Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by PaoloEmilio

  1. The "Why Can't I...?" Thread

    You can cool ingots in water barrels
  2. Stay real

    Hey, well, some of us, the members of the TFC community often call TFC a game, rather than a mod. Due to its unique structure, I even hate a bit to call TFC a mod. A mod modifies a game. For me TFC makes a new Minecraft. Like a revolution...
  3. Curious questions regarding smithing?

    If this helps you, chickens spawn mostly in temperate forests and jungles
  4. Adventure maps

    A medieval kingdom. You're a peasant living in the capital of a small kingdom, but differently to many RPGs, this one is pure side quests. There is no defined storyline. Aka: Go write yer own tale!
  5. Adventure maps

    I think that whatever made my maps go erased was that my laptop was full of junk, I did some work on that today Hope my future map is being enjoyed. Screenshots coming soon
  6. Hey! Why no to NPCs?

    I don't know how to code java
  7. Corpses, Food, and Butchering

    As HunterKain said, sadly ancient peoples weren't fancy. There was no specific knife for cutting cheese, or bread. As long as it is a stone/metal piece with a sharp blade, it is useful.
  8. Metal Recycling and oxide bi-products

    Don't worry, I'm not a rude ass
  9. Suggestion for new feature of Build 77: Body temperature

    I suggested before that creepers, zombies, skeletons would be deleted. And replaced by "Mo creatures like" mobs, like rat, lions, tigers, elephants etc...
  10. Mobs acting weird before death.

    Did you know bugs are reported in the support section?
  11. Why do planks now require a saw, period?

    Dunk, malachite can be found on surface. My father has a friend who owns a farm and its full of malachite nuggets everywhere. And no, it isn't rare. Malachite is as frequent as native copper.
  12. Suggestion for new feature of Build 77: Body temperature

    Yeah, if TFC was made to be believable, I want an answer to this: In what sense could a skeleton that moves be explained?
  13. Metal Recycling and oxide bi-products

    I only agree with the metal recycling here. TFC would be too hard if oxide was in.
  14. Tequila, Armor Stands, and Weapon Pedistals

    Well, for kinda decoration, you could use a pedestal. Imagine you are building a giant temple. Will the center of the altar have the sword in a tool rack? Of course no, that would give use to the pedestal in my opinion
  15. Improve Cooking

    Maybe also olive oil, wine, sausages...
  16. Corpses, Food, and Butchering

    lol, well, why a butcher's knife? no sense and... don't code pests, its enough with winter
  17. More/ More Realistic Ores

    Include bog iron (Surface iron ore formations) too, and I would like silver generate more frequently (Oh dear please, is silver really more rare than gold?) You could, for example, make native silver by rule generate with galena veins too. And also make platinum by rule generate with magnetite er so to fix the dual ores thing.
  18. I cant connect to the server! it says a lot of numbers my mind cant make sense of them!!!! [solved]
  19. If you want to edit the wiki.

    I could do some important stuff for the wiki if needed, and don't worry, I ignore any knowledge of numbers in TFC. I believe however, that the wiki should have some stuff set up.
  20. Ty Random, for now Ill have to communicate with signs By the way another found issue, when I rightclick an animal to breed it, it acts like if I leftclicked it to attack it instead of breeding it
  21. Ty Random, for now Ill have to communicate with signs By the way another found issue, when I rightclick an animal to breed it, it acts like if I leftclicked it to attack it instead of breeding it
  22. Title: Internal Server Error when posting on server chat. Suggested Category: Annoying Description: Basically, what it does, is that I play in tomatonet server. When I type something in the chat and post it, I disconnect from the server and says "Internal Server Error". I don't know what's causing this bug, so I don't know wheter to report it here or to the server admins.
  23. Random/Tomato I'm having issues, when I type something in the chat of the server, I get disconnected and it says Internal Server Error. Can you help me?
  24. Adventure maps

    Thank you!
  25. My Singleplayer Map Erased / Can't Cycle Tool Mode

    Thanks kitty you always nice!