Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Icarus42

  1. So, would you state, categorically, and for the record, that the changes to chest size are the reason you have stopped playing TFC? Are there any other factors involved in this?

    A few but chest is what just made me not feel bad about it.

    Over all Im not gonna bash the mod, it is a great mod. It just became a mod that wasn't for me.


  2. Not to be that guy, but I found a different mod to play with after the chest nerf happened. It destroyed the experience that I was enjoying so much about the TFC. I understand the want for a harder core game play but this was never thought out very well.


  3. Install Forge>Chickencore>NEI(If you use these)>Smart Moving>Optifine

    I still just get black screen. It seems to be Smart moving and Opti-fine, that dont work well. I can get it to work with one or the other just not both.

    what smart moving Zip should I be using?


  4. Just curious, Ive been trying all day to get Smart moving and Opti fine to work with this mod and cant seem to get it right. is there a proper order I need to follow to get them to work right? All required mods should be up to date, I re-downloaded them all today.


  5. It's mentioned in the Changelog too:

    Awesome, I must of missed it, I wish when that change log updated it would do so in some sort of order. But cool anyways.


  6. I was lucky to get at least 3 leather before they disappeared the 2nd time. But finding them a 3rd time was a 3 minecraft day hike just to find one, which turned into a 5 day hike back with them following me. Then the next day they were gone :( figures.

    If I use Mo Creatures, do Vanilla Mobs spawn? or do they need dirt like the rest of the mobs?


  7. Has anyone else noticed their live stock disappears after a couple of nights? I've had it happen 3 times now. I'll have a fenced in farm with 4-5 cows in it and on 3 occasions they just disappear. Are there aliens taking my cattle?


  8. The scythe is a waste of resources if you ask me. It will kill off any tree farm over time. It gave me 1/2 the saplings back compared to the trees I destroyed.

    I think the whole thing is backwards. It should be the scythe gives more back than the hand considering its a tool and tools (usually) make things more efficient.


  9. Regarding the sticks, just update the mod. The stick type was taken out because it was more trouble than it was worth. If you dont want to update, you have to use Oak sticks for anything other than torches.

    And when it comes to ore, this mod will make you travel the world to find all the ore you need.


  10. I doubt it came from this mod, I've downloaded and scanned each update for some time now.

    You are aware that you dont necessarily have to download anything to get those Trojan warnings. They can come from just being at a site or even by opening your email that has it. You dont need to click on any links for some of them to take effect.

    Your best bet is to reboot from a recent backup and then make sure all your virus protection is up to date.


  11. It's already bad enough when you dig into a ravine and 200-300 dirt blocks fall at once. What's a few more wimpy sand piles going to do?

    It would help fill them in quicker, I would just get sand and start pouring it in from one hole and watch it fill out into the pit. I think this idea could be useful in many ways.


  12. Then make 4 fire pits, you can go around in a circle pretty quick just shift clicking new sticks in. Thats my method and in less then 10 minutes I had 12 stacks of 64 torches. Im not all that concerned about them any more to say the least. I am concerned about torches becoming limited life in the future. That I DO NOT want to happen.
