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Everything posted by dabman10

  1. Age of Survival: Post Apocalyptic Edition

    More themed maps is always a good idea, or we'll have no idea what will be the most fun to play.
  2. TFC Team Survival Battle

    The good thing about the way we did the middle of the map is we can copy it onto any seeded map with ease. We can also continue to add and expand to the dungeon to make it more intense. I wish I could have finished the game yesterday! It was a lot more intense with a smaller map, and with more players.
  3. TFC Team Survival Battle

    Vasya has figured out how to mirror maps! Check out the server now (pm me for ip), I think we're ready for a game!
  4. TFC Team Survival Battle

    I'll get up early again daxx... maybe even earlier than last time. Sorry I take so long eating breakfast!
  5. TFC Team Survival Battle

    Yeah, we weren't either. I was spending so much brainpower thinking about the most efficient way to tier up, that I was running around in circles like an idiot half the time! I've added other people to the list who have told me they're interested in playing tomorrow. Keep replying, or even better, send me a pm!
  6. TFC Team Survival Battle

    We just finished our test battle! It was pretty awesome for just being a 2vs2. So far, some of the participants are leaning towards making it more of an 'arena' style, and some players leaning towards more open-ended. Either way, we'll be trying it tomorrow. So please say something on this board. Anyone who played happen to get any screenshots or video during the game?
  7. TFC Team Survival Battle

    All right, first servermap is pretty much balanced with all these things -Trees -Ores -Limestone -Borax -Animals -Reeds -Tall Grass Am I missing anything that needs to be balanced?
  8. TFC Team Survival Battle

    I think for the purposes of balancing... one would have to be able to mirror the map for random ores to be distributed. Unfortunately bukkit isn't compatible, so it might make more sense to have ores placed in the ground and balanced.
  9. TFC Team Survival Battle

    "The only problem with putting signs on top of the ores is people could just dig straight down to the ores" Yeah, that's why the sign was there, to indicate to the team where their ore supply was located.
  10. Chest storage size

    Yes, it can't be too tedious. But limiting a stack of logs to 8 should naturally start leading to questions about other block types, specifically rock. Diablo II style would be too much coding work. The simplest fix would be for any block-type stacks to be limited to 8. This would actually make minecarts extremely useful, especially if they kept their storage size.
  11. Research

    Same experience here. The biggest problem with vanilla minecraft is its incompleteness of explaining gameplay mechanics. You cannot play it without wikipedia or a friend. I think it's critical to eventually solve this issue in TFC (eventually, but not now). This is a great game mechanic. I think it's vital that the research tells you how to craft items. Before someone can make this table, I think there needs to be some other unobtrusive way of hinting to the player what to do (*ppsttt*...punch the leaves, steve!!)
  12. Hey, no worries, thanks for replying.
  13. TFC Team Survival Battle

    You actually didn't do anything wrong, he was just teasing you. The rules have been updated to reflect all of the input you guys have provided. If you're interested in playing tomorrow or this weekend, please make sure your name is on the list! I will be looking at this list first if we get a lot of people lining up to play.
  14. TFC Team Survival Battle

    Wow, not sure about how to do the world-shaping, but come on and show me tomorrow. tells me I should be able to run a server with 10 people, so it might be possible to do a larger game than I expected. Then again, comcast sucks. Mumble's good, I prefer it. Context is how you interpret or understand something based off what you know. He was complaining that you were making him sound "out" of context because you were posting in front of him. This means people wouldn't really understand what he is saying, because what he said was referring to something said before you.
  15. TFC Team Survival Battle

