Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Vagabond

  1. Kittychanley,


    I apologise, It must have been an installation error on my part. The tone of your post sounds much like a reprimand for a simple request. I could have read it wrong, but if not, it's not appreciated (for what it is worth).


    As far as I could tell, it wasn't allowing me to perform certain actions against certain TFC blocks. Again, it must have been an installation error on my part if it does indeed work.


    The post can be deleted as clutter if you so wish.


    With Regret,



  2. Hello,


    I made this suggestion a long time ago, and wasn't met with nearly as much enthusiasm. Think it was more along the lines of "WTF gtfo nub".


    Yes, Millenaire, Minecraft Comes Alive, and Mine Colonies would all be awesome. What would be even better is if the developers of all three would get together and make a single mod. All three of those mods have features that would mesh well with the others.


    I particularly like playing in hardcore mode with MCA because you can have children and take control of the children if you die. It makes dying meaningful, but gives you a chance to continue on a sort of 'legacy'.


    For now, I could suggest the mod "Custom Npcs". You can inject your own npcs into the world with various abilities/tasks/ect. If you want to stay in character while you play, I would suggest setting ground rules, such as not making a new npc until you've built a house for him/her that would allow him/her to perform their profession.





  3. Hello,


    First of all, I would like to point out that the last few posts are in breach of the rules posted in the sticky by Bioxx about staying on topic. In the entire posts, nothing was contributed to the topic.


    On Topic:


    Scythes. I think we can all agree that they should be used for their intended purpose: Mowing and reaping. I think that we've also come to the conclusion that using the wrong tool is inefficient, thus one should be penalized (in speed, increased degradation of objects used incorrectly) in some manner.


    We've come up with one such example: the reaping of crops, which should take a long time if done without a scythe.


    But let us take a look at what features the scythe would be losing: the function of the billhook. Would it be more appropriate for the billhook to be used in conjunction with the axe while chopping the tree down (like how a chisel and hammer work), or should one need to use the billhook first (if one wanted to) if they wanted to get stricks/saplings.


    My position is this: Regardless if you choose to do it before or after the tree is "Chopped down", logically, it has to be done in order to process the tree into smaller, more manageable chunks for transport/storage. No matter what order you do it in, you end up with logs, and everything that was previously attached to them (in game: sticks and saplings). As any forrester would have done through history, you would discard whatever you didn't need.


    So I propose the scythe's function be split in two: Scythe (Mowing/reaping) and billhook (Pruning). The scythe would be required to do any sort of mowing/reaping effeciently, thus preserving it's usefullness. The billhook is another matter, though. I see it working in one of these ways:


    A) How a scythe is currently used on a tree: clearing an area of leaves for sticks/saplings.

    B) Used on a tree like an axe (before the axe), taking "X" amount of time based on how many leaves there are, but leaving the tree bare and ready to be chopped down with the axe.

    C) Kept in the "belt" while using the axe in the same manner as the hammer/chisel. You'd get the wood, saplings, and stick all at the same time.


    In closing, I would like to suggest that prior to metal tools (since the billhook is a metal tool), simply using an axe on a tree will produce sticks and saplings, just at a lower drop rate. Punching branches should not be effective- any branch thick enough to be usable for tools would be hard to take off with your hand.





  4. Hello,



    ain't it possible to make crops harder to harvest by hand? like. if it took the same amount of time to harvest one crop that it takes to dig up one block of dirt with your hands then, hell i would make that scythe! i would make it and love it!



    GreenLeaf - that is an awesome suggestion; liked. Lower efficiency for using the wrong tools. Brilliant.


     When I spent summers at my grandparents house in Illinois, I would work in the fields for extra money.  It is incredibly hard work. Most plants don't want to be picked, even with the proper tools.





    Tone matters. It is your opinion on that that is not relevant. 



    puxapuak- And how, pray tell, is your post remotely relevent to the OP? That is a rhetorical question by the way; Not meant to illicit a response, as that would just further clutter this wonderful topic with more useless prattle.





