Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by PaoloEmilio

  1. Ok, this is a page for jokes regarding TFC. You must have played TFC to get them, so ok, here it goes:


    -You know, I wish I had more graphite so I could finish that blasted blast furnace


    -Argh! The process of covering that blast furnace structure with iron shits is so slow


    -I make all my chests out of chestnut wood (Chest - nut)


    -How do you call a guy that fuels his forge with charcoal when he has a lot of lignite coal?

    A time waste machine


    I hope they aren't that lame, take a try and share some


  2. Do you really wan't to do that? remember that crops take time to grow, so if you let them sit until you need to eat, then replant them, you could run out of food in-between harvests


    Good tactic:


    -Harvest in autumn

    -Preserve that food as much as you can

    -Feed animals

    -Eat from your harvests

    -Once baby animals are born start eating meat and you will have meat while your veggie supply decreases

    -If you still lack food in between harvests and slaughters feel free to fish or collect fruit from trees and berries


  3. Barrels after B78 were supposed to keep their contents when broken, but since the barrel rewrite in B79 they lost this useful capability. Is the admin community aware?


    By the way you can also get disconnected from servers when talking after drunk, it says Disconnected by server




    Name: Barrels don't retain liquid


    Description: Barrels, although supposed to do so, do not retain liquids when broken


    Suggested category: Annoying




    Name: Drunk kick


    Description: When you talk (in servers) you get Disconnected from Server


    Suggested  Category: Severe


  4. So who of you are interested in joining. Tomorrow, Tuesday 10:00 a.m. EST time almost all day (maybe until 8:00 p.m. or more) will be on, may take some breaks to eat or something, so get on too and join the town, help building and collect resources! :)


    EDIT: And if you grief, I will let everyone know you are a griefer so no one trusts you anyome and destroy your reputation, because, why not? :D


  5. The only problem I really see with this is that it likely won't be used. By teaching a player your skills, you decrease your own importance as a specialist. As a real life example, I have come across a few stories in which a client attempts to pay a designer to teach them how to create something, rather than pay the person to create it, which usually results in the designer laughing and firing the client.


    If a player who is an expert at smithing trains another player, it decreases the original player's value, as there is now competition between the two for who is involved in the trade of goods.


    The skill system is designed in such a way that encourages players to specialize. If teaching is implemented, it would make it fairly simple for every player to become good at everything, which ruins the point. If a player wishes to max out a certain skill for its benefits, they should have to put in the effort to do so, rather than mooch off of other players who have already put in the effort.


    Well, what about if teaching is a very slow process?


  6. Hello


    I like the updated skill levels, numberless, because it now gives me an idea on how experienced I am on something. But there is another issue. In multiplayer, every player has for example, to harvest a lot of times to become expert, and so it costs a plot of farm to "train" a player.


    But what if, if you have the skill, you could pass it to other players (Don't tell me they didn't do this in the neolithic). It could be some sort of primitive education.


    You could rightclick a player, and from there, choose which field to teach, and teach the player. You earn "teaching points" with which you can teach a player. Teaching a player costs you 1 point, and if you run out of points you are unable to teach. You could get 5 teaching points per day, and be unable to stack more than the 5 points (so that you do not stack points by not teaching one day).


    A single "teaching" could increase the selected skill by a random quantity of skill, that should be fairly small, so that it becomes rather difficult to teach. You cannot teach someone further than your skill level (You can't teach physics if you don't know physics, right?).


    So, wanna see your opinion, and thanks. This is only for multiplayer servers, and I think it could come in handy.


  7. I am IN! I l've always wanted to see a fully functioning town in minecraft with a stable economy


    Kurmingham has not started yet, but you can help me start it!



    It says Fatally missing Blocks and items :( help?


    In which version of TFC are you? You must be in the last version of TFC to join the server, just check the download section of this site


  8. Ok I claimed the actual town with towny, and got in the bronze age. So, my next mission would be to get more food, and start a townhall, (which will eventually evolve into the castle).


    And also, I would like to be in the iron age, and acquire fireclay for steel before making big buildings, so castle isn't anywhere near yet.


  9. Hello Terrafirmacrafters


    I am willing to start a new nation, centered on a city, and I wish to call it the Kingdom of Kurmingham. The name comes from the town I used to run with jake_the_odd (I wonder if he still plays TFC, I just returned), which had this name.


    Going to the main topic, the town will be medieval themed, if you want to join, it is in Vividcraft server




    I took us finally into the iron age, there are good sources of metal in nearby mines, and our way to sucess comes real fast!


    So if you come you could build a house, and do things like blacksmithing and crafting. If you are more rural, you could have your own plot, in which you can farm crops or raise livestock.


    Note that all this is just planned. Although I finally reached the iron age, and just need to finish the blast furnace and get some animals to dedicate time to building the city.


    Also, the thread includes a kingdom, so I can reccomend you a spot to start your own town and we associate in a nation, with Kurmingham being the Capital.


  10. Version: Fresh Build 79 VersionSSPSuggested Name: Build 79 CrashSuggested Category: SevereDescription:Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: NoDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: YesIf yes, which mods?: Damage indicators and Voxel Minimap, Single Player Commands (SPC for map making  :D ) all 1.7.10If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them?: I do not have these link of the Crash Report:


  11. This resource pack seems very cool for my adventure map I'm going to develop... The appearence of swords and ingots remind me of old RPG's, exactly what I wish to achieve... so I will recommend it with my map if I ever release it, if there is no problem, and I will give you credit.


    By the way, personally I like it, so I will download it too! :)
