Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Gotheran

  1. yeah Modular Powersuits does that too, but it's rather difficult,


    but it would be cool to have 3d rendered armour


    -also, the spelling of the topic name hurts a little-



    Actually powersuits renders in a different fasion than what I'm thinking of, the way chests are rendered is literally making sort of a chest "mob" and stuffing it into the the block. Power suits actually does the kind of rendering a lot of console and higher res games do things, if the center of the item goes out of the camera bounds, the item stops rendering on that screen. Kind of like the BMW mod as well, it's a different form of rendering, and one I don't really care for, especially for minecraft.



    What version of TFC are you playing on? The barrels and bellows bug was fixed in 77.8. 


    Well I noticed the bug in 76. bearing in mind that I also posted this, even if just, before 77 landed.


  2. I rather like the scribing table, I'd hate to see it go. And I advocate metal nails so botched up alloys can be used for something pretty generic, and just as a touch necessary tech to balance things out so you can't jump into wood working in the stone age, TFC is about believability not realism, so a generic metal nail works to make it so you need to have advanced to a metal age to begin advanced woodworking, which I do believe fits a sort of anthropological history of technology, which is what Dunk&Bioxx have been going along for the most part.


    And ECC, early pre-metal age adhesives were mostly waxes, honeys, mud and other "sticky" substances, glue is a relatively recent invention, as I and I'm sure Dunk has mentioned countless times before, it's believability not realism.


  3. I kinda feel like the Crafting table is a nuisance to deal with and is pretty easily an almost alien item in most of TFC, and I would think it entirely plausible to replace it with a special crafting bench like a carpentry table, based on plans instead of the 3x3 crafting grid.


    Here are some screens of possible plan recipes for various items made of wood.




    Posted Image





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    Fence Gate


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    Basic Table(to make things like a metallurgy table, or just decoration)


    Posted Image 


    Bed Base(for another suggestion)


    Posted Image



    To counter not having a writing desk to make the plans to make a writing desk, lol, you'd write your first plans on some raw stone, right click some paper on the stone with a feather in your hotbar and you get a similar, or the same plans UI. And another thing to make it so you're not just slapping random planks together with apparently your hand sweat as the only adhesive, you could make a generic metal nail, made of any meltable metal poured into a "nail" tool mould, which would make 24-48 nails per mould or per 100 units of liquid metal. Each recipe would have it's own relative nail/plank requirements.


  4. it's a bit silly to make several different ID's for one item, but the idea of having to refine a handle for your tools is a nice idea, maybe make a few different handles, a cheap bundle of sticks, a crude handle, a good handle, an exquisite handle etc. and some metals require specific levels of handles, stone tools can be fit onto bundles, bronze/copper can have crude handles, iron/steel have good, bluesteel/redsteel need exquisite, it's be a small addition and a slightly better use for the sheer mass of sticks one can accumulate tree farming.


  5. tool without blade (hammer, pickaxe ...) - hardening, you simple heat tool head up to some temp (diff metal diff temp) and then drop it in water (Q), this will add some % of durability

    what you think?



     Seems rather counter productive, heating and cooling metal in quick succession causes it to become brittle, which makes it break easier. and technically pickaxes are sharp tools. I agree wholly that a grinding stone should be a thing, and it should be made so things like swords get sharper but lose durability because you're grinding away the tools material, so you could make a really sharp sword that breaks faster, or a rather dull blade which will last you much longer. Weighted tools should get tool weights, just stone or heavy metal rings to go close to the center of the tool heads mass, giving it more kick but also causing it to break faster. Equally thinks like shovels and axes should work the same way, the more you refine them the faster or stronger they are, but they break faster.


  6. Just wondering why armour is still a flat second skin, a mod that I recall dropping when 1.3.2 landed used an asset native to forge to make armour have 3D-ness. Mine and Blade, the infamous dual wielding mod, added a special set of armour called knights armour, the helmet of which included a full on Plume which was easily I'd say another helmet tall, not to mention 3D


    That aside I have also noticed that the weird bug when you place 3D items like barrels & bellows against blocks the sides facing a block have a tendency to not render at all. That is all.