    Edit: responding to post #10 in pm, as to avoid cluttering the topic with off-topic content


  5. Hello,


    All good suggestions but... tone probably could have used work. Don't hold your breath.


    In my opinion, tone is irrelevant so long as something constructive comes out of it. He/she makes incredibly valid points in the spirit of turning TFC into a believable survival simulation instead of a blacksmithing simulation with survival elements.





  6. Hello,


    As I see this, the OP has thought of a completely hidden way of managing all basic needs in an almost human way. In regards to health, you simply get healtheir when wounds are treated and you are fed, rested, and your thirst is quenched.


    It would be easy to know when you are getting hungry or thirst; a message can pop up saying "I am getting thristy. . ." or "I need to drink; I am getting a headache" or "I am getting hungry" or "I NEED to eat; I feel shaky" or "I'm tired" or "I need to sleep; I can't see straight".


    "Health" shouldn't go down in chunks but go down over time as you attain injuries. Injuries that go untreated continue to deplete the "health bar" at a rate appropriate to the severity. In order to improve your health, you need to treat the wound, make sure you eat and drink something, and rest.





  7. Hello,


    The point of the thatch bed is to set your spawn point. You'll have to wait until you have a true bed to get your "Get away from Baddies Free" card.


    You mentioned in another thread (I think mine?) that "mystical creatures" are planned to be moved to dungeons or such, I thought?  Leaving normal fauna up top. The believability meter would go down considerably if have a perfectly good starter-straw bed that you can't sleep in, then wonderously when you get planks and wool you are magically able to sleep for the frist time since you woke up in the middle of nowhere, stranded.


    Hell, you should be able to sleep on the floor if you really had to. . .


    all i want is to be able to make slabs and stair with thatch so i can finally be content with my roofs!


    I agree! Not being able to make ANY sort of slabs or "stairs" in beginning in annoying! I need decent rooves! At least let us make them outta straw! All it is is bunching the straw up in a certain shape. . . >.>;

    Do none of you do other things in your house at night while you wait?

    Granted the first week tends to be boring as hell, but after that Im busy making tools or cooking stuff or once I have a mine I can spend my nights in it.

    I also tend to light my areas up to the point where I can be outside harvesting crops or trees etc


    Contrary to popular belief, Steve needs to sleep some time too. I.E a sleep meter (At least for SSP).


    As a side note: I think beds (if they progressed from the day 1 bed, to the luxury goose down bed) should give you buffs the better the bed, not debuffs, unless you downgrade. Can't miss what you never had; I imagine a caveman slept on the ground or a bed to leaves just fine. If you would have let that caveman sleep on a serta memory foam bed for a year though, it might have issues sleeping on the ground again after that.




  8. Hello,


    Would a rock do as much damage as a spear or arrow is the main question.If it took 10 rocks to kill a pig that would make it something people would just skip doing.


    It's my belief that it is the mobs that are flawed, not the weapons. Which makes hit boxes so important. Since, pretty much hitting anything hard enough in the right place will kill it or render it immobile/unconscious. If I have a club and get close enough to a pig, then I slam the club into it's head, I imagine it'd die. Likewise, if I slam a mace down on some guy's head, I imagine he would have a cracked skull or broken neck even if he wore an arming cap, chain coif, and a plate helmet.


    It's my belief that it should be much easier to die, but also much easier to kill. Which gives humans the advantage because they can prepare for an encounter; but if caught unawares, they are likely to get roflpwnd by yogi bear when he-a-goes a lookin' for a pic-a-nic basket.





  9. Hello,


    Maybe if you chop down tree with scythe equipped, scythe also gets damaged and saplings and sticks will drop.



    Kind of like you need a hammer in a work-slot when you use a chisel? So It causes durability loss on both items. That is a good Compromise; I still think you should get 25%/50% as much when just chopping down a tree with an axe. Having an axe and scythe (though I don't know what the obsession and loyalty to the scythe stems from (Grimm Reaper complex?), especially when using it outside of it's intended purpose) equipped would net you the normal amount as if you had scythed the tree leaves then chopped the tree.


