Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Nogitsune

  1. Ropes+ works in everything but the grappling hook but the rope arrow is better anyway. Attempted Mystcraft since it only makes multiple over worlds and adds a few items couldn't get it to work (likely cause I don't know how to fix Item ID issues and because it took me 20+ tries just to get Mystcraft to work at all without throwing anything onto it). The backpack mod also works seen it in a few servers and can confirm it myself. Thats about all I can think of. Minecolony half works but the AI can't figure out what to do and run in circles, builders can't build anything because they try to build deeper than their current location.


  2. I'd like to see agriculture finished before we do anything. Kind of annoying when your on hard mode in a server trying to survive and the first 3 days is a scramble to get food. Granted pork chickens and cows work great... Unless theres 14 of you and everyone is starving cause you couldn't find enough food.


  3. I'd like more mobs before more weapons. If anything I can just use Balkons weapon mod (which works to an extent with the wooden weapons) and get this stuff.


  4. I'm not a fan of a tool gaining a magical bonus just because its used and repaired a lot. While that is a cool idea I like one that is more in the realm of plausible instead of magical. In my opinion it isn't the enchantment that makes an item special its the history and when you spend a lot of time with a weapon you begin to grow fond of it no matter what it is. I also agree with one of the posts in your topic "Very misleading" lol I would've never guessed it was asking about repair as well instead of asking for jeweled or enchanted weapons.


  5. I have but one suggestion. Repairing equipment. When a warrior's armor is punctured or weapon broken he will take it to a smith who will remove the one damaged plate replace it with a new one and hammer out any dents and repair weapons usually reforging them if the material had become weak. I'm not saying that we need to implement broken armor and weapon items I'm just asking if we can take a copper bar or double bar to repair a piece of armor instead of having to remake the armor after it breaks and waste eight bars of materials or a single piece for damaged weapons. Tools I'm less interested about since it only takes one bar to make them but anything that takes multiple especially armor should be able to be reforged and repaired. If this is already in somewhere awesome if not I hope you take a serious look at it.


  6. Yea I'm gonna have to be against this. Considering most people can just use stone to get everything theres no point in locking the tools to your exp. If you rewrite this to start locking trees or ores to certain levels it becomes annoying to traverse thousands of meters to find what you CAN get and hope theres enough to level up. Really though I've been on three servers and the first thing that has always been done is crowd around a campfire laying out jobs for everyone. Guys A through E mine guy F works with animals and crops guy G works with blacksmithing, mason work, and usually charcoal and everyone tries to keep it together and if someone doesn't have work they help with other things. If you can't structure yourself to work together then you won't make a thriving village and eventually it becomes easier to just go play SSP since no one works together or no one is willing to do other things.


  7. I'm interested in this design and as an IC2 bioengineer the thought of a new crop system intrigues me but I like having a complex system with this to give me something to do while I wait on my villagers (friends on my server) to return with more ore since I've become the Blacksmith/Steward/Botanical Engineer.