  7. It's not a bad idea, having animals produce manure. But I'd have to say that fertilizer should have perhaps only 1 soil nutrient that it replenishes, so that you can only produce a certain kind of food year round and not a whole panoply of crops. I'd say small low nutrient value crops like bell peppers, and maybe animals produce less feces in the winter (kind of a hibernation thing). Maybe ontop of that you could make a composter, just a wooden box to fill with a bunch of decomposable items to produce another kind of fertilizer. And maybe as a balance fertilizers only boost the maximum nutrients in the soil, rather than directly increasing the available nutrients it gives extra nutrients that will let crops grow slightly faster.


  8. The bloomery could do a better explanation, I still don't quite understand it any more than it smelts ores en masse, I get a vague feeling of inefficiency using it, but all the wiki says is a rough 1:1 ratio of ore to charcoal is the most efficient, but dropping in say 8 ores and 8 charcoal isn't 1:1 in the bloomery GUI. Dual ores are also very strange, and there's no mention of them on the wiki other than on the ore page mentioning that two different metals come from one ore.


  9. I just thought the mods gems should get some more use, at the least have a way to work the gems into the next size up or down, or maybe even process them into ingots or something for the purpose of condensing them all into a singular form for storage and maybe refinement.


  10. The whole of the wiki could use an update, a lot of general information is either out of date or not explained very well. Such as the protection meter, I don't quite understand what "spawn protection" means in this case, does it mean hostile mobs don't spawn in an area? or does it mean that you have an area of land that gets the same kind of protection as default spawn on servers? There are a good portion of the pages with equally ambiguous information.


  11. This bug has to do with the chunk the sluice is in unloading while the sluice was still running. Since the sluice continues to run even when the chunk is unloaded, but the UI only updates when changes happen and the chunk is loaded.



    I get that bug even if I keep the sluice chunks loaded. (waiting for your first ingot tends to impede all other progress)


  12. You are correct on that. However, having a "large list of useless ores and minerals" is somewhat also an advantage; you won't have to reload a new world to get the these minerals once they have a function, and Bioxx-sama plans to vastly improve mineral spawning and the entire metallurgy system itself, if I am not mistaken.

    That's what Redpower's owner said about tungsten, still doesn't have a use yet. I'll willingly start a new world for new ores, if they have a use.


  13. Try using a sluice in an area that you have already gotten ores from rocks.


    Copper can only be melted into a mold in a firepit when Hickory logs are used as fuel, and you have a bellows blowing on the flame. Otherwise, you need a bloomery.

    Maple can also burn hot enough with the addition of a bellows, but only just and you need to keep punching the bellows.


  14. Yeah. random, that's kind of the problem, I've noticed the Ore generation is quite miserly sparse, I went creative and hauled open a 16x16 chunk area layer by layer and found 1 ore vein. I think leaving the large list of useless ores and minerals hurts useful ore spawn.


  15. My only issue with stone age progression is sifting for small ores, it takes forever to get one ingot, and by extension one tool, and then if you aren't graced with an easily found ore vein you have to start sifting again. :|


    I like the game but it gets deeply annoying when your progress is stalled to an utter halt because you have to spend easily days getting your first ingot. A stone pickaxe isn't entirely unbelievable and it would speed things up greatly if you could at least start chipping into the upper crust of the TFC world while you wait for those soil samples to slowly sift, and maybe if you're lucky you'll find some ore, I guess as a semi balance stone picks couldn't mine up ore, and magically stopped working below a certain Y Height.


  16. I can't seem to place sluice down, I'm using the current build of TFC, B76.18 I believe, I've tried a dozen different times but it isn't placing in the world. I have optifine and smartmoving alongside TFC if that has some sort of effect on it.


  17. Here's a thought, Skeletons have limited sized quivers and like their armour their arrow type is generated by a similar rule, and when they run out of arrows their bow disappears from their hand and they procede to use zombie tactics.