    On branches: Can be placed like planks in the world, but are a 4x4 square with a less refined (still has bark) texture than planks. Maybe instead of getting "sticks" we could get branches from trees, and have to work those to get 1-3 "tool handles"(instead of sticks...Sorry it just gives me a complex, because the word "stick" doesn't come to mind as big enough to make a handle out of-I know it's knit-picking, I apologise.).





  10. Hello,


    On armor. . .I believe the true nature of most armor is severely misunderstood in regards to encumberance and mobility. I believe much of the misunderstanding stems from RPGs as they attempt to balance combat, progression, and economy. I'd rather not get into the details of it, as it takes a considerable amount of time to collect sources and explain it all. Suffice to say, I am sure if anyone is interesting in the mechanics of armor, they could easily visit any number of sites to learn about it. A few points from what I remember when researching for my own reasons:


    -Chain was about as heavy as Plate. Plate was distributed across the whole body, with complex hinges and such to ensure mobility. Chain just hung off the shoulders.

    -Modern soldiers lug around at least as much, but usually more weight then an fully armed and armored knight (depending on Rate/M.O.S/A.F.S.C)

    -Even wearing armor, you really don't want to be hit...It is just in case you get hit, not something you use to "soak" a hit. Much better to deflect or avoid a blow completely. >.>;





  11. Hello,


    This is a good suggestion, in my opinion. It would mesh well with the effects of the "Hardcore Weather" mod, as well as the now (I think) discontinued "Nature Overhaul" mod. Water physics such as the ones presented in the mod "Finite Liquid" would make for interesting "puddles" of ice after rain in cold climates when the temperature goes to an extreme.


    Mainly, I just can't wait 'till body temperature is implemented, and hopefully climate being the prime danger (followed by wildlife, then "monsters" in dungeons).





    P.S: It was well written, but man I had to go back in forth between a fahrenheit and celsius converter to comprehend what you were talking about :D


  12. Hello,


    With proclaimed focus on SMP, addition that will cater to Hardcore will break many things.


    Because as far as I can tell, hardcore SMP is not really a thing. And laying down in bed doing nothing for five minutes flat is not something that is good for the game, immersion aside.


    I could understand how this could pose a problem in SMP. I hadn't taken that under consideration as I only play alone; more then likely the reason why npcs aren't a welcomed topic here, either. I suppose one could say I am just as anit-social in my gaming habits as I am in real life. Not that I am suggesting the mod should alter it's proclaimed focus (which I was unaware of) on SMP to cater to my desires. Knowing that this mod favors mutliplayer aspects over single player would cause many of my suggestions to be made useless.


    I apologise for my lack of consideration for those of you whom play multiplayer. It is so far off my radar that It doesn't even enter my mind to take that into account before posting my ideas/preferences.





  13. Hello,


    This is a good suggestion, as I always play minecraft on hardcore. MCA is a really cool mod. I'd like to really see a combination of Millenair and MCA made for TFC. The world always seems really empty without the npc villages, it would be nice for immersion and alternate play styles to be able to buy/sell/trade and recieve quests and such.





  14. Hello,


    That is an awesome idea. Like developing your own culture. The Katzbalger for example, either means cat-gutter (an allusion to a cat-fight), or named after the style of how it was worn, with only a cat's skin frog.


    I'd totally name my Javelins upon creation Schweinstechens "Pig-Poker"  (think that is how you'd say it; not fluent in german).


    Think it would add a sense of discovery to exploration.





  15. Hello,


    TFC does not claim to feel real. TFC aims for believablitly.


    The FAQ on the website says it is trying to present a world that feels real.


    Working within the mechanics, things should be intuitive and sensible. For example, when I first started playing TFC I couldn't figure out how to get sticks. Because in reality (which is what is believable) when you chop down trees, the leaves and branches come with it. My logical mind connected the word stick to a branch smaller then the thickness of a tree trunk, but thicker then a twig which leaves attach directly onto the branch with. So I was chopping down trees left and right, figuring that maybe for balance reasons weapons/tool grade (thickness, lack of too much curvature, and lack of knots) wood were hard to find. Eventually after a half an hour I broke down and went to the wiki and found out that I had to beat each individual block of leaves to find that perfect branch.


