can't even build a bloomery without it (no mortar for the brick blocks). Is this intentional? I can't find appropriate rock anywhere. - Are dogs much more fragile than in vanilla? Every dog I've had has died within minutes from falling tiny distances. - The wiki says that hammers can be used to get sticks from logs. I can't seem to do this. How is it supposed to work? Thanks for any help!
  3. More questions

    Thanks Mayaknife, that's very helpful. A followup: The wiki gives the bloomery weight limits in kg. How can I tell how many kg an object is? In-game objects are just "medium" or "very" heavy. The wiki doesn't seem to list any weights in kg either.
  4. Hi folks- I just installed the mod and I'm trying to figure out the prospector's pick. I've seen the useful advice on the use of the pro pick here. However, I'm having trouble getting started. I have an area where I have found lots of surface ores (about a dozen pieces within a 10 block radius). But the prospectors pick says there is nothing of interest in the area. All the pro pick guides assume that you start with an area with detectable ores. Is it possible to have an area that's rich on the surface but nothing below? If so, how does one find a place to start prospecting? Thanks for any help.
  5. What makes "good" smithing?

    The wiki says that the durability of a metal tool is determined by the "skill" of the smith making the tool. What exactly counts as skill? Fewest number of moves on the anvil? Getting the nub to the exact center of the bracket? Something else?
  6. Surface ores = underground veins?

    Thanks folks. The problem was indeed that the vein was deeply buried under dirt. Do veins always appear at the same depth below the start of the rock layer? I've noticed that the pro pick guides always say to dig exactly 12 down. Or does that 12 come from the range of the pick?