Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Keyboard Retard

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Everything posted by Keyboard Retard

  1. Could TFC learn some lessons from A Song of Ice and Fire ?

    I think there should be some fantastic things, mainly occult stuff, you know, like raising the dead and casting curses over other people. The way you would do that would be by brewing potions and doing rituals, if done right they will give you an orb of the resulting effect, wich you can throw, a hard throw will send it long away untill it hits something or looses momentemum, a weak throw will gently put it on the ground, steahily inflicting the area around with its effect. Oh, also going to the nether shouldnt be everyday business, it should be a very rare thing generated in caves deep, you know, like generated nether portals that work, but you cant make your own, etc etc.
  2. Problem with Plans in SMP

    Me and my friend was playing SMP when we finally reached a stage where we could smelt tin, so we did that and i made a pretty little iron bar. So we decided to use my scribing table to plan out a nice little chisel head when we ran into alot of problems. Earlier i had alot of crashes, especially when opening containers with plans in them and when my friend dropped them. Now, scribing a chisel plan made me ran into another problem: It turned out as a scythe plan as the result. Second problem: As soon as i picked it up i crashed. Is there any way to fix this?
  3. So me and my friend started playing this mod on SMP together, both big newbies. We are having big troubles with food, we grow wheat and i kind of figured out that you can cook the eggs. But still, how do we farm chicken now? Where can i hatch the eggs? And why is it that when i harvest wheat(i did it empty handed, by the way) i only get the wheat and no seeds? Its getting really annoying. Help. By the way, i trawled the forum and even tried to google it, with no luck, at all.
  4. One post one question topic

    How do you make shears and metal buckets?
  5. Problem with Plans in SMP

    36 afaik, but i am trying to do a reinstall now to see if it will fix. I FIXED IT. Disregard, it wasent quite obvious, i mean stealth version change was stealthy, i had to reinstall my client, so it became a 37 client and a 36 server. Anyways its fixd now.
  6. Eggs and Chicken Breeding, Wheat Seeds and where to get them

    It fixed itself, i get a good harvest now with seeds and shit.
  7. Eggs and Chicken Breeding, Wheat Seeds and where to get them

    Newest version, PRe 36
  8. Eggs and Chicken Breeding, Wheat Seeds and where to get them

    What do you mean it didnt grow properly? I harvested it in its final stage and it gave me the wheat.