    The first thing you try to do (assuming you have any knowledge of how things work in the real world) in a game to produce a desired result (when you do not know how the game's mechanic works) is the believable thing. Realism and believability are they same thing when it comes to a game/sci-fi/fantasy. Things of the natural world act like our real natural world, things that aren't of our real world conform to the rules of the real world or have a ruleset of their own that work beside the real-world ruleset..


    Going off my previous example about trees: One knows that a tree has branches (sticks). We believe that. One knows that if you chop into a tree long enough, it falls down and can be broken down into generally three categories: The logs, the branches, and the twigs (and their attached leaves). Except if we chop a tree down in TFC, we only get logs, and those come pre-broken down for us in manage one block chunks (unfortunantly). Not very believable to me; every time I chop a tree down or stand there giving a tree a buzz-cut It feels -forced-. It feels like I am playing a game rather then trying to roleplay a character trying to survive and thrive in a natural, hostile, but believable world.


    Blacksmithing is very enjoyable, and feels realisitc. It just seems that the games focus is always on maintaining the blacksmith simulation, while being minimal or non-existant in simulating the rest of the world around it... to compliment it.


    I apologize in advance if I offend anyone, and I'd like to reiterate that I really enjoy TFC. I just feel it could improve the simulation of other aspects of the world beside the (awesome) blacksmithing systems.





  16. Straw beds which set your spawn but do not let you sleep through the night and basic body temperature system are already being implemented in Build 78.


    "Mysitcal" Monsters are eventually being moved underground, most likely into caves and dungeons after standard animals are complete.


    I'm just wondering if I'm a minority whom plays the game on hardcore. Spawn setting has no effect on you when you are dead when you die. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only reason a bed wouldn't let you sleep mechanically is to force players into putting themselves in danger by being caught by the night spawns. If the night spawns are being moved underground, then my previous assumption no longer matters. As I said in the main post, I believe weather combined with hunger/sleep/thirst should be one's true enemy.


    In short, sleep deprivation is a serious ailment. Immersion and believablity are thrown to the side without a need to sleep, and the ability to do so in my opinion.


    Another thing I would like to add (to the main post, too) is that Stone age weapons proved extremely effective against even mammoths, dire wolves, and sabre toothed cats (the evidence being their bones); Weapons technology beyond that was vanity and man's arms race against itself. So, I find myself wondering why it takes me so darn long to kill a little pig. . .The hole I put into it with a stone spear would be pretty much the same as the one I put into it with a metal one, maybe the stone one would be a bit more messy.


    I'd also like to say that I really enjoy TFC, it happens to be the most realistic survival modification for Minecraft that I've played thus far. Some of the mechanics just feel arcady compared to others, and counter-productive to "[. . .}trying to present a world that feels real." in my opinion. Furthermore, it is hard to become immersed when you feel like you have the developer's hand on your shoulder nudging you in directions, and saying "No, can't be done" when you want to do something as simple as make something for you to go to sleep on. Such things are perfectly acceptable in a linear closed-world game...but in an open world sand-box game that claims to want to feel real?





  17. Hello,


    At the moment we two basic needs, food and water. However, we are missing out on rest, which eleminates the need for shelter in the traditional sense. As of now, shelter is only needed to keep safe from mobs (which are very annoying and immersion breaking, for me at least). Shelter, traditionally, is to keep you safe from the elements.


    On the topic of beds:


    1: I'd like to see more in bed progression. Ex: Woven cot -> Straw bed -> Wool bed -> Feather bed

    2: I'd like to see sleeping required.

    3: I'd like to see benefits to sleeping on better quality beds.


    On the topic of weather:


    1: It should be dangerous, the main reason you create a shelter. If anyone has played the Skyrim mod "Frostfall", they should know what I speak about (except it should be all weather).


    On the topic of mobs:


    1: I don't personally care for creepers, zombies, or skeletons running about willy nilly. I'd much prefer to see them utilized in a more believable sense, such as something causing them to rise, and being able to destroy said thing in the area.

