Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by EnTro

  1. I think you cannot get around the fact that time has to continue on a server, when the growth of plants depends on the server wide season. If the time would depend on the online players the time progression would become unpredictable. Time progression on a server is much like reality, only you cannot really log off from earth.


    There is already a feature in the game that could be used to solve this: the length of the tfc year, which can be adjusted in the settings file. Normally a year is 12 months with 8 days each (96 total). With a minecraft day lasting 20 real minutes this means that one year lasts 32 hours. Maybe a bit long for smp, but okay that is not the discussion here.


    By connecting the crop growth speed to the year length would allow server admins to balance farming speed on the server (and would be quite believable/realistic at the same time), simply by adjusting the year length. For example wheat can be set to take 5 full months to grow. Maybe it already works like that in the code, I'm not sure.


    For a server I would set a yearlength to about 5 days, so that also people that live up north can grow their crops and do not need to schedule a log in after only 16 real hours to harvest, just because winter is coming!


    However, due to a small bug caused by a mismatching yearlength configuration between server and client you can get strange effects if you try to change the server year-length. The server determines things like crop growth, while the client handles visual effects. This can cause situations where the client has a summer with rain but sees snow appearing and crops popping out of the ground, simply because on the server it actually is winter. A workaround is to have all players adjust the yearlength manually. If the server would pass the proper yearlength setting to the client, this bug could be squashed (that is, if I understand the problem correctly ;)).


    A downside of a longer yearlength is the huge buildup of snow that would occur over time, but that can perhaps be solved by adding craftable snowboots, negating the slowing down effect of the snow.


  2. New on the whitelist are: raquaza98, Tentonaxe, Martin604, Damiann47 and PurpleHag :) Welcome to the server! You have all received the pm with the information. Do not to forget to sign up for!


    Right now I have unfortunately no more time to look into the other applications, but I will get to them soon (24h), don't worry.


    Also I will be temporarily closing the applications to regulate the influx of new people. So applications after this post will only be considered after it reopens in a few days. Don't worry, we will be back soon enough :D.


  3. I would like to welcome cocobh, Thursdog, Kuddendark, ldzpln_lvr, dethstand, TommyAtkins_, TheDanteDarkstar, _jesse_, Gopp and euphanized09 to the server! Enjoy your stay :)


    The player base is expanding nicely. To limit the inflow of new players I will be more selective on applications then before. Make sure to put your role, aim and goals in the application to have it stand out!


    Further: I'm looking for players in the Australasia timezone to have 24h playing going on :)
