Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by ate0ate

  1. Build 77 nerfed animal spawns, particularly chickens and sheep. Chickens are in forested and jungle areas and seem to be spawning properly. Rarely, but properly. Sheep are exclusive to the high hills and mountainous areas. So far they definitely seem to be spawning as they should in the north, but anything below -6000 and they don't seem to spawn at all. Animal spawns are linked to climate rather than biome now, but i think sheep need some tweaking still. Its impossible to survive very long if your starting spawn is near the equator.


  2. Updated to 0.77.9 !!


    Awesome!! Thank you so much Kreicus. Been waiting for this. I've seen a lot of texture packs in the same vein as this for vanilla, but there's something about this one in particular that stands out somehow. Only way to play TFC!


    ...I noticed one tiny little mistake, the fishing rod textures are switched for when you cast the line. When you're just walking around holding the rod the hook and line aren't visible but when you cast the line you can see the hook and line both on the rod and in the water. Just need to swap the textures around. Pack looks great though.


  3. I've started several worlds and have been messing around exploring and noticed that sheep don't seem to be spawning south of -6000. I've checked all the mountainous and hilly areas I could find in three different worlds and no sheep in those areas. They spawn up north just fine. Anyone else notice this at all?


  4. In my never ending hunt for a chicken, this is what i stumbled across...Posted Image


    I started a new creative world with the large biome world type cause I've been unable to find a forest or a chicken in my survival world and the results are great! Chickens are set to spawn only in jungle and forest biomes in build 77 but the problem is that forest and jungle biomes don't generate in TFC default world types! Sure, there's plenty of areas that look like a jungle or a forest or a desert, but if you press F3 you'll see that technically its TFC Plains biome or whatever the surrounding area is, Mountains or Rolling Hills etc. I checked the source files for biomes and all the spawns that are biome specific and nerfed seem to function properly when generated in the large biome world type. I successfully found all the biomes listed in the TFC source files in world and nothing from vanilla so I don't think its a glitch with vanilla spawning or anything like that. Animals are still pretty rare. Try for yourselves and let me know what you think. Also let me know if anyone has actually SEEN a chicken in a TFC Default world in the latest build, or if you see any biome listed as forest or jungle when you press F3 in the TFC Default world type too. It doesn't count if your world was generated in 0.77.4 cause animal spawn nerfs were temporarily undone in that build and the effect carries over in your save even after you update. Gotta regenerate the world. Either way, try out large biomes. The deer are awesome! Timid, but awesome!


    Update: I started playing a hardcore single player survival game using the large biomes worldtype and I can't find any problems with world gen at all. It seems like proper TFC with fully functioning climate, weather, ore gen, and nerfed animal spawns. I figure I'll run into some glaring bug eventually, but so far it fixes all the generation and spawn bugs in default TFC. Except for the caves and ravines.


  5. Wrote a program that renders pottery easily, any size or shape, but we have to respect each other's decisions here. If Bioxx says no, it's a no.


    Posted Image


    I would respect the decision if it were made for the right reasons. If the 3d rendering were too taxing on systems or it had some other flaw, but not include a system that improves game quality just to avoid being asked to do more work is pretty ridiculous. Especially when the system already exists and all that has to be done is implement it! Part of TFC that I really enjoy is how aesthetics and decoration often happen due to necessity and progression. Like how the need for stacks of fire wood usually result in a small structure to store them or making an awesome looking room to stash your piles of ingots in. Pottery would be the perfect addition to TFC and give it even more of that unique feel that seperates it from boring old vanilla minecraft.


    Don't get me wrong, I understand that no one is paying anyone to make this mod and I have nothing but respect for the amount of work put in to making something that gives others so many hours of fun, but its rather lazy and just a poor decision not to implement existing improvements for the reason of not wanting to be asked to do it again. I love TFC. I've been playing it since the beginning and am amazed at how far its come along. I just hope that you and Bioxx still get as much joy out of making it as I do out of using it. It saddens me that improving it in some ways would be considered as extra work, that's all. I mean no offense and I both respect and appreciate all the effort you and Bioxx have put into TerraFirmaCraft. I simply hope that it continues to be a labor of love for the both of you, not an annoyance. I thank you both for the countless hours of epicness. End rant...


  6. well on the last world i did find some but took one hell of a lot of searching unless you use a map that shows neutral mobs


    Yeah, I'm using voxelmap. Still haven't seen a chicken. Were you using build 0.77.6 in the world where you found one? And have you encountered any biomes legitimately labeled forest or jungle when you hit f3? I don't mind putting in a ton of time and effort to locate the feathery little nuisances, but I don't wanna be hunting for something that may not be spawning in a biome that also may not be spawning.


  7. I've been attempting to locate a chicken for several days now in build 77 and have been unable to do so. I understand that spawns were nerfed and chickens are biome specific spawning only in jungles and forests, but I've still been unable to find a single one. In fact, I can't find a single biome labeled jungle or forest! I've come across plenty of kapok trees in areas that sure look like a jungle, but when i press F3, the biome is still labeled as TFC Plains. Same thing when looking for forests north of the equator. I am using 77.6 with the recommended forge as well. Anyone else have this problem?


  8. Baby zombies never burn in sunlight. Its an issue with vanilla, not TFC. I recommend digging a small pit, letting em drop in, and suffocating em with dirt or cobble. I saw that on Pakratt's livestream :) . Anyone got any good baby killing tactics?


  9. I think bronze is an eight to one ratio of copper to tin. And I agree about the hitpoints of mobs being too high. It takes away a lot of believability with all the effort it takes to slaughter a cow.


  10. How did you get build 77? It's not on the downloads page for me.


    From source on github. Its not complete or anything of course so i expect issues. I'd rather play an incomplete version of TFC than play vanilla minecraft though. I'd recommend waiting for release if you want a stable experience. I'm just impatient plus I enjoy seeing the development process in action despite the bugs. :)  Many thanks to Bioxx and Dunk for keeping the source freely available and giving us that option. I've seen a lot of minecraft mods made by larger teams that don't come anywhere near to the quality of TFC. Even its unfinished builds!


  11. I haven't played around with the alcohols much at all so I can't really say anything about em, but a still or some sort of brewing process does sound like a great idea. It would definitely fit the feel of TFC better than implementing potion brewing. I'd enjoy sitting arounnd the house on a rainy day making some moonshine lol. On an unrelated note, I was just playing build 77 and got completely trashed by a Javelin skeleton. It was great! Love the addition. I'm hoping it's a bug but it seemed to move at near light speed. I had no chance of hitting it. And are the javelin's thrown by skeletons supposed to be on fire?


  12. hemp! new gui for the huds! fantastic! 

    only one thing i do not understand: why bismuth, tin, rose gold ecc ecc tools and armors have been removed?

    Yeah, I miss the early metals too. Combine that with obtaining planks being much more difficult and I've had to change around my early game tactics. I used to enjoy using a sluice battery to get myself going in the beginning. Just takes some getting used to.  I love the whole pottery addition. Adds so much more depth.


  13. I've been playing the most recent build from source and so far i really like what i see. Most changes are pretty intuitive, such as knapping a stone javelin head rather than just crafting a rock and a stick together. Plus the new system for clay molds and pottery seems amazing from what i little i managed to figure out, but I can't make a pit kiln to save my life. Can't wait til the official release with some instructions so i can enjoy the mod more fully. Ever since TFC came out I can't bare to play vanilla minecraft anymore!