    2: More natural mobs, with more believable dangers. Poisonous critters. Critters with big claws and teeth. Ect.


    In short, It is my opinion that nature should be prioritized as the enemy, rather than walking maggot food. It should be dangerous submerging yourself in icy water. Should be dangerous walking into the desert without the ability to keep yourself cool. Going to a snowy peak without warm clothes should be a recipe for frostbite.





  18. Due to the mixed emotions regarding this addons i came up with a few ideas to compensate a bit. These are just ideas, im not trying to imposes them.


    When you split wood, it would split in to 3 peices as currently, althought these peices would be "rough planks" These "rough planks"  would then need to be turned into into normal planks before they can be used (maybe rough planks could be used for a few rough things?) Using a rock and the rough plank, it would then bring up a GUI "just like the knapping" where you would need to smooth out the plank. This would need to be done for all the planks bofore they become usable.






    Perhaps split it in two with the wedge and hammer, producing two "log halves". The log halves are further worked with a new item, the froe (and hammer), to create "rough planks". The rough planks are further refined with a knife to create planks.


    The wedge and hammer pretty much serve the same function as a Splitting Maul. in that it could likely, at most, split a log into quarters. I suggested halves because it seemed more balanced.


    The froe is what gives you the control to create the rough planks pretty precisely.


    The knife would be used to whittle the rough plank into the final, clean form.


    Though...The froe being made out of anything but metal would be hard or impossible....Maybe skip the froe so it goes: Wedge + Hammer + Log = Rough plank, Rough plank + knife = plank..... hrm.


    I use the mod solely to have planks for use in placing in the world prior to getting metal tools because sticks aren't placeable in the world like planks.





  19. Hello,


    Just a few things I'd like to say, correct me if I am wrong, as I do not have my sources at hand and write from memory.


    Plate Armor: Was not incredibly heavy (30-50 pounds), nor did it restrict movement of the user as it was fitted for them, and the weight was well distributed on the body. It was impervious to most attacks. There were pretty much two ways to hurt someone in plate: a heavy tapered weapon to combine force and a small point of impact to pierce the armor, or a very heavy weapon (war hammer) to cause severe damage to the user through blunt force trauma. It took luck to pierce with arrows or even crossbow bolts, and a range that wasn't to long. Else the men who wore them (usually important men) would be mince meat when fighting against countries like england whom (if memory serves) employed large amounts of professional and levied (peasant- also a fact I found interesting, though I am not sure if it's true, but I remember reading that it was law that peasant men had to own a bow and practice with it) longbowmen. I also distinctly remember reading that in later times, when firearms came into play, blacksmiths would test plate armor by shooting them at point blank range. The armor became stronger to compensate for use against firearms (at least the breastplate), and could be neigh bullet proof. The cost of this, was high though, as keeping the armor light still was expensive. The bulky and restrictive armor was for tournaments and such, or for parading.


    Chain Armor: Was not incredibly heavy, if my memory serves, it weighed about the same as Plate, if not a little more. It's weight wasn't as evenly distributed as it hung from the shoulders, and only sinched at the waist with a belt if one of the long tunic style variants. It was difficult to pierce with arrows or melee weapons, especially the riveted kind. Slashing weapons couldn't penetrate it, and most skelitons of chain using men had blows focused on the legs. Slashing weapons could, however, still cause blunt force trauma, which a user was very susceptable to because of the flexibility of the armor.


    Leather Armor: So many different kinds, you'd need a mechanic for each, I'd think. Some became hard like a shell. Some were supple. Some had chain sewn onto them. Some had rivets. Some had studs. Some had plates overlapping each other over the armor. If by leather, we are talking simply a piece of boiled leather, shaped to a man... I think it would protect against non-sharp slashes, like most european swords. A japanese katana would likely shred through it. Brigandine would be like a cheapo plate armor, I imagine.


