Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by mohrad

  1. In-game name: mohradAge: 23Where do you come from: PolandNative Language (must be able to speak english): Does it matter? I am capable of using English at fluent level.Read all server rules?: YesWhere did you hear about our Server(s)?: Here. TFC Forums.
  2. Block Heads [0.79]

    But... i like the grass texture... D:
  3. feed the beast mod launcher?

    Unlikely. TFC is a mod, not a modpack.
  4. Metal Blocks

    That actually sounds very nice. Mind revising the logpiles for similar mechanics?
  5. Quern (bug)

    It should not. Anyways, going for STRANGE issues, here's mine. Each time i die and come back for my lost items right-most, bottom 3x3 inventory grid is spitting out it's content. If i try to place any item there, it will spit it out again. Example, - Had full inventory (including hotbar) of Willow Wood - Got killed - Came back picked up everything except 9 stacks - keep trying to move wood inside inventory to those 3x3 slots just to see items spitting out Happens only at SMP and only after death also relogging is not fixing it, so i think it's just some synchronization shizzle... still, it's odd to me.
  6. Vanilla Red Brick

    [suggestion]: Create a way to obtain vMC Brick or it's substitute. [Example]: a) 2x2 Clay gives a Clay Brick b.)Burning out in a Forge gives a Brick c) 2x2 Brick gives vMC Brick Block d) V shape gives (new) vMC Clay Pot [Motivation]: I always wanted to use the vMC brick at TFC, simply because it's something a bit better than just rocks, be it raw or such. I do not know wether Bioxx is planning something for the Clay, yet the Bricks are getting some uses now, at vMC. We can use the Item Frames and Walls, so it's a simple wish for the Pots.
  7. Block Heads [0.79]

    I love the new doors, glad to see you gave them different styles instead of just changing the colors!
  8. just some RP2 thinggies OLD

    RP2 has such feature for pneumatic tubes and jacketed wire - Hollowed Covers.
  9. just some RP2 thinggies OLD

    Very nice build, i like that you matched the covers to the sand (beige) A simple compact build, yet for some reason it reminds me an Oilrig more than actual quarry D:
  10. Ore Availability: Am I Just Lucky?

    You were simply lucky that most of those resources were avalable thro ravines or caves. Usually you would have to run for some caves to reach decent Y level (below 90) then propick like crazy to find something and decide how you want to mine. From my (52e) expirience the most of the ores stick between Y50 to Y90, so once you make a nice mine at such Y its always a matter of time to hit another vein if you know how to look for it. Honestly, i've been around TFC since the very first post at MC forums, there was time (after build 42 i think) where finding already available ore at some cave or ravine was an impossibility. Since build 52e the very first time i found an available ore vein at ravine was when i joined SMP play (week ago). I call it RNG - you got very lucky, i did not.
  11. Block Heads [0.79]

    This is about the only TP that suits my taste. Doku is close to it as well, yet not entirely. The only suggestion i would give is adding more shaders to torches and doors(wooden) as they appear to me as incompleted, shallow and cartoonish due to lack of said shaders. I especially like all the rocks you've made, logs , crops and weapon textures.
  12. Found a HUGE CAVE with Sphalerite and Galena. 49g

    What is the texture pack you are using? Looks neat
  13. Sphalerite- 6 ore for a bar ?

    Somewhere at changelog was stated that since one of the updates the Ore contains random amount of the metal. Something like 20 - 60% of one ingot, might be ore dependant. Edit: Appears it is ore dependant - for same number of ores i got almost twice as much Copper than Tin.
  14. We have cave-ins, why not sink holes?

    That would be Hardcore mode. If you would like to have sinkholes like that, then Bioxx would need to apply physics to EVERY SINGLE block in game. Ofcourse that would mean you would be forced to use Support Beams at your very house.
  15. Scythes, Am I using this tool correctly?

    Call it a conspiracy or whatever. Scythe - I've never got more than 1 sapling, very often 0. Attempt to create Tree Farm using the Scythe failed horribly due to lack of saplings (used 5 trees per tree type)(empty) Hand - always got at least 1 sapling, 3 at most.Stick in hand - always at least 2 saplings, 3 on average with a World Record of 6 from one tree. No clue if it's just RNG or what, but i will stick to ...sticks.
  16. Sticks, ladders, and finding the right ore

    @ProspectorPick That Evil thing is ...tricky. It forces you to take multiple "samples" at different approximate locations, as it CAN mislead you. There was a topic about a guy who did quite decent testing with 1 block of ore, and even "sampling" blocks adjacent to the ore gave "Nothing found" results. ProPick is eeeeeeeevil indeed.
  17. In China, huh? Me jelly D: Hope it's gonna be less than 1month, can't wait for more of this sweeeet t-pack
  18. Mining Supports Modification

    Steve is 2 blocks high, so you still need to dig 3x2 area.
  19. Likewise in the real life. Break the axe (or dull it up)Heat itAdd some metal (Sheet of Metal, perhaps?)Whack it with hammerAchivement get! "Good as new!"
  20. Few more questions

    Ores that can be smelted at the Firepit: Casseterite (Tin)Sphalerite (Zinc)Bismuthinite (Bismuth)CopperIn exception of the Copper, all of those can be worked into Ingots and Tools at Stone Anvil using Stone Hammer. So, in fact, you can "start with" any of those 3.You need to: Find Casseterite/Sphalerite/BismuthiniteGather f.e. Granite Block ( mine out blocks in + patter around target block, it will "pop out")Create an Stone Anvil and ToolsKill some Chickens, Squids and Reeds for their belongingsCraft Scribing Table, piece of paper and Markings(out of ink sacks)Craft Chisel Head BlueprintSmelt the ore at the Firepit using the best found Wood Logs pref. Hickory'sWork the ore into an IngotWork the Ingot into the Chisel Head with BlueprintCraft Chisel then use it to make BricksBuild the BloomeryDone.
  21. Both are for same thing, moreover they are know to be incompatible. They work togeter only thanks to IT auto detecting CI presence and disabling some of it's own functions.
  22. Got Problems with Ores and Ingots

    Stop using NEI. There are "ages" when it comes to metallurgy, each next tier of Ingots requires a better Tools and/or Anvil.
  23. mob drops question

    They do drop those items (as of B2Pr2 - have to test at B2Pr9), so it's possible to build dropgrinder at which you just punch the mobs with half heart of life to get drops.
  24. Mod compatibility wishlist

    Rei's Minimap CHECKNEI/Receipe Book CHECKInvTweaks CHECK Honestly, if i ever wanted any other mod it would be only Thaumcraft - 'cause it's freakin awesome to research stuff :3