Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by EternalUndeath

  1. Sling would be a fantastic addition as a starter ranged weapon before we can make bows :D

    P.S. Is that a scan out of one of the newer D&D manuals (4th and/or beyond)? It seems extremely familiar.


    *twitch* ...


  2. Personnally i dont think that TFC is about PvP to be honest and i doubt that bioxx would be intrested in PvP...

    Well now, I can't entirely agree with that statement. TFC is 'survival mode as it should have been', and goes for a much more believable feel. Given the fact that human history is just one bloody struggle after another and that people spend all night murdering mobs anyway, I can definitely envision a bunch of Steves with javelins hiding behind leaf blocks, waiting for a rival steve to come out of the forest so they can kill him and take all the resources he's been gathering.

    I can also see that escalating to the bronze age, with half the server in one communal castle and the other half in another, each with a militia bedecked in bronze armor and swords, warring bitterly over rights to a large native gold or cassiterite mine midway between them.

    Then up into the iron age (and here's where it gets a bit sketchy since most of this hasn't been added), with the castles changed into small urban cities, still hostile from the early days of the server, but now with steel knives being planted in backs, and Steve hiding in a corner, his player sweating over his freshly crafted flintlock pistol as he aims it at the enemy king, knowing he only has the one shot since he won't have the time to go through the tedious reloading process...

    ...Frankly I can definitely see room for a pvp focus, though not a strong one


  3. Loving the concrete idea

    Electrolysis would then require redstone, and therefore cinnabar. Plus, if you're just moving into the bronze age, electricity [redstone] was centuries away from being harnessed effectively as an energy source. If electrolytic refinement is indeed added, it should require some sort of electrolyzer block that would hold water similar to a cauldron, and would have to be made with a high tier material like steel. It could make ore refinement a more efficient process than just smelting certainly, but it cannot replace it.

    As far as oil goes, not only would that require new terrain generation and therefore old world abandonment, but what exactly would you USE it for? Everyone seems to be thinking about IndustrialCraft-like endgame content for this mod, but we're all forgetting that the START-game content hasn't even been fully fleshed out yet. Let's perfect the age we're in before we start going into later ones, shall we?


  4. The sun dial and shadow texture and all that stuff brings up an idea (especially what Eternal said). Design a texture that "looks" like a shadow and when you place this "item" - sun dial maybe - it is 2 or 3 blocks tall and creates a texture at its ground level that rotates based on the time of day and is completely transparent at night so you don't see it as well as fading in and out based on how close to dawn or dusk it is. It'd be easy to create the texture but it wouldn't be your average 16x16 texture (obviously). However, thaumcraft implements multi-res textures and texture orientation as well so that could be a starting point for the idea. And of course, I could make the texture fit the pixel art appearance so it doesn't look out of place.


    I had a good idea


  5. How about:

    Double Ingot -> Anvil -> Minecart

    Ingot -> Anvil -> 8 (or so) Tracks

    Horizontal Support Beam or Planks + Axe/Saw -> Sleepers

    You place sleepers on the ground, then tracks on top, and you are left with minecart tracks

    You craft a chest into a minecart (as in legit)

    And agreed with no furnace minecarts, you can't even craft a furnace :P

    Well I already said that double ingot + plan = minecart...

    Frankly about the tracks tho, I think 8 is just a bit too much. I'm thinking maybe 4, which would be their max stack. Remember, rails are fuckin heavy.

    Why the sleepers tho? Steve making mine tracks should represent the absolute earliest form of rail making, which as far as I know was 'beds + rail * spike = track'


  6. Because minecraft has no real shadows...

    Well i think that idea is going to the dump then...

    I know minecraft has no real shadows. That's why I said shadow texture. The arrangement would function as one complete structure, the same way the bloomery does, and it would apply a flat texture to the bottom of the block above the surface it's built on, that would change block position with the calendar.


  7. Enough of the fighting(since it's pointless on the internet because of it's incredibly moronic users(this isn't meant to offend this forum or it's users, since I have seen worse)) .

    What do you think about my ideas?

    In order:

    1. So pretty much just a pretty-ed up surface ravine?

    2. Not a bad idea, I'd like to see that.

    3. No, no, and hell no. Gravel is the worst block in all of minecraft, an entire biome of it is the LAST thing I want to see


  8. I do have some 4E stuff as well but I figure the 3E fits the theme better. It seems to have more common monsters that everyone is familiar with as opposed to 4e.

    you know why?


  9. Better still, have a built structure made with raw stone, maybe 5x5 in a particular pattern, which will change the 'shadow' texture it generates based on the time of the TFC year - a viable calendar for players not advanced enough to craft calendar blocks


  10. And if the vanilla mineshafts are bothering you I believe you're supposed to turn off "generated structures" when creating a new world anyways.

    It's not that they bother me, I think they're actually a great thing to have and add even more to the cast-away feeling the mod offers - I just feel that adding the support beams instead of the plank/fence arrangement would be a good idea


  11. Pretty sure Rain Forests are more humid than Swamplands. They're called Rain Forests for a reason.

    rainforest =/= jungle

    ...Gotta admit, adding rainforests would be pretty badass...


  12. 1.My spelling is right.

    2. It's not trolling if it's true obvious.

    1. Your spelling is indeed right, but you misplaced the apostrophe in "you're". Not the right error, but still an error.

    2. If you call a mentally handicapped person a retard, it's still rude. Your argument is invalid.


  13. Alright, I'm going to post the textures of items and blocks here in this spoiler, perhaps you can base your further suggestions off of that.

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    The f-

    Fancy colored ropes... gold silver and copper coin piles... feudal japanese leather armor... rings?

    That's it, I want the finished mod NOW. Brb guys, cryostasis tiem


  14. So I've checked all the other pages here and I am FLABBERGASTED that no one else has mentioned this, unless it's already on a list of planned updates and I'm just an idiot who can't read.

    Minecarts and tracks.

    We have vertical and horizontal support beams to hold stone passages against collapse. We have enormous ore veins and aggressively small inventory space that guarantees multiple required trips to tap out a vein. These things CRY out for vanilla's minecart system, or even an improvement

    Now I think that railcraft's coke oven is a fair representation of how to get creosote oil, and coal coke would probably be great to power a forge. Plus, the built structure fits in very well with TFC's in-world crafting feel.

    Now, I'm not saying bioxx should just copy-paste railcraft code in here, the coke oven would probably have a crafted block the same way the bloomery does, Rail beds would probably be placed in the world, spikes would be crafted on an anvil (copper and up) yielding 4 per ingot, and then when you get the rails, you would right-click them on the placed railbeds with a metal hammer in your inventory to change the railbed into completed rail, and it would remove 1 spike from your inventory as well as adding durability damage to the hammer. Carts could be made with 5 wrought iron in the vanilla recipe, or using a double ingot and a plan, and chest carts could be made in the vanilla recipe as well using the wrought iron cart. No furnace carts, they just don't seem to fit the feel of the iron age.

    ...Maybe if you had to make them from steel...

    Also, having generated mineshafts replace fence posts with vertical support beams of biome-native wood, and replace planks with horizontal beams of the same - would both eliminate vanilla materials, and help players/add to the feel of it at the same time


  15. Hey, so, what exactly constitutes 'raw numbers'?

    Obviously something like 'cassiterite has a 0.00X% spawn rate and occurs with a XX% chance per chunk' is out of the question, but where does it stop? Would something observable like 'A thrown spear will travel a maximum of X blocks' be acceptable? Or is the numpad banned entirely