    Modern Soldiers: carry anywhere from 50-150 pounds on them, depending on MOS/RATE/AFSC and mission/duty. They are nimble. Have full range of motion. They key is training, fitness, and distribution of weight. A knight was a career soldier. They had all of those things and wore chain/plate. Classifying armor as light/medium/heavy is a RPG convention for balance and class differentiation. Movement speed/range of motion/ect wouldn't be affected by any armor (so long as it is made/fitted for the user)  in a believable setting.


    Weapons: The main factors in whether or not a weapon will hurt someone is mass, velocity, and surface structure of the striking object and armor. In general, swinging a heavy weapon with slow speed will cause the same damage as a lighter weapon with more speed without factoring in armor. There has to be a threshold where a system says "This armor needs to be affected by "X" amount of force before damage is transfered to the wearer. Whether that is a cut, blunt, or puncture is determined by the weapon and force applied to the strike. Someone wearing a padded cap under a chain coif wth a plate helmet over that, might as well be wearing nothing if someone drops a big ass hammer on their head. Like-wise, if someone was struck full force by a sword on their arm while wearing chain armor, they would have a hard time using that arm. I think in most cases, mass becomes the deciding factor in weaponry when dealing with armored individuals. As even simply trying to pierce plate required the development of halberds and pollaxes, which simply used and incredibly hefty headpiece with a long tapered metal protrusion to poke into the armor. Again, it isnt just the spike magically opening up the armor, it is the mass of the weapon that create enough force to allow that point, which all the force is concentrated on, to penetrate the armor. 


    For the sneaky back stabby builds, trying to sneak up behind someone in full plate and sticking a dagger in their back, I imagine would be impossible. Given how plate was made with grooves and contours, such a small weapon wouldn't have the mass required to penetrate the armor unless the user was hercules, and even then... Might the dagger simply snap at the guard? Even with chain, a dagger would have a hard time even breaking a riveted link...welded and butted links it would have to break through, and if you aren't lucky enough to strike where the link has been welded or butted?


    Regardless of the situation, the weapon must meet neccesary force requirements to defeat the armor, and then damage can be figured. How much of that force is left over and transfered to the body, and it what way is it transfered to the body? A slashing-type striek would lose a great deal of it oomph, and might cause fracture, and maybe a nasty cut, but it is likely the easiest wound to patch up aside from the attack amputating the area completely or striking a major artery, nerve, or blood vessel. Puncture wounds are much more difficult to patch up, and often requires healing the wound from the inside out, it is also much easier to reach the depth of organs without having to go through bone first (which absorbs impact in and of itself).The shattering effect and force transference of a blunt weapon would make things incredibly difficult for someone to patch up. Hit hard enough in the chest, ribs shattered, likely causing damage to lungs and other organs. Hit in the head, you end up with scrambled brains and maybe skull fragments let lose in your head turning your brains into mush. ear drums bursting. Globe luxation, or literally your eyes popping out of your head (seriously, happens in bad car accidents, attacks with base ball bats, ect.)


    Anyways... enough of my rambling...





  20. Hello,


    Apologies for putting it in the wrong section of the forum, for starters. When I read the rules of the addon section, it said that work in progress mods should be placed in the discussion forum, and the suggestion forum seemed like a place to request official changes to TFC, not mod mod/addon requests.


    In regards to Euphoric's and screeopia's comments, I understand that it wouldn't have a place in base TFC, which is why I requested it as an addon/mod of TFC instead of a suggestion for "base" TFC.


    I wouldn't want scythes to be made completely useless in my game either, which is why if this request perked the interest of any modder, I would request that the ammount of sticks/saplings you got when chopping a tree down be less then harvesting them with scythes.


    As a mod/addon for TFC, it wouldn't be required to be used by anyone. To quote the "Rules for Posting" in the addons section:


    'Wheaton's Law'
    Please maintain respect towards all modders no matter the content. You are free to disagree or point out flaws, but do not take it too far.
    (I shouldn't even have to mention this one. Seriously guys, if you disagree with something, say you disagree, just don't attack people. Who the fuck cares that its an 'OP' mod. You don't have to download it. - Ed.)