    I'm just going to throw a time out... I'll start looking for people on the forums at 9:00am PST on Saturday. It probably won't be until 12:00pm or later that we'll be ready to start, since they'll be lots of issues to think through (teams, the map, server issues, teamspeak). I've upgraded my computer and got all the port-forwarding server issues worked out, although I have yet to test my computer with more than 3 players on the server at once. If anyone wants to try to test it out tomorrow (starting at 9:00am ish), that would be great. Incompatibility, you're welcome to think about making a map... but please try to stick to the genre of this game (mining, farming, hunting, smelting). Go for a natural style... it will make it easy since it's less work to actually do, plus it will give it that 'survival age of empires' feel. If you're going to make ore deposits to balance fairness, stick them under the dirt and mark them with a sign or something. My suggestion would also be that the higher tier the ore is, the deeper down it should be (so for example, x blocks of bismuth would be 4 blocks underground x blocks of copper would be 16 blocks underground). If you can, make the spawning room out of obsidian or bedrock, and build pressure plates outside that open the spawning doors for each team room. Make sure the ore deposits are at least 200m or so away from the spawn building. I've started creating a basic map, but I won't be modifying it much besides balanced bismuth and copper deposits, and removing any obvious advantage that one map side has. It would still be great for people to look for anyone who can run a dedicated server.
  16. TFC Team Survival Battle

    Incompatibility, You're definitely right about fairness. For the sake of testing, it will much easier to just 'try it out' on a random generated map, since it doesn't require much set up. If it's any fun at all, I could see a final version of this game being played on an arena-style or mirrored map for balance issues. Since people who like survival play this mod though, I can see the 'randomness' being a challenge and gameplay element. Maybe we can have the ref announce when a team finds an ore:). Take what you don't have! I love the name of the game. It sounds like we'll have plenty of people to at least test it as a 3v3 or 4v4. Does anyone play on a beta server? If so, it would be great if you could ask them if we could use a section of their server to test this out.
  17. TFC Team Survival Battle

    Well now it seems the time and the place is what comes next. I'd be willing to go through a test run of the concept, but it might take a competent server host to really get the whole idea working.
  18. Any chance you (or someone else) could set the server up for a tournament-style round of tfc? See the link for the idea:
  19. A little too hard perhaps?

    It doesn't say this on the wiki, but you can also get the bronze age through making BLACK BRONZE (copper, silver, gold) or ROSE GOLD (copper and gold). You can make a black bronze and rose gold anvil, and don't need tin. Even if you're stuck with just copper, full-out copper gear (armor, weapons, tools) is pretty close to being iron in vanilla minecraft. I tend to stick to the surface personally when I explore, but I love to run through chasms and I always check cliff walls and valleys, since it gives an opportunity for the prosp pick to read a lot more.
  20. Chest storage size

    A quick solution would be not being allowed to store blocks of any type in a chest. All blocks would have their own type of storage system, for example: Logs - Log pile (holds 16 logs) Stone - Quarry Pile (16 stone) Planks - Plank Stack (16 planks) Wool - Wool Bags (16 wool) Box - (4 Misc. unstackable item blocks) All storage systems would work similarly to log piles, although in the case of stones and planks, they can only be placed and stored by holding shift and clicking. Some types of blocks might only be storable by specifically crafting a container (anvils, etc.). Stone and plank piles would look slightly different compared to regularly placed stone and planks.
  21. TFC Team Survival Battle

    15 minutes is not much time, but remember that you have 7 other teammates. It's reasonable to expect that copper could be acquirable by that point. It's also reasonable to assume at this point that many teams would simply prepare for battle with stone tools and leather armor, hoping to take the other team by surprise. If 15 minutes seems way too short, it would be increased. But it would be difficult to expect a full game to run its course without people having to leave or disconnect.
  22. TFC Team Survival Battle

    Fairness could be addressed several ways: 1) Both maps could be mirrored so there is a guaranteed fairness in ore distribution. 2) Maps could be arena-style, where there are known deposits of specific ores and one just has to develop a strategy of what to extract first. 3) The game is designed to accept the aspect of randomness, and could be built into the player's strategy. For example, if a team isn't able to locate any ores within the first 15 minutes, their strategy may shift to blitzing the other team with stone-age tools and leather armor.
  23. On the subject of Galena and Lead

    Mmmmm... lead acetate. Delicious
  24. TFC Team Survival Battle

    My friend has a server setup... if someone doesn't have a better option we could use that.
  25. TFC Team Survival Battle

    This is more of suggested idea, so we need 14 more players, a referee, a server, and we're ready to begin! Of course, we could start by using smaller teams. Mumble/skype would be a great idea.