  21. Hello,


    Basically, I can't mod. No idea how, and the few free online courses completely stumped me. I know most modders prefer to work on mods that are their own ideas/wants/desires, because they are invested in the outcome of the project. They want to see the change, and they have the ability to make it. I'm in no way expecting this request to go answered, and I don't fault anyone in the least if it doesn't. I'm not even sure if it can be done without distributing/editing base TFC files. However, here it goes:


    I'd love to have an add-on that produces saplings and sticks when you chop a tree down. It's probably the one thing that annoys me the most. I know I've seen arguments against this, one being that you'd end up with a ton of sticks and saplings, but I an not concerned with that, as I could just toss whatever I don't want into the ocean or something.


    Like I said, I don't expect anyone to jump on this and do it. If it shows up in the add-on section, great, I really appreciate it. If it doesn't, then oh well, and thanks for reading.





  22. What I think could be cool is another rock idea, in the stone age, people actually did use obsidian as tool heads. Obsidian isn't as strong in real life as in vanilla minecraft, it's basically volcanic glass. So I think it would be cool to add small obsidian pieces around just like regular rocks, possibly they could be rarer though. My second idea is a ranged weapon known as the sling, basically 2 string/yarn and 1 leather or animal skin. It could be less durability than the bow (idk about the javelin) and could do less damage. However as the sling ammo types, players could use regular rocks as the ammo, nothing done to the rock, all you need is some rocks in your inventory with the sling, and you're able to fire it (maybe charge it up first like the bow or javelin). Thanks for reading and give me any feed back if you like my ideas/suggestions




    Obsidian: Cool idea. In real life, it was used for daggers, arrow heads, for skinning, and inserted into clubs to make sword-like weapons. Today they are used for surgery as scalpel because it is sharper then any other surgical metal.


    Sling: Sling would be awesome, and it's variant (stave-sling). Various sources say that a sling could project an object at 250 mph, and over 1500 feet. Apparently, it was both more accurate and the stones farther flying then bows prior to around the 15th century when the English longbow came about. Some other composite bows as well, from what I read. Quite an interesting bit of research actually, I didn't know slings were so powerful. I suppose that heavy metal shields would have made them useless later on (hence the 15th century number, I am assuming)


    At any rate, Dev has already spoken. Just figured I'd throw in my two cents.





  23. You are probably in an area with no ore veins below you.


    You will only get ore from an sluice if there is an ore vein in the area that the sluice scans. It is not a magic way to pull ore out of thin air. If there is no ore veins 100 meters in each direction (NWSE) and 60 blocks down, you can put all the gravel you want into it, but you will only get gems.


    The best way to find out where you need to place your sluice is by breaking surface rocks. If when breaking the surface rock, you get a small piece of ore, then there is an ore vein of that type somewhere nearby. Placing a sluice in that area is much more likely to yield small ore when you feed it gravel.


    You've probably either need to start a new map, or travel around until you find an area with ore deposits nearby.




    None of the surface rocks were yielding ore, which is why I went to sluicing. Good to know. No ore from surface rocks = no ore from sluices. It is an extremely large range of no surface ore, so I will likely start a new map as I've traveled very far with no luck already. Kinda sucks, because I spawned in a massive sequoia forest on basalt and the really dark soil.  I liked the colors, felt very fertile.


    Thank you,



    The sluice checks for ore in the environment (the details are on the wiki) to determine which ores to return. It may be that this also dictates the quantity of ores found. At any rate I'd expect zero return if there were no ores in the scanned area. If you really can't find anything, try moving your sluices to a different area I guess. I've heard it said sluices require access to the sky, but mine are under a plank roof and function fine.


    I've gone through stacks as well (using gold pans and 5 sluices) to get enough stuff for my first ingots, which I subsequently destroyed on the anvil because I didn't know what was going on. I think I got an equal amount of gems and ores.


    EDIT: :ph34r:




    My sluice is below sea level, up against the stone beneath the dirt. I made a hobbit hole house, so it was only natural I kept my sluice underground with me! Can anyone else confirm or not if the sluice needs access to the sky?



